The Death Knell

Chapter 1833 Plan and Explanation

This was not the first time that Su Ming had entered the stomach of another creature, but Qiu'er's internal space seemed to have nothing to do with the creature.

After being swallowed into the cat's mouth, everyone seemed to be thrown into an endless cosmic cemetery. In this dark space without even stars, there were only the enemy and ourselves, and all kinds of garbage floating around.

It eats dead animals, broken furniture, rocks and trees.

Su Ming also saw half of a Kree warship, which looked as if it had just been bitten off, with sparks still coming from the fracture.

"Find a place to hide first."

Su Ming carried Wanda and flew away from Arishe's neck, flying up and down in the dense fire net composed of various energy attacks, and plunged into the floating garbage pile.

Strangler instantly switched to mimicry, imitating the ingredients of the surrounding garbage. After listening to the Supreme Mage's words, Wanda also used magic to block the traces of the two of them.

Faced with the powerful scanning of the Celestial Team, Su Ming shouldn't be able to hide for long, but Su Ming originally only needed a little time.

"The Creators seem to be making you unhappy?"

Wanda looked over Deathstroke's shoulder and looked behind him. His injuries had healed. The gods did not pursue him for a short period of time. Instead, it seemed that a sudden change of environment caused their programs to become disordered, and they began to investigate what exactly this place was.

Su Ming took her flying about a hundred thousand light years away. There was no reference object in the Yuan Devouring Beast's 'stomach plane', so he could only calculate the distance by multiplying his flight speed by time.

The two hid behind a dilapidated alien speed car and rested against the car door.

"Their logic programs fundamentally treat humans as experimental animals, but I will not allow them to use my humans for experiments." Deathstroke glanced at his shoulder, and Strangler had already filled that area with its own tissue. Missing Flesh and Flesh: "The Seventh Sky is also slowly declining, and the 'end of time' is getting closer and closer. It takes the power of many people to rewrite the fate of the world."

"I don't understand, forget it, let's talk about it later. Thinking that I am in the cat's belly now, I feel very uncomfortable." The Scarlet Witch bared her teeth, arranged her long hair, took out a rubber band and tied it on the back of her head. A ball: "I don't know who tastes better, me, the mouse or the dried fish?"

Su Ming smiled. Wanda's sense of humor had improved. This might be another benefit of following her.

"Qiu'er is an element-devouring beast, not an ordinary orange cat. There are rumors in the universe that the most powerful element-devouring beast in history once devoured a single universe."

Wanda thought he was joking. She covered her mouth and blinked at first, but when she saw that Deathstroke's expression didn't change, she became suspicious: "Really?"

Yin Tama's appearance faded away, and the black and yellow armor covered her body again. The red one-eyed goggles turned to her: "Rumors are always true and false. Who knows? Maybe there really was an element-devouring beast that ate our universe and then Spit it out."

Wanda twitched the corner of her mouth and made a disgusted expression. She thought of the scene of a cat spitting out hair balls and felt a little disgusted.

At this time, half of the alien corpse slowly floated in front of the two of them. The blue face still maintained the frightened expression when it died, and the incision was very smooth.

Su Ming grabbed the corpse, picked up one leg and circled it in the air several times to build up momentum, and then threw him out with great force.

The body hit a scrap metal plate, bounced towards an asteroid wreckage, and then bounced into the distance like a cosmic pinball machine.

Using it to attract the attention of the gods, Su Ming took Wanda to hide in a place tens of thousands of light years away.

Her little white face seemed to glow with a faint light in the darkness, and she asked again: "Are we just going to wait for your cousin's action now?"

"Yes, we can't fight the second-generation founder here, because I'm not sure how strong the stomach plane is. The orange cat is just a transit point to transfer the battlefield." He exhaled and took out the Night Sword from his pocket. Controlling the light spots flowing towards the sword blade: "It's just that every time I ask my cousin to do something, I always feel a little unsure. He is too unpredictable, so I let the cloak follow him."

Wanda seemed to suddenly understand something, and her eyes became sharp: "Are you planning to deal with the Celestials from the beginning? I thought the cloak was only used to trap the star."

"Actually, Magic Floating Cloak has always been urging my cousin. Although I gave him a note when I gave him the star to remind him what to do in any situation, I am worried that he will forget the existence of the note. It's gone." Su Ming moved his shoulder. Although there was a numbing pain in the injured area, it no longer affected his activities: "Although I had expected the encounter with the Creator, there was another plan to deal with them."

"Huh?" Wanda tilted her head and thought for a while.

Su Ming stretched out his head from the broken ship where he was hiding and looked out: "It's that banner, the side that says "Practice for Heaven". I fixed it on the body of the goddess, and it was also brought back to their base by the gods. , and the original plan for the magic positioned on the flag was to wait for the upgrading of the universe to be completed, and then secretly plan to fool dozens of demons to deal with them, such as summoning beholders in the hometowns of the gods."

"Well, why do we have to deal with them?"

The Scarlet Witch is still a little confused. If it had been her father, he would have figured out why.

Magneto is best at cutting grass and roots.

Su Ming waited for Wade's news and replied: "After all, there is a saying in the East. If you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of being missed. The gods have been secretly spying on our earth and universe. They regard themselves as managers and gardeners. Other creatures They are like leeks in their eyes, and if we don’t deal with their problems, we will not be safe.”

"Why leeks?" Wanda tilted her head, but suddenly seemed to understand something, and said with some envy: "I understand, it's because of that girl, right? Daisy? The God Team said they would take her away, so you immediately Against them."

Su Ming hit her on the head. Although the general direction of her thinking was correct, things were not like that at all. This was not some bloody romance drama.

"Daisy is my guinea pig. I am conducting an experiment on the universality of concepts across the universe. I cannot let the gods destroy my plan. In addition to her, everyone else is also very useful. Steve can fight 50-50 with anyone. , Wade is still my cousin, and Ultron is an electronic bomb that can be used."

"Wait a minute, how many cousins ​​do you have?" Wanda dazedly put her fingers on the palm of her other hand, indicating a pause. She was a little confused: "I hid in the distance and peeked. At that time, the blond man Wade in the picture was your cousin. And the deadpool Wade who has been working with us, wearing a red and black tights and exuding a foul smell, was also your cousin? "

"They are the same person, maybe." Su Ming didn't know how to explain it. To be honest, he didn't ask where in the future the Deadpool he called came from. That guy's time flow is Like a ball of string pulled by a cat: "Don't worry about him, you just need to know that no matter what happens to him, the plot must be very reasonable."

Wanda also poked her head out of the wreckage of the spacecraft and took a look: "What does time look like?"

"It's a kind of energy that humans can't understand for the time being." Su Ming saw the cloak flying sneakily in the distance, stretched out his hand to catch it, and hung it on his shoulders: "Get ready, Deadpool is in place."

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