The Death Knell

Chapter 1815 Romania


After Zheng Xian came down from the tower, he gave a rough time. After all, the ability of stargazing cannot be calculated too accurately, so he said that the arrival time of the second generation founder should be between three days and a month. .

To be honest, this range is a bit too big, but let’s prepare for it in three days. It’s better to go sooner rather than later.

Lao Zheng was quite interested. After the two discussed it, he asked Su Ming if they wanted to go to Longhu Mountain to find a contemporary 'Celestial Master' to make a fortune. Maybe that one would be more accurate.

The Supreme Mage rolled his eyes at that moment.

Does Marvel have a Celestial Master? It really does exist, but Taoist priests are all in the immortal arts system, and their skills are all about subduing demons. Today, the contemporary Celestial Master in 2002 is just a little girl. He can’t even fly with a sword, and he is completely unreliable. Spectrum.

Zheng Xian said that he just said that. Anyway, all the residents of the earth have obligations and responsibilities in facing the Celestial Group. If the earth is restarted, it is estimated that not many will be able to escape by then.

He didn't have much else to do. The most he could do was to go back to the Kunlun people and have another meeting to discuss it, and then talk to the Holy Shield Brotherhood.

Su Ming was noncommittal about his decision and said that after refueling, the two parties separated in God.

Seeing Lao Zheng flying into the night sky with the magic gun in his hand, Deathstroke took a deep breath of cigarette, put out the cigarette butt in his hand, and said to Wanda who was still digesting the information next to him: "Portal, Romania."

The Scarlet Witch looked puzzled, but she still raised her hand to cast the spell. The red hole floated in the air. She followed the master and said:

"Mr. Zheng suggests that you go find the devil, but is there a dimensional entrance in Romania?"

Su Ming passed through the portal, and the two of them arrived at a large pine forest from a sea of ​​flowers. The needles of these trees looked pitch black, like mosquito belly filled with plasma.

"The only natural dimensional entrance to the earth is in a large swamp in North America. There is no passage in Romania." Su Ming looked up at the sky. Dark clouds filled the sky and he couldn't see anything. "As for what kind of demon army Lao Zheng asked me to form, He was just teasing me, don’t listen to his nonsense.”


Wanda blinked. Mr. Zheng was joking about such a serious matter. Is it so inappropriate?

The Supreme Mage chose a direction, motioned Wanda to fly there together, and explained at the same time:

"The demon gods are not public-spirited beings. They each have their own dimension and do not live on the earth. There are many races in the universe that can provide them with business. If I ask them for help, the price I pay will probably drain me dry. Not to mention that we are dealing with the deity group. The demon gods may betray us at any time, so it’s better if we don’t stab them in the back now.”

"That's it..."

It was difficult for Wanda to understand what the price of casting spells was. Although her teacher and many wizards would mention this, Wanda herself had never paid the price.

In fact, she paid in advance, but she doesn't know it yet.

"At present, the situation of the earth is relatively stable. The loan business belongs to a few powerful demon gods, other demon gods do retail, and the souls of people after death belong to the hell lords. But if the demon gods are asked to help this matter, there is no guarantee that it will not happen. Who among them has had some thoughts and wants to re-divide the spheres of influence."

The wind blew coldly by his ears, and he could see lakes and villages in the distance from the pointed treetops. Su Ming had never overestimated the moral standards of the demon gods. He said calmly:

"The hell lords can cooperate. Human souls are their biggest source of income. If humans perish, they can certainly receive a large amount of souls at once, but they will not be able to collect any souls in the next billion years... Death will not allow them to hang around, so we and the devils both gain and lose."

"Devil..." Wanda pulled the zipper of her jacket and followed the Supreme Mage floating in the forest. Her body surface glowed with a faint red light: "They are really like the legend, with red skin. Are there horns on your head?"

Wanda realized that she had never seen the devil before, and couldn't help but blush. She felt that the sorcerer was a failure.

"Some things cannot be explained in detail. You only need to know that in addition to the four ancient gods who survived the first divine war, there were many other ancient gods who also survived through various means, such as the 'Beast' and the 'World Tree' '. Later, the World Tree entered the universe to play with its own plane, while the beast went underground, spreading its thoughts and power among the 'weird monsters', and gave birth to countless demons of various kinds. Later, we saw underground races. Don’t be surprised if you hang out with demons, they were the same family over a billion years ago.”

Su Ming sighed, Wanda was like a curious baby who didn't know anything and wanted to ask everything.

What did Agatha teach her? Isn't it just about dressing up and putting on makeup? Maybe he was looking for an excuse to lead students so he didn't want to be a virgin by Monaco?

The Magic Prince is the most nosy among wizards. He is the kind who will pinch rabbits when the road is rough. It is not that he is rushing to do good things, but he will always take care of some things by chance, and other things. The sorcerer's choice is different.

For example, you are walking on the road and suddenly see someone about to jump off a building.

Casillas may have passed by indifferently, the life or death of an ordinary person was none of his business.

Xiao Wang might sigh with emotion: Why can't he think about it? Why don't he cherish life so much? Then he hugged the ingredients he bought from the supermarket and returned to the cafeteria of Chuji Academy to cook.

Modo may wait to see the "tomato meat sauce" to feel pleasure, and maybe take a cute photo of him pouting with the corpse covered with a white sheet as the background, and then upload it to his WeChat Moments.

But when the Magic Prince encounters this situation, he will most likely save people, unless there are too many people and it is inconvenient to cast spells.

He was always nosy, and often dragged himself into things. In the past, Su Ming always asked him for help. Although he said he was reluctant, when did he miss him?

It was the same this time. After hearing about the Star Flag, although he said, 'I can't help, I'm exhausted,' didn't he kindly call Agatha and Wanda to join in?

What Su Ming was sure about was his character.

But from another perspective, being his apprentice is definitely very tiring. There is a master who always comes to the rescue when encountering difficulties. Agatha must have always been implicated. Later, she excused herself to take care of her students to avoid all kinds of running around.

However, Agatha was a little too cautious in educating her students, which made Wanda know nothing now. But in fact, regardless of whether she knew the truth of the world or not, her power was constantly upgrading.

She must know how to do it and what the consequences will be. The prerequisite for weighing the pros and cons is to know where the cons are.

I hope that after taking her around this time, I can make her understand the depth of the world and be obedient...

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