The Death Knell

Chapter 1816 Earth Diplomat

After a while, Su Ming and Wanda landed on the ground. In front of them was a mountain forest, and on the rocks in the forest was a towering eerie castle.

Half of the moon's face emerged from the dark clouds, appearing just behind the tall tower spire, but its shining could not make the castle light up, but made it look more ferocious, as if some big monster had spread its claws and attacked the castle. It's like it's lying on the ground.

Some bats could be vaguely seen flying over the heads of the two people as if they were frightened.

"Here we go, Dracula the Impaler's castle."

Su Ming nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that the True Ancestor of the Blood Clan should be at home, and those who left just now might be his guests.

Not all vampires are willing to deal with the Supreme Mage. It is normal to say goodbye first if you don't know the purpose of your visit.

Wanda subconsciously pulled up the collar of her jacket to cover her white and tender neck:

"Why are we looking for a vampire?"

Even though she had no experience with him, she had still heard of the name of the vampire Dracula. He could be said to be a famous existence in the dark world.

"I want to try first to see if we can negotiate with the Celestials, so we need a diplomat." Su Ming walked to the gate of the castle, waiting at one end of the moat for the suspension bridge to be lowered, making gestures like playing an accordion with both hands: "In There is no other immortal man on earth who knows better manners than he does.”

Wanda still felt a chill on her neck. There were some furry little things hanging under the eaves of the castle, and the little eyes that glowed red at night were staring at her.

"Can't we go and negotiate with the Celestials ourselves?"

"It's risky. Although I can be said to be immortal in the current universe after using the Time Stone, it still hurts to be beaten. It's better to let others ask for me."

Su Ming smiled and watched as the suspension bridge was slowly lowered, and some richly dressed ladies greeted it on the other side of the bridge. They were all beautiful and young, but each was as pale as snow, and their faces glowed with a dim silver light in the moonlight.

Su Ming just nodded towards them from a distance and whispered to Wanda:

"Dracula is very suitable. As the true ancestor of the blood clan, his status is enough. He has the strongest immortality in the universe, and it is safe for him to come into contact with the Celestials. While he is going to greet the Celestials, I can stay on Earth If he can't reach an agreement, this time will allow me to pull out an army."

"Are you sure he'll help?"

Wanda knew that those women were the famous 'Bride of Dracula'. To put it bluntly, they were the courtiers and concubines of the True Ancestor of the Blood Clan.

Even though they all look so charming and frail, in fact, none of these vampires who have been in love for hundreds of years are easy to mess with.

The Vampires originated in Europe, and the power of the Vampires here is not comparable to that of their counterparts in the United States. Although Dracula is only the nominal ancestor and has little control over the major families, there are no weaklings around him.

"Of course, I haven't analyzed it for you before." The suspension bridge fell to the ground in front of him, splashing a little dust. Su Ming stepped forward, and the wooden boards made a creaking sound: "The devils need human souls to survive, so they are now They can serve as allies. What about the Vampires? They can't survive without human blood, so for the sake of sustainable development, their stance will shift to the side of humans. Protecting their food sources is to protect themselves."

Wanda was a little confused. She always felt that it was weird to be with demons and vampires, but what the Supreme Mage said was absolutely right.

"There are no eternal enemies, only interests?"

"Yes, this is how the world works. Just like your brotherhood, if you are in danger and are surrounded by the US military and want to destroy the group, the X-Men will definitely help you."

Su Ming smiled and nodded, despite the fact that his relationship with Dracula had been very good since they first met.

Kama Taj purchased plasma from the hospital through Zheng Xian's Divine Spear Bureau, and then sold it to the True Ancestor of the Blood Clan in exchange for literature, music, philosophical works and various artworks. These were then transported to the United States and processed through Wilson Entertainment Package sales include making movies, promoting celebrities, releasing albums, etc.

The money earned is converted into various mineral resources, and then sent to Vanaheim to build the starship, a veritable "battleship of blood and sweat"

This is a 'deep processing' industry that others cannot do, because the valuable plasma from the beginning has turned into priceless art crystallization. However, vampires are so good at art that their near-eternal life makes them almost mentally ill.

In other professions, depression, mania, delusion, etc. are all diseases, but in writers or artists, there is no doubt that they are creative talents.

And this is just one of the countless industrial chains of Wilson Enterprises.

But this truth is a bit dark when told. Wanda, who is still innocent now, may not be able to accept it. After all, people have deep-rooted beliefs that vampires are bad guys, and the upright Supreme Mage will not have anything to do with them.

But how could it not be? Even demons can make deals, this is the essence of a sorcerer.

Wanda was indeed attracted by the answer of the Supreme Mage. She waved her hands in disbelief:

"I don't believe that the X-Men will come to help the Brotherhood. Before we went to Xavier Academy, Cyclops and Wolverine looked at me as if they wanted to kill me on the spot. Besides, I don't think we There will be a day when we encounter that kind of danger, and my father is very strong."

"That's because you don't know what a real strong person is. When this matter is over, I will send you to another world to further your studies. You are the disciple of Monarch's disciple, and you are one of our own." Su Ming He touched her head kindly and looked like a virtuous elder: "Also, don't exaggerate. It's just that you can see Logan's eyes. If you look at Cyclops, you might get slapped in the face." Burning two holes in the upper body? The source of his ability is the energy that connects to different spaces, and his gaze can burn through even Adamantium."

Wanda stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, but because she had already walked in front of the vampire, she said nothing more.

"Dear Supreme Mage, we are honored by your arrival. Your Majesty has already hosted a banquet in the restaurant waiting for you." The three beauties raised their skirts and saluted at the same time. The luxurious European medieval dresses and waistbands filled them with strange temptations. force.

However, facing those pale hemispheres, the Supreme Mage seemed not to see them. He just nodded calmly: "Lead the way."

Wanda didn't want to attend any vampire dinner party at all, because it sounded like she was going there as food. These 'dead women' seemed to know she was a mutant just by smell, and their eyes always glanced at her neck.

Fortunately, the existence of the Supreme Mage gave her courage. She raised her chin, followed the master's example, and followed him proudly.

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