The Death Knell

Chapter 1822 Arrival

The Celestial Group flies through the universe at super-light speed, with blue flames spitting out from under the feet of each giant machine. Their next stop is a very important planet, the Earth.

Backward civilizations may not know the secrets of the universe, but the gods are different. They know the importance of the earth to the universe.

Countless dimensional demon gods came out of here. The concept of magic was born on the earth. It is also one of the birthplaces of the gods of the universe. Several members of the God Group once fell into disgrace here.

According to the information, the corruption of the Kru Zerg on the earth has been contained. The main intelligent species are humans, and mutants, aliens, and monsters coexist.

The purpose of the second-generation founder's trip is to check whether the creatures on this precious planet are qualified to enter the next stage in the process of cosmic promotion.

They are not here to destroy the earth. From beginning to end, they are examining the creatures on the planets. This is their mission to maintain the universe.

However, this time, when they just arrived at the edge of the solar system, the Celestial Group couldn't help but stop advancing.

In the space not far away in front of you, there is a corpse of the Celestial God Group floating, like a corpse floating on the water.

On the back of the corpse, a smiling creature actually built a small house. At this time, the creature was sitting on a bench in front of the door, with a golden sword.

There is a flagpole in front of the house, with an apricot-yellow flag hanging on it, with four large black characters written in Chinese dragons and phoenixes.

"Do justice for heaven."

Arishe's short neck tilted his head to one side, as if he didn't understand what was going on.

"Identity confirmed, traitor: goddess of heaven, xenobreeder, current situation: energy depletion, death."

The 'Calculator' behind him shared his discovery with the judge. The corpse in front of him was that of the traitor that the gods had hunted but escaped and disappeared.

She wants to use a method similar to biological reproduction to give birth to the next generation of gods, and for this purpose, she must devour planets and biological souls as energy. This is undoubtedly heresy.

Now that they saw her body, although the gods did not feel happy, they also knew that they were out of trouble.

Once her reproduction is proven to be feasible, the originally genderless gods are likely to split into genders, and a civil war will break out. This is an outcome that no one wants to see.

Why? Because things like gender were given by the gods to the carbon-based creatures they created in the past. If they become the same as the test subjects, it will undoubtedly be degeneration and degeneration.

But, how did the human sitting on the back of the corpse defeat the Celestials? And where did the alien species in her belly go?


The Celestials are also curious. Whether they are creating new species or conducting cosmic experiments, curiosity drives them.

And this is also a weakness that can be exploited.

Su Ming made a special trip to the sun just to fish out the body of the dead mother of the alien species.

Sure enough, in this case, even Arishe can't be ignored as passing by, right? A corpse of the same kind is so big and conspicuous.

This can be regarded as wealth passed down from ancestors. If Zhang Heng hadn't tricked the goddess into the sun to die, where would Su Ming have found a corpse that could attract the attention of the gods without causing hatred?

The corpses of the Celestials are of some value, but there are still three corpses of the Originator, the Sorrower, and the Alien on the earth, which are enough for research.

Judging from the current level of technology, humans studying the corpses of the Celestial Group is like a group of monkeys picking up an abandoned satellite to study. The gap in knowledge is too big, so it is no different from picking up trash.

The Creators flew to the corpse in the blink of an eye, and the Eradicator easily twisted off the head of the goddess, but it was empty inside, and the energy and components were missing.

Su Ming watched the colossi communicating silently before he stood up, his body emitting colorful cosmic energy.

"Hello everyone, have you eaten yet?"

He uses cosmic energy to vibrate space so that he can speak in the universe. Of course, he is still wearing the fake face of Silver at this time. After all, Deathstroke's control of cosmic energy still needs to be hidden.

The gods can't hide it, of course, but there might be some other forces paying attention here at this time, so it's better to be on the safe side first.

"Human, Star Eater, you have the value of existence." Arishe spoke in standard English, without even the choice of double nouns to prevent ambiguity: "Answer: The gods of the universe do not need a primitive way to absorb energy. Goddess, heretic, she devours.”

"Haha, of course I know this. Asking other individuals whether they have absorbed the energy of that day is a special expression of goodwill on Earth." Su Ming leaned on the Eight Immortals table with a smile. He got this corpse just to let him know. The gods stopped there.

The eyes on Judge Arishe's face that looked like a cylindrical air-conditioning vent lit up: "The primitive carbon-based life support method is judged to be that humans have not evolved."

"Whether not eating means evolution is another matter. I'm here to negotiate terms this time." Su Ming smiled. As long as the God Group communicates with him, the plan will be half successful: "If you stay here to review the earth, If we don’t move forward any more, how about I tell you the whereabouts of the alien species and return the body of the goddess to you?”

"Fair enough, agreed."

The judge had no objections and didn't know what it meant to agree to the conditions of the death knell. Anyway, for them, approaching the planet's orbit was just to investigate the stress response of a civilization.

Is it peaceful contact? Or is it a direct attack? What is the combat effectiveness shown during the attack?

These are just routine steps, and now that humans have taken out the corpse of another god to prove their combat effectiveness, the testing steps can be skipped.

The man with dead fish eyes in a white scroll jumped lightly and floated next to the judge's head. He made a sign of please and let the body out.

A green giant came out of the Creator. He grabbed the body of the goddess, took the heads from the Eradicator, and flew back with them, flying to an unknown destination.

"I will tell you the whereabouts of the alien species after your review of the earth is over. This is to prevent you from breaking your promise and moving on." Su Ming added with a strange expression.

"The logic is accepted, but the intensity of our review of the earth will not be affected in any way." Arisher is responsible for communication, and his authority in the team is superior to others.

Su Ming landed on the judge's shoulders, lying down on his side like a sleeping Arhat:

"It doesn't matter, the earth is my home planet, but I will never hinder your review of the earth, and I will even help you understand the most profound side of human nature. People of the same kind understand the same kind better, right?"

"Question: Why don't you have feelings for the same kind of people? There are emotion sequences in the human genome. This is our creation."

Arishe raised his own question. He seemed not to be very clear-headed, and his attention was completely distracted.

Su Ming clapped his mouth and yawned: "I am the messenger of Galactus. How about I ask him to come and tell you about the mission of the messengers? If the creatures on the earth cannot pass your test, I will ask the boss to come and destroy the earth." Eat it, isn’t it good?”

Arishe stood blankly in the cold universe: "Negative, the earth must exist, earth creatures are not necessary, and planet devourer cannot"

Su Ming patted the metal on the judge's shoulder hard. It showed no change at all, and said calmly: "You should know him better than me, right? If you are very hungry, there is no question of whether you can, only whether you have enough."

The judge made some silent calculations. In his tens of billions of years of living, this was the first time he encountered a native creature that offered to assist in the review, and it also involved Galactus.

There was no experience to follow for a while, and the oaa who made the rules was not here. He fell into silence. This was a conflict between authority and logic.

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