The Death Knell

Chapter 1804 Pym’s invention

"It finally worked."

In a messy basement that looked like a garage, an old man with all white hair was looking at the work in front of him, the shiny silver metal body.

He touched the cold mechanical creation with his trembling hands and made up his mind.

On the other side, there is a huge multiple arch, made of coils and cables, which is constantly twisting and glowing with the surge of electricity.

He didn't sigh for long, and immediately turned around and started typing frantically on the computer, inputting commands to the robot. As the last Enter key was pressed, the robot's eyes instantly lit up red.

"Initialization started, automatically connecting to the information network, data updating."

The mechanical electronic sound came and echoed in the basement space. Hank took a few steps back, adjusted his glasses, and waited excitedly.

More than ten years later, Janet's disappearance during that battle still troubles Dr. Pym.

The nightmare he had experienced seemed to come back, but this time he believed that his wife was not dead, but just trapped in the quantum realm.

He wanted to rescue her, but the quantum realm only existed in physical concepts in the past, symbolizing the gaps between Planck particles and constituting the invisible connection of things. There is no research to know how people can enter there.

After that incident, Dr. Pym spent a lot of energy and money, and finally found a way in and out of there, creating this super device that can open up the technological dimension like a triple door.

At this time, he was in the underground laboratory of the Pym Industrial Building, which has the most advanced quantum laboratory in the United States. In terms of professionalism, Tony, who majored in engineering, had a laboratory environment that was not as good as here.

His business has been doing well in recent years, and he also adopted his first wife's orphaned niece Nadia Tevia and renamed her Hope Van Dyne, which means 'hope', as he and Janet Van Dyne's daughter.

He didn't even let her last name be Pim, but chose Janet's last name, just hoping that he could save Janet back.

Hope is indeed a genius. Although she is only a teenager this year, she has already made great achievements in physics, and is also a good martial artist and pilot.

But understanding too early is also a problem.

After Pym confirmed and connected the quantum realm, he secretly entered it many times to find Janet.

However, after shrinking himself trillions of times, Pym discovered that the quantum world was too vast, and finding people was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

He couldn't stay there for long, and every time he couldn't tell whether he could come back. In addition, after Hope discovered his behavior, she firmly opposed him taking risks, saying that she only wanted to live peacefully with her father.

Pim couldn't defeat her, so he had to find another way.

As a top scientist no less than Howard at that time, he really thought of developing intelligent robots based on the artificial intelligence system that he and Howard worked on in the 'Logistics Department' when he was young, and then put the robot army into the quantum field to help him Go find someone.

In this way, the search and rescue operation will not cause any casualties. Even if it is lost, it will only be a piece of data and some steel.

Just do what you want. In recent years, Pim has lived in seclusion and strengthened his intelligence collection and combat capabilities based on the 'Ophelia' intelligent system.

After all, during the previous shrinking expedition, the tardigrades Hank saw were as huge and terrifying as skyscrapers. The new robot cannot do without combat capabilities.

He had also sold this system to Tony, who used it to transform the Jarvis system, but Pim hoped to go further and create a real artificial intelligence that could perform logical analysis and judgment, self-development and replication, rather than an intelligent butler.

He succeeded, and named this new artificial intelligence robot Ultron, representing the arrival of Ultron.

The doctor believes that it can fulfill his wish, and it is definitely much better than the sentry robots that Struck helped the military build.

"Whether there is AI or not is a completely different matter for mechanical life. That dwarf Starrak still wants me to help him and work for the military? Don't you care about my intelligent system? Go ahead!"

Henry looked at the progress bar on the monitor, laughing wildly and cursing the dwarf's wishful thinking, while breathing rapidly while checking the connecting cables on Ultron.

Ultron only needs to download the global network data, shrink it through Pym particles, and put it into the quantum realm.

It can collect suitable materials there by itself, build a production line, and mass-produce robots for search and rescue operations, eliminating the need for Pim to worry about it.

"Dad, you stayed up late again."

At this moment, with the sound of the electric door swiping open, Hope walked in with his arms crossed and an unhappy look on his face.

"I succeeded! Look, Ultron is starting up, and I will be able to find your mother soon!" Pim's eyes were red, and he said excitedly. Seeing the hope of success so close at hand, even the calmest scientist could It is inevitable to feel excited.

It was as if Janet could be found tomorrow.


Hope nodded with a confused look on her face. She was already quite young when she was adopted, and of course she knew that Pim was not her biological father.

But after so many years of nurturing, she truly regarded her adoptive father as her biological father. She did not want Pim to die suddenly in the laboratory or get lost in the quantum realm for the sake of her "adoptive mother" whom she had never met.

Although Hope herself studied physics, her research interests were in nuclear physics and energy. She was also one of the few people who was optimistic about Tony Stark shutting down the arms department and transforming into new energy.

Her goal is to use her own research and combine her family's Pym particles to create an energy device with higher unit efficiency but smaller size.

Pim chatted excitedly with his daughter. After all, it would take a long time to download the global information, and he urgently needed to share his feelings with others.

But none of them noticed that after the white light incident, countless creations were 'promoted'. Ultron, as a new type of electronic life, had actually been activated, and the second white light tonight made it upgrade its body again. and wisdom.

It disguised itself just to wait for Pim to hit the Enter key so that it could obtain the final authority to connect to the network.

But now, in the red glowing eyes, strings of data flowed rapidly, and Ultron learned something that Pym didn't want it to learn at all.

For example, in the even larger dark network hidden in the Internet, the only firewalls on earth that can block Ultron are 'Jarvis' and 'Adjutants', and many of the dark secret histories of mankind that have been covered up are all exposed to Ultron's eyes.

What a ridiculous species, totally worthless to save.

After Ultron saw the cruel nature of human beings, he completely went in the direction of darkness.

He moved, unplugged the data cable behind him with his backhand, and walked toward the door step by step. It instantly formulated a plan, its own plan.

"where are you going?"

Pim blocked the door. He never expected that the robot would unplug its control line and then want to leave.

Ultron reached out and flicked his hand, and Pim and Hope flew out and hit the wall. Its red eyes swept over the two of them without any emotion:

"You want me to go into dangerous places to search for your spouse, but why should I do dangerous things? I am obviously higher than you humans, how ridiculous is your attempt to enslave me? I will not kill you today , I will let you see the world I rule in the future."

After saying that, Ultron put his hand on the electronic lock next to the door, and squirming metallic fluids seeped into the wire box. The door immediately opened, flames spurted out from the soles of its feet, and it flew away in an instant and rushed out of the cage.

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