The Death Knell

Chapter 1832 Backup Plan

"Haha, isn't it good?" Su Ming stood up from Arishe's shoulders and scratched his hair: "It is better to stay on earth for research on humans. After all, humans are still social creatures. I want to To observe human nature, you don’t need to take them away at all.”

"The human nature assessment has ended. A new experiment has been launched. The purpose is to study the changes of evolved individuals after they leave the group, conduct genetic screening and cultivation, and the results will be beneficial to the earth in the future."

Arishe gave the answer, and after Ginta's explanation, it discovered that humans have evolved so perfectly.

Seeing the hunting heart happy, it can't wait to start new experiments based on the current situation of human beings, and it will take away these people now.

Su Ming moved his neck and looked at the planets in the solar system in the distance. Titan was still green at this time, and the red Mars also turned out from behind the sun.

"As a planet-eater, I suggest that you should not interfere with the evolution of mankind again, especially at the moment when the universe is upgrading. This may have unfavorable consequences."

"Calculate, save, human beings will not become extinct, and experimental errors are acceptable." As Arishe spoke, he planned to catch people from the earth, the kind of trick that casts a beam of light and sucks people into the sky: "Your mission Completed, we would like to thank Galactus for his assistance."

"For the sake of Galactus and the Tribunal of Life, are you just watching the earth's development from afar?"

Su Ming looked at Arishe's big face again, and those pairs of blue eyes were staring at the earth.

Arishe turned his face with some confusion and looked at the tiny human on his shoulder: "Our experiment has nothing to do with Galactus, the Life Tribunal, you, and humans. Why should we stop it?"

"Using humans for experiments, but it has nothing to do with humans?" Su Ming shook his head and said funny: "This does not make sense logically."

"We, the cosmic god group, the creators and second creators of human beings, have the right to dispose of any individual human being." Arishe gave its answer, and the colossi floated quietly in the universe, like What they have done in the past eternity: "How to deal with the test objects, the opinions of the test objects themselves are not within the scope of adoption. Planet Devourer has your complete disposal authority, so you are excluded from the human category and can Talk to us as equals."

Even in the universe, Su Ming still sighed properly, looking up to the sky in despair:

"I was wrong, really wrong"

"Please explain what the error is?"

The judge asked, its tone vibrating the space with precision, as if it had never changed.

The tiny human shook his head with a smile. He flew to a height where even the gods needed to look up, and the cosmic energy in his body burst out into a flame that was as if it were real:

"I was wrong in not giving you face in the first place. Wanda didn't want to pay such a high price at this juncture. Plan B."

As soon as he finished speaking, a crimson circle of light appeared next to the man, and a young woman wearing a red jacket flew out with a cat in her arms.

She threw the cat into space to the side, and the red energy shot out of her hands formed a huge net, catching Judge Arisher who was right next to Deathstroke.

Each of the Celestials has experienced millions of battles. When humans took action, they launched a counterattack as if instinctively, emitting various colors of light from six or eight pairs of eyes.

Some attacked Su Ming, and some attacked Wanda, but both of them used Arishe's body as a cover to block these attacks. They played hide-and-seek with the gods and started to circle around the judge.

"Dark magic! Spokesperson of Sithorne! Corruption!"

Arishe was unable to break free from the energy net for a short time, but it still raised its big hand that covered the sky, trying to swat the two of them to death like a mosquito.

It obviously recognized Wanda's identity. Although it knew that there were people on the earth who were favored by eternity, people who were favored by death, and messengers of swallowing stars, it never knew that there were apostles of the Great Shadow among humans on earth.

Sithorn uses the human body as an invisible channel for energy and will, and this move is indeed hidden.

The Great Shadow, Snake God, Oshutu, Cytorak, Beholder and other dimensional demon gods are all at the super universe level like the five conceptual gods, that is, the multiverse plus the concept of dimensions.

The Celestials operating in the single universe are just replica robots of the original 1,265 Celestials.

The real Judge Arishe is still out of reach in the void. The one in front of Su Ming is just a multiverse-level replica used to handle affairs in the single universe.

Wanda doesn't fly very fast, but Su Ming can drag her to fly, as long as she strengthens her body.

Su Ming's own cosmic energy comes from the split of Galactus in the 40k universe. Regardless of the quantity, in terms of quality, there is still a multiverse level.

Although Arishe's attack was as fast as lightning, it still couldn't hit the small target that was too sensitive, not to mention that the two villains were spinning around his neck, and the gods' heads couldn't rotate.

They may have mastered many rules and concepts of the single universe, but their biggest weakness is that these copies of the Celestial God Group are equivalent to creations of the first firmament. They cannot change the shape of their bodies without the consent of their masters.

For example, the goddess of heaven transformed herself into a form that could lead to pregnancy, but she was regarded as a traitor and heretic by other gods. She was hunted for tens of thousands of years before she escaped to the earth, and was tricked by Lao Zhang into entering the sun and died tragically.

Whether it can be done and whether it can be done are two different things.

So now if Arishe transforms his head into one that can rotate, will other gods regard it as a heresy?

Obviously, it didn't dare to try to do this. It could only turn its entire body crazily on the spot, trying to keep its sights up with the two humans flying around its neck.

The attacks of the other gods were somewhat defensive, not wanting to accidentally injure the judge, let alone Ixta the Eradicator, who was holding the guy in his hand. All the gods were circling around the judge, trying to activate just enough to eliminate humans, but they couldn't. An attack that would harm others of the same kind.

In this way, Su Ming felt much more relaxed, and he even chatted with Wanda about topics that she didn't understand.

"If I had the Speed ​​Force, at this flying speed, the Speed ​​Force storm should have weathered this guy's head."

"???" Scarlet Witch looked confused, not knowing what expression to make.

Su Ming grabbed Wanda's hand tightly, hugged her to his chest, and used his shoulders to block a passing attack.

The shoulder area was instantly atomized.

Whether it was his own flesh and blood, or the armor transformed by strangulation, they disappeared, directly exposing the x-metal skeleton.

But as if he didn't feel any pain or see the blood freezing in space, he still smiled and replied: "Nothing, just saying casually, I can't fly at this speed for long, why is this damn cat so slow?" ?”

Maybe he heard what he said, maybe he finally found a suitable angle after being thrown away. After Deathstroke and the two attracted all the attention of the Celestial Team, the orange cat who divided the work according to the plan finally spoke.

It opened its mouth suddenly, and an overwhelming amount of tentacles and flesh poured out from it. It devoured everyone on the battlefield in front of it in one bite. Even the space was bitten off by it, tens of thousands of cubic meters, revealing Beneath it lies a deeper void of dark matter.

The orange cat licked the corner of its mouth, touched its belly with its little paws, and then moved its short legs like swimming and flew towards the earth.

"The sun god calls Apollo, good posture, ready for docking, beep!"

In front of him, there was a pervert in a red and black tights wearing a round fish tank on his head and a rocket thruster on his back, flying out of a blue light.

While speaking strange lines and imitating communication electronic sounds, he stretched out a finger forward, trying to imitate the alien contact scene in "et" with the cat.

The orange cat didn't want to cooperate with his mischief at all. While hanging on his neck, it slapped his face with its tail.

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