The Death Knell

Chapter 1801 Normal Abnormality

"So this is our goal?"

In the sky not far away, Wanda and Death Knell were floating there, right opposite the house.

Wanda's mood can be said to be on a roller coaster, up and down. From the nervous excitement at the beginning, after all, she was the spokesperson for the world's consciousness, to the numbness and speechlessness now.

That's it?

She and the Sorcerer Supreme had arrived a long time ago, when they walked out of the bushes from the eight-ball, flew up to the rooftop like thieves, slid down, and climbed up again.

I originally thought that he would be some extremely evil person who wanted to save people, but it turned out that the person being chased by the Supreme Mage was, to put it bluntly, an underwear thief, and an imbecile who liked to lift girls' skirts.

She really couldn't stand it anymore. Xingbiao had mastered such a powerful ability, but he ended up using it to play with the elder sister?

"Don't let your guard down." Su Ming said quietly, and the moonlight coated the black and yellow armor with a quiet blue: "The will of the world has probably tipped him off. He knows that we are nearby, but he still continues to After lifting up the fat lady's skirt for ten minutes, there's something wrong with this eight-ball, he's acting too 'normal' for a pervert."

According to Su Ming’s reading experience in his previous life, many of the protagonists who traveled through time in Marvel always encountered conspiracies and conspiracies involving well-known ‘acquaintances’.

But in reality, the probability of strangers causing trouble is higher. After all, there are five to six billion people on the earth. How many of them can you know as a time traveler?

The Eight-Ball is not completely unfamiliar, but for such a small character, there was nothing worth remembering in the past.

How many villains code-named No. 8 Ball have appeared in the Marvel 616 universe? Su Ming can't remember clearly. After all, this one seems to be a high-level soldier who belongs to the 'Billiards Gang'. His last one went to jail. The next one will appear.

The most famous of these eight-balls is the one who fought against She-Hulk. After all, not many ordinary people can survive being kicked in the butt by the Hulk.

The most embarrassing one was just because he was drunk in the bar where Daredevil and Kingpin had a fight. He was caught and imprisoned by the police who came to sweep the streets while sleeping in the bar where Daredevil and Kingpin fought.

Generally speaking, Eight-Ball has been a slightly crazy, slightly silly and funny villain for several generations.

There are no villains or villains. The old enemy of the original Eight-Ball was the Sleepwalker, a teenage boy who controls the body of an alien through dreams to perform heroic acts. It is a proper comic for all ages. There are also villains who are too dark. Impossible to appear.

The original Eight Ball was originally a cashier of a small company. He was fired by his boss for embezzling public funds to buy lottery tickets, and then embarked on the path of crime.

He misappropriated five dollars a day and spent public funds without any hindrance for a year. No matter how stupid his boss was, he still found out...

No matter how you look at it, Su Mingdu’s origin story is very confusing.

Later generations simply didn't even have an origin story. Anyway, whoever puts on that hood is the new generation's No. 8 ball.

However, the little information Su Ming knew in the past was completely inconsistent with the current situation.

Among the many eight-balls are a depressed drunkard, a madman who falls on the ground, a fool who thinks he is a superhero, a delusional man who plans to occupy New York with nutcracker soldiers, etc., but there is no underwear thief.

Is the 40k universe becoming more and more like DC because of its own participation? Are there more and more mental patients? Or is this a sequelae caused by connecting the two universes?

"Then what should we do? Just watch him bully women?"

Wanda rolled her eyes, interrupted the Supreme Mage's thinking, and pointed her finger at the idiot who was always happy to lift up the aunt's skirt.

The woman's voice was hoarse, but he still enjoyed it.

"That's not true. Look, he seems to be obsessed with women's underwear..." Deathstroke's black and yellow mask turned to Wanda.

The witch tightly wrapped her jacket cautiously and kept shaking her head: "No, I won't take off my clothes and fight him."

"I didn't say it was that kind of tactic. We are going to kill him, not give him benefits." Su Ming sighed, Wanda's way of thinking was too fast: "I'm just going to let you... The underwear he's wearing has tracking magic on it, so don't let him run away again."

Wanda knew that she had misunderstood. She gritted her teeth in embarrassment and let go of her jacket: "I understand, so how do we launch an attack? Just rush over like this? Or split up and outflank them?"

"No, let's lure him out. At this distance, can you make the fat woman float in the air? Just like fishing." Deathstroke gave the tactic.

The Scarlet Witch looked at the woman's size and seemed a little unsure: "She should be 90 kilograms if she is less than 100. I don't have deep control over chaos magic yet, so I can only give it a try."

It is absolutely easy for her to crush someone to death with magic, but it is very difficult not to hurt others.

The power she wields seems to be born for destruction and killing.

"Let's do it. If she falls to death, she will be considered as dedicating herself to the universe." Su Ming landed downwards and gradually faded into the darkness: "All our communications are eavesdropped by the will of the world, but this star seems to be set to 'free of charge'. Disturbance mode', he hasn't responded even though we've been floating here for so long, let's test it first."


"Hey! Hohoho!"

The star-marked No. 8 ball smiled strangely, lifted up the fat lady's skirt again, made a strange sound like a baboon, and kept jumping around with excitement.

He wants to mend all the skirts that have not been lifted in the past few decades!

When he was in elementary school, his teacher slapped his palms with a tree branch for lifting up a female classmate's skirt. Since then, he has never dared to lift up other people's skirts. He could only keep this simple hobby in his heart, to the point where he secretly wears women's clothes. , secretly lifting up her skirt to play at home.

But it's different now. I have super strength and I don't have to be afraid of anything anymore!

The star pattern on his chest kept flashing at high speed, as if it was trying to tell him something, but his mind was filled with the floral dress in front of him and he couldn't hear anything.


The fat woman couldn't scream anymore, and leaned against the corner of the balcony panting. Maybe she was filled with fear when she saw the mysterious pervert appearing on the balcony at first, but now this feeling has turned into numbness.

"Scream quickly, keep shouting! See if the teacher will come to save you!"

Eight Ball urged, his heavy breathing sounding behind his hood.

The fat woman looked at him deeply, as if she had made up her mind. She immediately lay down on the ground and spread her legs:

"Come on, although I don't know which suitor of mine you are, your pursuit of me is so fanatical that I'm moved. Let's spend the night together today."


No. 8 Ball's neck stretched forward. Although his expression could not be seen, he could feel that he was very confused.

But then, he became angry again.

Lifting up women's skirts is his hobby, but it has nothing to do with those dirty things! This is an insult to him!

This fat woman's neck is as thick as her head, the fat all over her body is stacked together, and the scales on her folds smell like expired butter. Why does she think she would like her?

Angry, he raised his hand and punched him in the air.

The half of the balcony where they were standing was used as the dividing line, and the other half disappeared straight away from the half of the building, broken into atomic states by the silver cosmic energy.

Silver light plowed through the ground, leaving a wide deep crater, and faint smoke rose from the ground, emitting heat in the moonlight.

The excited voice also turned cold. He tilted his head and looked at the woman who almost rolled down on the ground, and roared hysterically:

"I want you to keep jumping and shouting, do you understand? Hurry up, resist me, avoid me, hurry up!"

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