The Death Knell

Chapter 1821 Get the news

"The topic of this review is human nature?"

Deathstroke seemed to be confirming Dracula's information, and also seemed to be thinking to himself.

It was a night a few days later when he received a visit from the vampire clan at Kama Taj. The True Ancestor was still the same as when he last met, well-dressed and graceful, with a smile on his teeth.

When Hamill gave him a bag of plasma, he thanked him politely.

"I did meet them at the edge of the galaxy. I have heard of the Celestials before, but I never thought they would be so powerful." Dracula used his nails to tear open the tube of the blood bag that was supposed to be connected to the blood transfusion equipment, like He took a sip like he was sucking jelly: "They basically ignored me and even let me follow them."

Su Ming's hand turned his purple sand tea cup on the table, and he nodded: "It's almost as I expected. The Celestials are the herders of 'creatures' in the universe, and the Vampires are undead, and your existence is nothing to them. Just like lifeless stones or clods of soil, of course, I don’t mean any discrimination by that.”

Dracula waved his hand generously and said indifferently: "We are indeed neither dead nor alive. What the Supreme Mage said is true. Eternal life is a curse."

Su Ming refilled his tea cup. The living room was filled with the smell of tea and blood. The incense burner in the corner was emitting light smoke and twisting slightly in the air.

He said: "The Celestial Gods always like to test the civilizations in the universe to see if they have the qualifications to continue to exist. The questions are different every time. Sometimes it's 'potential', sometimes it's 'combat power', and sometimes it's It's 'compatibility', but this time 'humanity' is really hard to define."

Wanda, who was holding and stroking the orange cat, finally found the opportunity to ask questions. She picked up a piece of fat meat with her newly learned chopsticks, tore off a small piece and put it to the orange cat's mouth.

But the cat didn't eat it and turned away in disgust. She helplessly touched the orange cat's head and asked:

"Is human nature a concept similar to virtue? For example, respecting the elderly and caring for the young, or being united as one, etc."

"It would be nice if human nature were that simple." Su Ming shook his head, picked up the cup and took a sip of tea: "What's more, what is being tested here is not human nature in the eyes of us humans, but in the eyes of the gods, from a different perspective. What I saw and what I wanted to see were completely different.”

Wanda seemed to understand, and lowered her head to suck the cat again.

I heard from the Supreme Mage that it was raised by the woman named Carol, and that the cat is smarter than the shit shovel.

The Grand Duke of the Blood Clan expressed that he could not help. He was not even a human being, and his self-feeling had nothing to do with human nature: "We still have some time. The reason why I know the questions for their assessment is because you lent me the cosmic translator. I was listening in while they were auditing a civilization on the edge of the galaxy."

"What kind of civilization? Describe it to me."

"I don't know what it's called. It's very ordinary. The creatures on that planet are somewhat similar to humans, except that the eyes are on the tentacles on the forehead." Dracula described what he saw. The Celestial Group projected in the universe When he came out to observe the surface and communicate with the indigenous people, the vampire even sat on the feet of one of them and watched together: "I heard that civilization claimed to be a member of the Space Federation, and it was quite confident before sending a fleet to resist. "

Su Ming shook his head with a smile. He supported his head with his fist and leaned on the corner of the coffee table: "It's just a bunch of rabble. There are tens of thousands of participating countries in the Federation. They don't even need to have planets, as long as there is a sovereign asteroid belt." , you can join at a little cost.”

"Anyway, they sent a fleet to fight against the Celestials. Although I saw the space battle, which looked a bit like human sea and air battles, after living for so long, I didn't understand the methods of the Celestials." Dracula groped for his white hair. The silk-like hair fell on his black dress: "The giant just raised his hand, and tens of thousands of spaceships fell apart, while the alien attack made no move at all on the Celestial Team."

"This is all normal. Reorganizing items from the atomic level is what the Celestials are good at. Except for the cosmic energy itself, other secondary energies are almost completely ineffective against them."

Su Ming took a sip of tea calmly. When dealing with the alien species of gods before, if he hadn't relied on the magic gun and the night sword, he probably wouldn't have been able to break through the defense of the babies of the gods:

"Go on, how was that civilization assessed? What was the result?"

"The leading group of gods called themselves Arishe. He talked with the leader of that civilization, and then extracted the social conditions around the world. The whole process lasted for almost ten hours, and then he declared that the civilization had no value of existence. Then another group of purple gods holding a long staff landed on the surface, and when they thrust the long staff onto the ground, I could only see purple ripples flashing across the entire planet, and all living things were extinct. .”

Although Dracula is not afraid, as he cannot die after all, he still looks solemn when talking about the methods of the Celestials.

The key is not understanding, and the unknown is always surprising.

"Purple God? That is Exitar, the Eradicator. If Arishe has decreed the demise of a race, the Eradicator will land and first begin to exterminate the entire ecosystem. Once the extinction is completed, the other gods will Take over and knock all the man-made objects on the planet back to their atomic state, and then reshape all the landforms and atmosphere, thus formatting the planet so that it can give birth to a new civilization in the future."

When Su Ming heard the color and the weapon, he guessed the identity of the second god. As for the other gods, they were not necessarily combatants.

There is also a division of labor within the Celestial Group, and some are created for fighting. They are naturally strong in combat.

But some are not, such as the 'Original Ancestor', 'Collector', 'Observer', 'Analyst', etc. These are all scientists in the Celestial Group. Although their bodies give them good combat power, they are not professionals after all. Soldiers are still far behind in terms of means.

Now, among the second creative masters, there are two powerful warriors, the Judge and the Eradicator, and the others should be scholar-type roles responsible for logistics or statistics.

This is good news. Warriors and scholars are both roles that Deathstroke likes. Both of them are easy to deceive.

"In short, they didn't seem to be in a hurry. They were constantly reviewing everything they passed along the way. I explained that I was from Earth and wanted to negotiate, but they just asked me to come back and wait patiently."

Dracula finished drinking the plasma in his hand, and Hamill handed him another bag. These things are always available in the infirmary.

"So the problem is back." Su Ming closed his eyes and thought, and he breathed out softly: "How can we let the Celestial Group see what they want to see, and also keep them out of the solar system?"

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