The Death Knell

Chapter 1814 Judgment of Humanity

The leading giant is a red robot. On its cylindrical head there are six pairs of horizontal rectangles emitting blue light, which should be its eyes. He is standing motionless in the universe, as if waiting for something.

The servitor AI initiated communication with the other party, but there was no response. The giants just blocked the planet and were not allowed to enter or leave.

The owners are still waiting for food and spare heads. If the body loses its head, it must be replaced with a new one in a very short time, otherwise problems may occur, but now the cargo ship transporting carbon elements is blocked from the planet.

AI could only delay those masters who wanted to go out through the terminal, temporarily stopped restarting their work, and launched a fleet to prepare for war.

This is the principle of the universe. For the forces that invade one's own star domain, the first communication warning will be sent, and the second time they will take action directly.

This is considered relatively civilized. Only forces like Xandar and Sovereign who claim to be aboveboard will have communication warnings. What if they invade the Skrull or Kree star field? They don't talk nonsense to you at all, they just greet you directly from the starship.

The fleet of the Servitor Star is still strong. They belong to the Interstellar Federation, and they are at least a little stronger than the Spartan Star.

Although the largest battleship is not as good as the famous "Dark Star" first-class Kree dreadnought, as a mechanical life form, all combat units are unmanned. As long as the resources are sufficient, there will be no manpower restrictions at all.

There's just one problem. The servitor AI was created to serve people. It's not good at fighting. It doesn't even understand tactics, let alone strategy.

So this time we can see that it is clearly a mechanical fleet full of technology, but it uses an attack wave similar to a swarm of insects, that is - they pile up and fire wildly.

This fighting method is called 'f2a' by some of the best StarCraft professionals on the planet.

A dark purple figure walked out from beside the red giant. It also held a long staff in its hand. Facing the swarming fleet, it just lightly paused the long staff.

A purple ray of light emitted from the tip of the staff, instantly sweeping across the entire universe in front of him.

Tens of thousands of warships suddenly shut down and began to disintegrate from the inside as if they had experienced endless years.

Every metal plate, every gun barrel, and every piece of equipment automatically separated from the hull.

All battleships have turned into space junk, floating in the space environment. Not far away is the brightly lit mechanical planet as the background, and in front of them is a cemetery made of metal and energy.

The colossi were very indifferent to such an attack and had no intention of pursuing it. The one holding the staff floated back to the queue.

Another giant came out and raised his hand, the space junk began to further decompose. The solid space alloy was decomposed into elements such as iron, carbon, titanium, tungsten and other elements, and they were piled together in different categories.

Other substances also underwent similar changes. In short, every element was extracted by this person, and then casually shaped into the shape of a giant egg.

Don't ask why it's an egg.

This is their tradition. Whether it is material or energy, it is better to preserve it by kneading it all into eggs.

The ellipse is the most stable structure in the universe. This is one of the truths of the universe. Who has ever seen a square star? Triangular cone-shaped planet? no?

At least there is nothing like that in the main dimension of the Marvel Universe.

"Combat power/technology, initialized conventional trial/appraisal, conclusion: ignorant/extremely low-level, barely valuable existence."

The leading colossus remained motionless, but in the vacuum environment of the universe, it made its own sound that resounded throughout the galaxy.

It described its own point of view, and the partners behind it did not raise any objections, indicating their agreement, so it took the next steps:

"Carry out the second type of contact, select/sample autonomous thinking individuals on the planet, and retrieve the only ruler/controller: Gestalt mechanical life, free state, connection/communication."

The next second, a virtual image of a carbon-based female with big eyes was projected into space, and the communication was connected.

"who are you?"

Planet AI was obviously shocked. Her electrical signals fluctuated and her communication codes were also disrupted.

She has never seen any existence that can easily achieve the methods shown by these giants before. At least there is no record in the database. She only knows that the most powerful artificial intelligence system in the universe is the supreme wisdom of Kree.

And these giants should also be mechanical life forms. Why are they so powerful? Still unknown?

"Analysis/decoding, answer, individual concept, I/I am the judge/judge Arishem, group concept, we/we are the gods of the universe, mission, qualification/value judgment, deep answer, review follows the single universe Civilization Qualifications for Promotion/Upgrade.”

The other party's communication code was obscure and difficult to understand, and what was transmitted along the signal was a series of equations and mathematical problems. It took the robot ai several times the time before, that is, three seconds to fully understand what the Celestial Group meant.

While sighing at the advanced level of the other party's program, she also lamented that the other party couldn't speak human language at all.

"How to review?"

Her slander is naturally also a certain calculation process. AI belongs to electronic intelligent life, and calculations cannot escape the perception of the gods.

But the gods showed no emotion towards such complaints or slanders. Judge Arishe gave the topic for this big exam: "Observe and study biological communities/society, trial projects, human nature, show nobility, promotion, show corruption, Reinvention.”

To put it bluntly, it is here to examine human nature. If it fails, the planet will have to be restarted.

The fleet is gone, and the ground troops cannot reach them. What can the servitor host buried deep in the earth do? Just cooperate.

Anyway, we can't let such terrifying beings land on the surface, as they will frighten their owners.

"Excuse me, I believe that my program is stable, 'absolutely' normal, and the agreement with my masters is unbreakable."

"Loyalty/stubbornness is not a review item. Your operations/calculations are meaningless to us/us. Please answer the following questions: There are backward/ineffective carbon-based groups on your planet that are about to perish, and you are using them inefficiently. Is it out of sympathy/affection?”

The judge ignored the servitor's statement at all. It had its own set of standards.

Be it mechanical life or carbon-based organisms, any civilization is eligible for promotion as long as it passes the review.

"This is the planet of the masters, not mine. I am only responsible for protecting them."

The servitor dared not lie and could only tell the truth to the gods, at least what she thought was the truth.

The second-generation founders were silent, as if they were communicating silently, their bodies motionless, their different eyes shining brightly.

They understand the thinking of the servitors, because they themselves were once the same creation. They are the servants of the universe, and therefore understand the logic of the servitors.

Then the review of it can be skipped. In this case, let’s review the human condition of the planet owner.

Through unique technology, the gods easily hacked into the planet's network and inserted their minds into the online world to observe the sociality and humanity of those carbon-based creatures, including the little green ones they had paid attention to in reality.

At this time, he had finished his meal and returned to the online game.

"Kick him! Hack him to death! We don't have a mother, so why does he have one?! # %*¥!" Xiao Lu is a muscular berserker in the game, holding four epic weapons and vomiting Bai Modi was leading his teammates to kill the boss, and his mouth was full of fragrance: "Grab his gold coins! Steal his equipment! Kill him! Hahaha!!!"

Judge Arisher: "..."

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