The Death Knell

Chapter 1803 The beginning of the crisis

"Sure enough, the real identity is a person I have never heard of."

Strangler ate some brains on the ground and read part of the memory of the deceased.

The past experience of No. 8 Ball is as lackluster as Deathstroke expected. This pervert with suspected schizophrenia is just an ordinary second-generation Japanese immigrant. Before gaining the power of the star, he was the lowest among countless masked villains. files.

The kind who can't support themselves by committing crimes alone and have to go out to work under their real identities.

You must know that those activities prohibited by law are all huge profits. You can't even do such a profitable business. How much money can you make by working in a convenience store legally?

But yes, if his life hadn't been so miserable, he wouldn't have been driven crazy.

"Do you want this?"

Wanda looked at the unconscious fat woman on the ground below, and wondered whether she should move her back to this dangerous building. After all, half of the building had disappeared and it looked crumbling.

She raised her other hand that wasn't holding the soda, and her claws made of red energy held a round ball of white light.

It was twisting and struggling, but it couldn't escape the distorted prison of reality.

"This is the energy parasite 'Star Mark', but there is no point in destroying it. On the contrary, if you kill this one, the will of the universe will send new ones." Su Ming shook his head and let the cloak wrap the light ball to prevent energy from escaping. : "This is also thanks to your chaos magic, otherwise it would be really troublesome to catch this invisible thing."

"How do you know that I can directly grab another existence in No. 8 Ball's body through his body?"

Wanda withdrew her hand and shook it hard twice. The energy claws turned back into small white hands. She was still rubbing the non-existent ash on her palms.

Su Ming let his cloak float beside him, put out his cigarette and put it away:

"Because I am Deathstroke and the Supreme Mage. I know how far your Chaos Magic can go. It all depends on whether you dare to think about it. In those days in the universe, I never told you what the Star Mark is. , so in your subconscious mind it is a 'thing', not a mysterious and intangible thing like a concept, so if you want to grasp something, you can directly grasp it in the simplest way."

The witch nodded in understanding and drank the soda in her hand. The orange flavor put her in a good mood, as if she had completely forgotten that a person had just been eaten here.

"Then can I go home and sleep? Now that you've caught it."

Su Ming shook his head. He first took out his phone to notify the Sky Council to lift the blockade, and then said to the yawning Wanda:

"The star is just a primer. The real crisis has always been the chain reaction caused by the white light incident. We have only grasped the key now, but the door has been opened, and the real battle is next."

Wanda opened her mouth halfway and blinked, biting back her yawn: "That guy just punched half the building into dust. Isn't this considered a battle?"

"You will know later." A black and yellow mask covered his face, giving a vague answer, and then said into the empty darkness aside: "Wade, where did you die?"

A flash of blue light flashed, and the mercenary in red and black tights teleported over with some staggering lift of his pants. The belt was hung around his neck, and his fingers were still pressing the red and black button.

"Is it solved so quickly? When I read it before, I thought you would spend more time, so I bought a magazine to go to the toilet, but you called me when I was halfway through pooping, and I immediately clipped it off I just came here, look at my positive performance, can you give me some extra money?"

Su Ming tilted her head to watch him put on his belt, looking a little helpless, but still handed over the ball wrapped in a cloak in his hand, and then retracted it as if he remembered something:

"Have you washed your hands?"

"I'm wearing gloves now." Wade tied his belt and raised his two paws to show his cousin: "You don't think that a professional mercenary like me would make the mistake of wiping my butt with gloves, do you? It's possible. Although I have an excellent command of finger strength and can fold toilet paper into paper cranes even when wearing gloves, I always recommend that anorectal doctors not wear gloves when palpating patients. No condom is better than having a condom. you know"

"Don't pay attention to him, this is my cousin, he is mentally ill." Wade was still chattering like crazy, but Su Ming turned to Wanda and explained: "Mental illness is not a genetic disease, you don't have to worry about me at all. situation."


Wanda smiled awkwardly, what should I say? Her first impression of Wade was quite annoying.

"I'll leave it to you to deal with the star. Tell it all the jokes you said when you were preparing to attend the Grammy Awards ceremony." Su Ming pinched Wade's mouth, and it felt like grabbing two dead loaches. , you can't listen to Wade's endless nonsense, just assign tasks to him directly: "I need you to negotiate terms with the world consciousness through it, tell it, don't come in my way."

The reason why Su Ming was able to go to the universe so confidently not long ago was because he hired his future cousin from the beginning. He didn't even need a time stone to contact him. He only needed to call him and he would appear.

It's like a djinn that doesn't require rubbing, but a disgusting version.

On the one hand, let the future Deadpool take care of Wade today, and teach Thor and the others some lessons.

On the other hand, when encountering a cosmic crisis, although Deadpool is unconventional, you can always count on him to protect the earth.

Deadpool raised his hand and held his cousin's hand, looking at the red one-eyed goggles with loving eyes:

"Is it the one with the elephant and the electric eel? Or the one with the president drinking disinfectant? Additional jokes will cost extra."

"All of them." Su Ming withdrew his hand, shook it with some disgust, took out five hundred dollars from his pocket and threw it on Deadpool's chest: "What do you think when you see the young Wade Wilson these days?"

Wade put the money back into his underwear with a smile, and took the ball wrapped in the cloak with both hands: "What do you think? It's like seeing yourself, still so handsome and attractive, but a little younger, with better skin and more hair. Some."

"I told you about Thor and Loki. It's best to get it done quickly. Have you got the things you stole?" Deathstroke patted Wade on the shoulder, as long as he didn't forget.

"Of course, we are all ready. Those two brothers have never been our brothers' opponents, right?" Wade grabbed the black ball and dribbled it from his crotch, and replied proudly: "Don't worry, it's fine. If nothing else, If it’s a matter of time, I’ll go back and finish pooping first? If I keep holding it, my sphincter muscles will be too sensitive.”

Su Ming exhaled slowly. Fortunately, his willpower was strong. Wanda beside him was already rolling his eyes:

"Don't dirty my cloak, or you'll have to use instruments to help you excrete for the rest of your life. Take action now."

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