The Death Knell

Chapter 1820 The super weapon in the bullpen

Wanda walked around to the side and saw that the orange cat paid no attention to her at all. Its big eyes looked at the dinosaurs fighting the men as if they were looking at mice, and it purred happily.

Wanda reached out and touched its back, and it was startled. While grinning, she saw Deathstroke staring at it not far away, and it suddenly became docile again.

Rubbing, it rubbed Wanda's hand with its fur head, looking like a coquettish girl.

The Scarlet Witch suddenly beamed, even though she had been in a foster home since she was a child, and later traveled with Magneto, she had never had a pet.

But who doesn’t like a kitten? Moreover, it looks so beautiful, and its fur is shiny. I wonder what kind of good food it usually eats.

She picked up the cat, sandwiched it between her breasts, lowered her head and took a sip on the cat's forehead.

"Tweet, little kitten, so cute."


The cat closed its eyes, showed an expression that seemed to be a smile, and shook its tail slightly.

Mary just glanced at this side. As the elite captain of the former Queen Kree, she instinctively felt that the red-haired woman had a very terrifying smell, but since she came with the Supreme Mage, it was no problem.

She smiled and took Deathstroke to sit down on a haystack aside, patting the straw on her jeans: "Carol often talks about you. That child, I adore you. When I get home, she pesters me to listen to Supreme The story of the mage.”

"There's no story. I'm just an ordinary person. She's very powerful now. Maybe one day I should worship her, haha."

Su Ming replied with a smile. She knew that Mary was lying, so she should lie as well.

This mother seems to be planning to bring her daughter together, who knows why.

She had just met Carol in Miami not long ago. The girl didn't mean to admire her at all. Instead, she was very dissatisfied because she had been assigned the task of cleaning up bugs in the galaxy.

"Humility, I know. The Supreme Mage pursues Eastern culture. You and Master Gu Yi are as humble as ever." Mary said with a smile, and took the time to look at Xiao Qiao. He had dinosaur teeth as weapons and had already killed five swift beasts. Dragon.

Just relying on the combat intuition brought by his Kree blood, he can dodge laser attacks and always seize the appropriate counterattack opportunities. His performance is very good.

Mary was a little disappointed. It seemed that her son, like her daughter, had no talent for being a general and could only be a soldier who obeyed orders.

Su Mingze frowned: "Master Gu Yi has been to your home?"

"Just a few days ago, there was a woman who claimed to be the ancient one of Kama Taj. One night when I was making pies, she suddenly appeared outside my door and knocked on the door. After introducing herself, she did not enter the house. She just I asked a few questions at the door.”

Mary noticed something was wrong. As a village under the rule of Karma Taj, most of the villagers were sorcerers. Master Gu Yi was the teacher of Master Deathstroke. Many people knew this.

She had heard of it, so she just mentioned it casually, but the death knell seemed very serious. There might be something going on here.

It's hard to tell the truth from the fake, but the woman who calls herself Gu Yi is very powerful. She can lock space and time by raising her hand. Even though Xiao Qiao was at home that night, she didn't know that anyone had been there afterwards.

During the entire exchange, only Mary and Ancient One talked.

"What's the problem?" Su Ming took out a cigarette, turned it over, put the cigarette holder on his knees for a few times, put it in his mouth and lit it.

"It's a very common question." Mary also took a cigarette and smoked it, looking at the wooden ceiling hung with cobwebs and recalling: "First of all, he asked me what I think of the earth? What are my thoughts about the future, and then asked some questions about everyone. Thoughts on Kamal Taj.”

"What do you think?" Su Ming bit the cigarette holder and seemed to understand something: "What does that woman look like? Her height, weight, age and appearance."

Mary's brain is very good, and her memory is even better: "She is very thin, bald, and not tall, but she always smiles and makes people feel comfortable when she talks, just like an old friend."

"What is she wearing? A robe? Or clothes from ordinary people's lives?" Su Ming asked.

The Kree warrior seemed to suddenly remember something, and she knocked on her knee: "The yellow robe is very simple, but when she was walking around, I saw that she was wearing very high-end black stockings, just under the robe. .”

Deathstroke nodded, indicating that she understood. That should be the Ancient One in the past, the Ancient One before the throne was passed to her. She was searching for the 'future'.

Those stockings were probably the ones Gin gave her, decades ago.

It was useless information, but the current Ancient One might still be able to help.

"Okay, I understand. It is indeed Master Ancient One, not some shape-shifting alien."

Su Ming said it was okay, as long as no outsiders got in.

Mary smiled and didn't say anything more, but changed the topic: "If they were deformed Skrulls, I could smell their stink from more than ten kilometers away. It's a pity that my son doesn't live up to his expectations at all. , he doesn’t seem to have the talent of a warrior, he just thinks about playing online games and picking up girls every day.”

"A family can't all be superheroes, right?" Su Ming pointed to the cow pen with a smile: "With such fighting power, it's enough to be able to protect yourself. You can't cultivate real iron-blooded warriors on earth."

"It makes sense." Mary actually started to think seriously. She pinched the straw in her hand and said, "What do you think I would throw him to an alien planet? A primitive planet full of insect aliens or carnivorous beasts."

"No, I understand the hope of having a successful son, but throwing him to an alien planet for a murder trial is really too 'predator'." Deathstroke rejected Mary's suggestion and gave his own suggestion: "You can send him to New York. , get more exposure to ordinary people’s society, now you are almost at this age and can go to work and make money.”

Mary was convinced. She slapped her palm and said, "That's it. I'll send him off after lunch later."

While the two were talking, Xiao Qiao had already killed all the dinosaurs. Holding the blood-stained dragon teeth in his hand, he slowly climbed over the fence: "We're done, mom, can we have dinner? I'm so hungry."

"Supreme Mage, do you want to eat too?" Mary asked, jumping down from the haystack: "I made pasta, and that lady, too."

When Wanda heard someone talking about her, the orange cat ran away from her arms as soon as she turned her head. Like a flowing liquid, it got into the blood-stained duel field through the gap between the railings.

With a slight jump, the orange cat stepped onto the tall pile of dinosaur corpses and meowed happily, as if it was the king of the cowshed.

"No, we just came after dinner."

Wanda was a little worried that the kitten would dirty her, but when someone invited her to dinner, it would be rude not to answer.

But just after she turned around and declined Mary's invitation with a smile, she looked at the kitten again.

The ten dinosaur corpses under its feet disappeared. The cat purred happily, jumped back to the fence of the cattle pen with its tail raised, licked its little paws, and wiped its face as if it had finished its meal.

Wanda rubbed her eyes. She suspected that she was hallucinating. Did the kitten eat all the dragons?

Impossible, yes, it doesn’t conform to common sense at all.

Probably because I have been stimulated too much these days and am too tired...

Su Ming also smiled and refused the meal, and directly expressed his intention: "There is no need to eat. I am here to borrow the cat for a few days."

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