The Death Knell

Chapter 1828 Superhero

"You forgot your bag."

Behind the two of them, Daisy's head emerged from the factory door, shaking her pink schoolbag in her hand. She shouted loudly so that her voice could be heard above the sound of the gunshots.

The man named Wade had forgotten the bag containing grenades and magazines under the passenger seat of the car.

Wade quickly ceased fire, touched his pocket, and found that he had indeed forgotten the magazine. He smiled, scratched his head, and walked back to the gate:

"Oh, thank you."

"You're welcome, by the way, what the hell is that?" Daisy pointed to the silver robot: "Is it the Terminator? Is it the culprit of the kidnapping?"

Wade leaned against the door, staring at one place, and replied absently:

"I don't know, I've never seen it. I think it might be some kind of killer robot. There are always all kinds of lunatics in society. They don't dare to kill, so they hope that other people or other things will help them. kill."

"Oh? Are you still a psychologist?" Daisy looked at the battle between Thor and the robot. How should I put it, it looked like he was going to die: "Let's not talk about that. Didn't you say you wanted to protect Thor?"

The robot was invulnerable, and bullets hit it, causing sparks to fly, but it still walked slowly towards Thor calmly and calmly.

However, this man named Wade leaned against the door and chatted with her, and stared at her chest with a pair of ruthless eyes, as if he didn't care about Thor's life safety at all.

She raised her hand and twisted Wade's chin, turning his face toward the battlefield.


Wade came back to his senses so much. What he saw just now was so impactful that he almost forgot where he was now.

However, when he fired wildly and rushed towards the robot, the metal monster had already knocked off Thor's gun and caught him in his hand.

Thor was nearly two meters tall, and he was a strong devil with muscular muscles, but the machine only used two fingers to pinch his neck and lift him up, tilting its head and looking at him curiously.

It didn't care at all about Wade's harassing fire, but said to Thor:

"Another alien test subject? But I have one, so you might as well die."

Thor did not break the robot's hand, but punched the red eye on Ultron's face with his fist, and roared with difficulty: "Give me my brother back, you scrap metal monster!"

Ultron turned a deaf ear and punched Thor in the chest with his free hand.

There seemed to be fist marks on the clothes on Thor's back. His mouth and eyes were wide open, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't.

I only felt heartbreaking pain and lost control of my body, making my whole body feel light and airy.

Ultron dropped Thor's body.

According to the data fed back by the force sensor, the punch just now broke all the opponent's ribs and burst the heart through the muscle layer. Even the alien should be dead.


Loki, who was tied to the bed, screamed. Seeing Thor die trying to save himself, he felt like he was hit hard.

Thor is dead, how should I return to Asgard? !

Wade was also screaming at the same time. He was sad about the money he had lost.

Not only that, if the mission failed, the client would definitely kill him to vent his anger, right? Rich people all like to kill bodyguards, right? Maybe cement to sink into the Hudson Bay?

"I'll fight you!"

Wade stopped using his gun and pulled out a steel pipe from his pink schoolbag, rushed over and hit Ultron on the head.

Compared to his marksmanship, his hand-to-hand combat skills are much better. He dances with steel poles like a tiger and a tiger, and the broken film is really indestructible to water splashing and knife cutting. The cold light covers Ultron's head like an iron net.

However, it was of no use. Ultron just stood there and let him hit him, not even moving, and using his head to receive all the attacks.

The sound of various metal banging sounds lasted for a long time, and Wade was panting from exhaustion, but Ultron even patted his face and mouth, imitating a human yawn:

"Have you finished the fight?"

"Wait until I can take a breath, huh." Wade raised a finger and used the steel pipe to support his body and gasp.

Ultron didn't give him a chance to rest at all. With a backhand slap, Wade flew out spinning like a kite with a broken string. He hit the rusty robot beside him and fell to the dust and became motionless.


Loki shouted again, if Thor and Wade were both dead, who would save him in the future? !

Will it be dissected by a robot? He will definitely die after losing his intelligence value, right?

He struggled, trying to get rid of the restraints, but a mortal body without magic really didn't know how to get rid of the thick steel on his wrist.

Daisy's head retracted from the crack in the door. As she ran towards the car, she took out her mobile phone and tried to dial 911. However, all she heard was a busy signal, and all nearby communication frequencies were blocked by Ultron.

Using thermal imaging, the robot naturally saw a heat source escaping outside the door. Sparks erupted from its feet and it chased out of the factory.

Daisy ran back to the car and put on her seat belt. This was what the driving school taught her, and she was used to it. Then she frantically turned the key to start the ignition. Jane in the back seat asked eagerly:

"Where are Thor and the others?"

"Dead! They're all dead! Let's escape first and go to the city to call the police!"

Daisy started the car, turned the car around with a flick of the tail, and fled towards the way she came.

Jane was confused by her answer, and the expression on her face became dazed. When she heard the news of Thor's death, she felt as if a piece of her heart was missing.

The brown car drove a few hundred meters away. Daisy looked at the rearview mirror and saw that there was no figure chasing the monster. She couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Only then did she notice Jane's lost expression.

"Jane? Teacher? What's wrong with you?"

Dr. Foster rubbed her face vigorously with her head lowered. Her long hair blocked her face, and the sound of the wheels rubbing against the ground in her ears seemed to be unable to bring her back to her senses.

After a long pause, she organized her chaotic thoughts and raised her head to say something to Daisy.

But before the words could be spoken, it turned into a scream.

In the darkness, illuminated only by a few streetlights, she saw a machine head with red eyes and a toothy mouth.

The head penetrated the roof of the car, flew off the rearview mirror, and faced the two women:

"Where do you want to go?"

Daisy, who was driving the car, was startled by the sudden appearance of the head. She subconsciously turned the steering wheel.

The car ran off the curb, hit a tree on the side of the road, and then rolled sideways, everything was spinning.

The rolling car hit a rock and came to a stop. The tires were still spinning in the sky, and there was a faint smoke coming from the chassis, and the smell of gasoline could be smelled all around.

Daisy unbuckled her seat belt and climbed out of the broken car window. She had stars in her eyes and a broken forehead.

She turned to look at the teacher in the back seat, only to see Jane unconscious from the impact because she was not wearing a seat belt.

The girl wanted to drag the teacher away from the vehicle that was in danger of catching fire, but not far away, the grimace formed by the red light was floating towards her.

For a moment, Daisy thought about leaving the teacher and running away, but the next second, she gave up the idea.

The two men were abandoned because she was not familiar with them, but the teacher was different. Daisy had been studying with Dr. Foster for so many years since she entered college. How could she abandon her who was both a teacher and a friend? !

The girl needs to protect her.

She grabbed the hammer that had fallen in the dirt and held the hammer with both hands like a whack-a-mole. She was also ready to fight the robot.

"If someone discovers my body in the future, who would have thought that it was the Terminator?" She smiled bitterly, panted violently, tried to slow down her heartbeat, and told herself a cold joke: "I have to stay. The death message reminds people that Skynet is about to launch a nuclear war."

Ultron breathed fire from the soles of his feet, flew across a ravine, and slowly walked toward humans. He was enjoying the process of a cat teasing a mouse.

Daisy became even more nervous. There was so much saliva in her mouth that she seemed unable to swallow it all. She raised the hammer higher and said with emotion: "If there is reincarnation, I will be a superhero in my next life."

I don't know if her words triggered something, but intensive electric light flowed from the hammer in her hand. Silver snakes came out and licked the ground, and crackling air bursts were heard.

The next moment, before Ultron could realize something was wrong and rushed in front of her, a huge electric light suddenly struck down from the sky, covering both her and the robot.

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