The Death Knell

Chapter 1830 Observation and Thinking

Seeing such a situation, Su Ming didn't need to explain. Judge Arishe himself could judge that human beings are very socially compatible.

Asgard's power of thunder can be perfectly compatible with humans, and in the future, humans and robots can also play their respective roles in this society. This is definitely a special advantage of the Earth Laboratory.

That red and black man from the future still has the aura of death on his body, and he is a person that the gods cannot control. Do the five major conceptual entities like the humans on earth so much?

Seeing the female Thor returning to the factory and putting Zhan Biao into Thor's hand, the two brothers from the fairy palace hugged each other and laughed. Then they started to communicate with Daisy who was even more confused. Su Ming smiled with satisfaction. laughed.

It's not in vain that he sent Deadpool to the Immortal Palace to steal Zhan Biao and arranged the whole drama.

Although the villain was randomly chosen as a scapegoat in the original plan, and the choice of Ultron during execution was Deadpool's own improvisation, there was no need to force anything if the result was good.

Thor has been able to realize that he is the God of Thunder and not the God of Hammers. He is no longer as mindless and bellicose as he used to be. He can get along with other creatures as an ordinary person, and his performance is considered to be passable.

Whether he can regain his divine power or not, it is actually Odin who has the final say.

Most of the major principles that need to be learned have been learned on Earth. Thor has even begun to learn Taoist theory of ascension, and Odin cannot let him stay on Earth for too long.

Seeing that Thor could fight to protect others and show his usual courage to save his brother, the God-King in Asgard was satisfied.

The key is mainly Loki's attitude. Odin feels that his time is running out, and of course he wants to give Thor the position of heir.

But Loki seemed to be very keen on the throne, and Odin, who was worried about the internal strife between the two, agreed to Deathstroke's plan. Since he wanted to train Thor, he might as well let Loki come along to feel the powerlessness of mortals and his brother's influence on him. His good.

On the surface, the effect is pretty good. At least Loki shed a tear when Thor died fighting to save him, so he was somewhat moved.

It doesn’t need to be more, as long as this touch can ensure the smooth transition of inheritance rights.

As for Daisy's acquisition of Mjolnir, it was actually just one of the conditions agreed between Deathstroke and the God King. The original words were, 'Give the people on earth a hammer with divine power to play with? I think big-breasted girls are good. Thor will inherit the Eternal Spear in the future. Loki is a sorcerer, and the hammer will be idle if it is idle.'

Odin thought it made sense. Thor's dependence on the hammer was indeed a bit serious. He might as well not let him touch the hammer in the future.

So Daisy has now become a veritable hammer god.

When she picks up the Meow Hammer, she is the god of Asgard and can control thunder and lightning in the universe; when she puts down the Meow Hammer, she is still the same ordinary girl with no supernatural powers at all.

She is more like the tool of the hammer. It is not the person who controls the weapon, but the weapon that controls the person.

Combat experience and memories of the war all belong to the Hammer, just like Su Ming's God Killer has its own killing skills and crazy bloodthirsty thoughts.

But this is not important. In the final analysis, Mjolnir still belongs to the god-king Odin. Odin has wielded it to fight the gods since the time of the ancient Avengers, that is, hundreds of thousands of years ago.

As for later, whether he wants to give the hammer to his son or his son's friends depends entirely on his mood.

He wanted whoever could lift the hammer to lift it. Whoever he wants to gain divine power can get it.

Asgard's civilization relies on the ancient god's world tree Yggdrasil for its existence. Odin became the spokesman of the ancient god by sacrificing his own eyes. He said, 'I am Asgard', but Thor and the others never listened. clear.

This is actually not Odin showing off his power to the children, but a subtle reminder of what they should do in the future.

The God King is the 'bridge' and 'leaf' connecting Asgard and the ancient gods. Once Odin dies, this connection will be broken, and Asgard will be destroyed, just like the dead leaves falling off a big tree.

If we follow the cycle of Ragnarok, the World Tree will grow a new Asgard, in which Odin will reappear and once again use himself to make a contract with the ancient gods.

If you want to break this cycle, Odin first needs to ensure that he will not be resurrected after death. Secondly, after Thor inherits the position of God King, he must also sacrifice one of his eyes to the World Tree to become a new bridge. .

Changing 'circulation' to 'passing from generation to generation' is like replacing a car's tires when they break down, rather than replacing the entire car as is the case now.

But that's all in the future.

The current situation is that the hammer chooses the holder? No, it is the God King who chooses the holder. The position of Asgard's God of Thunder cannot be determined by a weapon. The will of the God King is always followed in the fairy palace.

You can take Kama Taj as an example. If one day Xiao Wang and the others make a magical artifact, which can give the holder good magical abilities, Su Ming will choose the garrison of the three major temples based on its opinions. A mage?

It's impossible. It's possible to use the names of holy artifacts, artifacts, treasures, etc. to fool fools into working hard, but the true will of the leader should not be influenced by external things.

“How do humans fare in terms of compatibility?”

The Supreme Mage asked the judge knowingly, and the red robot answered frankly:

"Higher, human genes have good compatibility with energy and strength, social self-stability is strong, and humanity is proven."

The fish-eyed Jiraimaki smiled: "Then let's move on to the next person."

Arisher next chose another scene.

Steve held Bucky's hand affectionately, and quietly watched his good brother on the hospital bed, massaging Bucky, and wiping Bucky's body. He didn't know if this was voyeurism. There was something wrong with the lens. Su Ming always felt that a pink filter was added to the picture.

Arishe suspects that this is a kind of corruption, because same-sex people cannot reproduce, so their feelings are very abnormal and may lead to the extinction of mankind.

Su Ming corrected the god's view by saying, "Brotherhood is not what you think at all." He said that the relationship between Steve and Bucky was separated from the body and vulgar taste, and they were a more noble kind of soul mates.

You can't observe them from the perspective of biological creatures. You should regard them as 'the light of the right path'. Light and light can be fused. This is the form of emotion at a higher level, and the emotional spectrum is used next door. By saying this, Arishe was fooled again.

Of course he knew that the relationship between Steve and Bucky was very innocent, but did he want the emotionless Celestials to understand the brotherhood between them? It would be easier to just bullshit and get past it.

Arisher also saw Eric Simon Payne, who would be known as the "Demon Slayer" in the future, being abused by his parents, and suspected that it was the degeneration of the human gene that takes care of young children.

Su Ming also gave the example of an eagle pushing its young eagle down from a high mountain, saying that Eric's parents only wanted him to grow up to become a powerful warrior, so they broke the teenager's limbs and tied him with dog chains. The child is locked in the basement to develop his skills in hunting rats.

With all his limbs severed and only relying on his waist and abdomen for strength, he was able to accurately bite off the head of a running mouse in the dark using only his hearing at the age of ten. There are no more human beings on earth who can do this. Count on five fingers.

His parents' education was very successful and he evolved, simple as that.

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