The Death Knell

Chapter 1800 Star Host

New York is destined to not be peaceful tonight. A large group of masked people are fighting a huge monster not far from the coastline. Many people want to escape from the city. Even late at night, the streets across the city are crowded.

Naturally, some people want to escape, while others don't want to escape at all.

These people are either loyal fans of Iron Man or Captain America and believe that their idols can handle everything.

Or it has other purposes.

For example, some "far-sighted" small gangs will take advantage of the chaos to rob a laundromat or steal items from the store.

There are also some people who want money rather than their lives and are rushing to the coastline, trying to live broadcast the clearest scene on their mobile phones, at least the one that is clearer than the footage of the helicopter flying far in the sky.

There are also people who pray at home, some who sleep drunk without knowing anything, and some who shout that doomsday is coming and kill themselves with guns.

Human beings are social creatures, but when encountering drastic changes in the environment or unexpected events, personality differences will cause different people to do various things, and chaos will arise.

The street lights are bright, but there is always darkness.

In the bushes of a park adjacent to a street in the Upper East Side, a sneaky black figure emerged.

Not far away was a busy road, but this man in black tights was walking against the flow of people.

He is the kind of guy who will definitely be regarded as a 'weird' when others see him. Not only does he wear a black gelcoat at night, his head is completely wrapped in a big black ball, and the front of his face is a white circle. , the black Arabic numeral 8 is written inside the circle.

The number eight ball is not only commonly known as the 'black eight' in billiards, but also the code name of this man. He is the kind of man who goes out on the street with a billiard ball on his head.

Other physical features are not important. What is important is that there is a silver star symbol shining on the uniform on his chest.

The consciousness of the universe and the energy of the star gave him powerful abilities. While shouldering an inexplicable mission, No. 8 Ball decided to use his new power to gain some benefits.

His target was a new high-rise residential building not far away. Although many people fled overnight, from downstairs, there was still a TV set in the living room, indicating that someone was there.

The weird man in black let out an evil laugh, took a few steps, stepped hard on the ground with one foot, and jumped!

The newly acquired super power allowed him to jump onto the rooftop of a residential building. The speed seemed to be instantaneous. Moreover, he was not affected by gravity, air resistance and other real-life conditions. Jumping to the top of the fifteenth floor was faster than usual. The first flight of stairs is easy.

He took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to support the hood made of plastic foam, walked to the edge of the rooftop, folded his arms and looked down. The streets and people in the darkness seemed to be under his feet.

Perhaps he was enjoying the dramatic silence, or he was thoughtful, he retracted his head from the edge of the rooftop and remained silent for a long time.

The night sky coated him with moonlight, and the star on his chest shone brightly.

He raised his hand and slowly clenched his fist. Just like countless ancient Greek sages, he raised his head to look at the stars in the night sky and put forward philosophical speculations to himself:

"Fake, you jumped too far, how should I get down?"

Yes, the target he saw when he was downstairs lived on the fifth floor, but he jumped up to the rooftop of the fifteenth floor. Didn't he just jump over it...

It stands to reason that he can jump down again. After all, after the star is possessed, he can fly at will.

However, he stuck his head out and looked for a long time, but still couldn't make up his mind.

The body may be ready, but the mind is not. It is one thing to know that you can fly, but it is another thing to have the courage to fly off the roof of a building.

It's so high that I feel dizzy just looking down, and I really don't dare to jump.

At this moment, he saw the entrance to the drainage pipe next to it. It was the kind of facility that sent accumulated water from the rooftop directly to the drainage outlet on the street downstairs.

Because the hood covered all his expressions, I don’t know if his eyes lit up, but he ran over quietly, made sure it was strong enough, and then slid downstairs along the pipe.

Maybe he slipped with his eyes closed, because he held the pipe too tightly, and his sliding speed was as fast as a snail.

Fortunately, he returned to the ground after five minutes. The problem now was how to get to the balcony on the fifth floor.

He reached up to his hood and wiped the sweat. He shook his hand in the air, as if he was obviously relieved, but then he froze. He found that he had slipped over again and should have stopped on the fifth floor. down.

All in all, after struggling for a while, he finally arrived at his destination.

He quietly climbed into the balcony and found the woman in the living room staring at the TV. He smiled silently and stretched out his sinful black hand...

He reached out and took out a set of women's underwear drying on the clothes rack on the balcony, stuffed it into his mask and smelled it.

He shrank to a corner of the balcony, twisted a few times as if having a cramp, and let out a low groan. After a while, he took out a set of underwear stained with saliva and put it on himself through the tights.

The red hood and trousers matched well with the black tights. He looked down at it with satisfaction and let out a chuckle.

"Hehe, hehehe, hahahahahaha!!!"

Perhaps because she was laughing too loudly, the middle-aged fat woman watching TV in the room became alert. She turned down the volume of the TV and walked towards the balcony alertly.

"Who is there?"

No. 8 Ball was a little flustered, as if he was looking for a place to hide. However, except for a row of clothes hanging to dry, there was no place to hide on the balcony.

Hearing the woman's footsteps getting closer and closer, he couldn't help but feel evil!

Taking the lead, he emerged from the dark corner and opened the balcony door, letting the woman see his image.

"Ah!!! Abnormal!!!"

Not surprisingly the woman screamed and tried to escape.

But how could he give an ordinary woman such a chance? ! Maybe the mysterious voice in his head will urge him to do something at some point, and he must reward himself while he is still free.

The high-speed ability brought to him by the star mark allowed him to instantly block the door. The weirdo let out a weird laugh, rubbed his hands and approached the obese middle-aged woman.

"Hey, I want to play a game with you..."


The woman ran to the balcony and screamed for help. Considering that she probably weighed a hundred kilograms, she was very angry and her cry for help spread far away.

However, the whole city was in chaos today. Not to mention that the insignificant cry for help was completely covered up by the honking horns of anxious drivers on the road. Even the neighbors who usually had no communication at all would not come to save her.

That's what happens in big cities. You may have lived here for decades, but you still don't know the names of your neighbors.

"Stop screaming, no one will come to save you even if you scream." No. 8 Ball proudly held up his hood, bent down to lean on his waist, and there was a sound of sucking saliva coming from under the mask: " Hey!"

With a wicked smile, he quickly stepped forward to lift up the fat woman's skirt, and then quickly stepped back, bending over like a gorilla and moving sideways to peek at her underwear.


The woman screamed and covered her skirt.


He went up and teased her again, letting out a weird laugh. He used to like lifting girls' skirts the most. It was so fun. With superpowers, he could really do whatever he wanted!

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