The Death Knell

Chapter 18 The Romans

Yes, that place can't be known to them. Maybe Barbara can, but not reporters. Su Ming doesn't mind causing trouble for Batgirl.

However, the villains knowing her identity and everyone on earth knowing her identity are two different concepts.

"Well, if I tell you another clue, can you not blindfold me?" Wei Ke tried to bargain.

"No." Su Ming tore the towel into three parts and covered all three of them: "If you dare to touch it, I will break off your toes."

"But your binding is very uncomfortable, and even if I want to touch it, I have to use my hands. Why do I have to break off my toes?" Wei Ke sat on the chair and kept twisting, as if he was very uncomfortable.

"Because I'm happy to." Su Ming gave her a willful answer: "Where is your evidence?"

"You won't even let me see it. If I don't say anything anymore, just kill me." Wei Ke turned his head, stretched his neck, and handed it to Su Ming.

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you see it, it's just that I can't do it until I get to the place, and the person you want to kill will die tomorrow." Su Ming said his thoughts and pushed her back to sit down. Cindy was driving very crazy. , now everything in the car seems to be shaking at a high frequency.

"Okay, remember what you said, hehe." Weixia laughed, and she realized that she was really lucky: "I already know who the boss in black you are looking for is."


Now even Cindy is interested. So many people didn't notice it. Why did Wei Ke notice it? She doesn't think that female reporters are smarter than herself.

But Su Ming knew that Wei Ke was so evil. God seemed to be taking care of her. Not to mention finding clues, with the halo of luck, it was not impossible for her to solve the world crisis in the end.

This is how it is in the comics. She is incredibly lucky. If a gangster wants to tease her, then there must be a superhero boss passing by. If she wants to check some news, the clues will come to her on their own initiative. If the leader wants to If you want to criticize her, the bosses from the board of directors will immediately come out to support her.

When Su Ming decided to take her with him at the beginning, in addition to using the TV station to do things, he also took a fancy to this good luck. Sometimes doing things requires luck.

I just don’t know if good luck counts as a superpower?

"Keep talking." Su Ming motioned for her to speak.

"Ahem, I checked the wounds on the corpse. This kind of wound is very precise. It can even be said that it perfectly avoids dirty organs such as the intestines, stomach, and gallbladder, and directly damages important organs such as the liver and spleen. This Not only does it require a very long weapon, not a dagger, but it also requires the murderer to hone this special execution technique for a long time, so I thought of ritual killing."

Wei Ke cleared his throat and launched into a tirade of his own.

Cindy shook her head, lit her cigar, and blew out a smoke ring, but it was quickly blown away by the wind.

"I don't remember anyone in Gotham having a hobby like the Ripper."

"Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet." A smile appeared on the lower half of Wei Ke's face exposed outside the towel. She slowly explained: "I never remember the Ripper appearing in Gotham, so From the special ritual killings, I thought that if this was not an original method, then it was the use of classical traditional torture, and finally I remembered that I had seen such records before."

"A type of ancient punishment?"

Su Ming crossed his arms and closed his eyes to recall carefully, but there was still no clue. All he could think of were traditional Chinese torture methods such as quartering a body with five horses and cutting into eight pieces.

Cindy obviously didn't expect anything. It could be seen from her expression that it didn't help that she was holding a cigarette in her mouth.

"Haha, because I was a little disgusted, I didn't look at the body carefully, but I estimated that the length of the murder weapon was about 60 centimeters and the width of the blade was about 5 centimeters, which also verified my idea that this was a caesarean section. I happened to be there a few days ago, When I was reporting on a ritual murder case, I came across information about this kind of punishment.”

Wei Ke directly told the answer, but the name was indeed a bit unfamiliar. Seeing that the other three people had no clue, a sense of pride arose in his heart. Sure enough, her efforts to become an excellent news anchor were not in vain, and her unpopular knowledge finally came in handy. She continued to explain:

"This is an ancient Roman punishment. The victim is tied to a pillar, and a Roman dagger is cut from the side into the abdominal cavity, avoiding all unimportant organs, causing the person to bleed to death with regret. If mentioned in Gotham Who do you think of, the Romans?”

"Roman Falcone?" Su Ming sighed: "If it's him, he really hates both Gordon and Bat."

"Hate? Haha, Gordon tricked him, and Batgirl tied him to the Batlamp and roasted him half-cooked. He hates them so much."

Cindy interrupted with a smile and shook her head with a smile. She had heard what happened ten years ago. Bats are really a bit perverted. They can kill people with just a nod. What does it mean if you tie people to a lamp and roast them?

But if Falcone did all this, then the problem tends to become complicated, because Falcone is not a brainless gangster, but the underground emperor of Gotham more than ten years ago, a man , to reach this point in the feminist world, you are definitely not a fool.

He would never do anything meaningless. As a killer organization that has been passed down for hundreds of years, the Assassin League must know all kinds of ancient punishments, so the scars on the corpses are the signatures left to them by the Romans.

It's telling them, I killed your people, come to me.

If it were a Roman more than ten years ago, he would definitely have the confidence to challenge the League of Assassins. Gotham at that time was completely under his control. But now, what does he have to fight against?

"Could it be a frame-up? I remember Falcone should be locked up in Blackgate Prison." Barbara wanted to check on the computer, but unfortunately she was also blindfolded now.

"Why is Gordon's daughter so innocent and cute?" Vicky laughed at her and reached out to touch her little face, but Barbara dodged it: "In the second month of Falcone's imprisonment, because of' After suffering a sudden illness, he was released on medical parole. It is said that he went to Hong Kong and was doing well there. It seems that he is back now."

"Yes, no one would frame a person who has disappeared for ten years, let alone people who have forgotten him long ago. Only he himself will bring up the past." Cindy also agreed with this view. The Romans should be back. After all, the clues currently available to everyone can only lead to this conclusion.

The rain outside the car got heavier again, and now she had driven the car off the city ring line, bumping along a muddy path.

In the darkness outside the window, tree shadows kept passing by, and the rain washed the leaves, making a continuous crackling sound in his ears. Su Ming also noticed that there were broken trees flashing past his sight, indicating that the current situation was The wind is also getting stronger, and what was once a heavy rain has now turned into a storm.

He didn't know that Vayne's mansion was such a remote place. Even the water supply and power supply here would probably require special pipelines to be laid. It would also take time to rush there if there was an incident in the city, which was not convenient at all.

Wouldn't it be more convenient if Bliss lived next door to the police station? Once the Bat-Light turns on, she can meet Gordon in less than two minutes...

While looking at the plants and darkness outside the window, he was thinking wildly, trying not to think too much about the Dark Multiverse. It was a sharp sword hanging above his head. It would do no good to always look up at it.

After Wei Ke finished telling her clues, she became quiet, but her ears were trembling slightly, as if she was trying to remember the route by hearing.

However, that is not what someone like her who has not received special training can do. Her efforts are destined to be in vain, and luck is not omnipotent.

His thoughts returned to Gordon's kidnapping.

If Falcone deliberately recruited the Assassin League, then he must be fully prepared. Assassins are human beings, but they are just poorly trained. If they are ambushed by heavy firepower, they will not survive.

Except for their leader, the immortal ‘Devil’s Head’ Lei Xiaogu.

Now it seems that the Romans have gathered another team from nowhere and are preparing to go to war with the Shadow Dancer Alliance. However, as far as Su Ming knows, there is almost no intersection between them, let alone hatred.

As long as money is given, the Assassin's League is happy to serve the gang bosses. Why did things become like this? And what does this have to do with Gordon?

If he wants revenge, it's Gordon, the Bats, and the Penguins who should be looking for him.

Gordon asked him to negotiate, but when he arrived, he found that Batgirl was also there. The two ambushed him, and Bat humiliated him. Penguin took the opportunity to swallow up his territory and became the biggest gangster in Gotham at that time.

Falcone should have purchased the services of the League of Assassins instead of pissing them off.

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