The Death Knell

Chapter 1853 Making trouble

The orcs didn't notice the two people who sneaked out of the hole. They were on the other side of the relatively empty and flat ruins, piecing together a few stolen cars and tanks, as if they were planning to go racing.

Su Ming's plan was to climb up from the outer wall of the relay station's tower.

The communication tower is not too high, about 400 meters, and the outer wall is not too smooth because of the orc patches. It's just that the intervals between stepping or climbing are completely irregular.

Climbing this is a difficult problem for ordinary people. Su Ming is still an ordinary person without a cloak and cosmic energy.

But venom can crawl, but strangulation can't?

As long as he made micro-barbs on his palms and soles to imitate spider legs, he could climb up quickly. But for a nun in power armor, climbing the tower by herself would definitely be difficult.

"How about you wait for me in the cave? I'll be right back."

The greenskins are having a great time now, and are very safe hiding in their caves.

"No, I will not separate from you. Even if we die gloriously today, we will go to the emperor's throne together." She refused without thinking. She didn't know what she was thinking in her mind, but her expression was still The image of a very loyal warrior.

Su Ming actually asked tentatively. She couldn't leave the humanoid database behind. She said it was easier to use than the servo skull.

After all, a head similar to a 'handheld computer' cannot be deceived, but people can be deceived.

The two of them bent down and sneaked under the tower using various ruins as cover. Su Ming pulled away the half-body of a big-headed soldier and said, "That's it, you lie on my back."


Efilar was a little suspicious of her ears for a while. The Battle Sisters have not undergone the 'black carapace' implantation transformation like the Space Marines, so the Sisters' power armor only has the enhancement of strength and mind, and does not include comprehensive 'human-machine integration'. One' function, also does not have such complete life maintenance equipment.

But it is still a power armor after all, made of porcelain steel on Mars, and should weigh about half a ton with weapons and equipment.

You can imagine how difficult it is to carry a person on your back to climb a vertical tower without making any noise or being noticed by the enemy. There are green-skinned beasts all around. If they are discovered, the situation may be very bad.

"I asked you to come up, don't waste time."

Su Ming emphasized again that the sooner the Space Marines arrived, the sooner his journey to find the treasure would begin.

Maybe there is a think tank in the coming battle group who knows what is buried here?

Hearing the urging, Efilar also thought of Slade's extraordinary qualities, so he no longer hesitated and pressed directly against his back, wrapping his arms around his neck.

As a woman, she was a bit too tall, and her breath was right next to Su Ming's ear.

The cold porcelain steel smelled of sweat and blood, and the rosary decorated with iris flowers was placed on his chest.

The weight is not worth mentioning, but the two large hard bulges on her breastplate are a bit annoying.

While Su Ming was complaining in her heart, the nun was also feeling the man's back. She had never been carried by any man before. Even on the battlefield in the past, even if she fell, her sisters would help her.

But what she was feeling now had nothing to do with gender, it was something else that was strange to her.

His armor seemed to be alive, and she could even feel his heartbeat and breathing through the two sets of armor.

But before she could ask any questions, the man quickly climbed up the 'big tree' like a lizard she had seen on a rainforest planet.

It was so fast that she could even feel the resistance of the wind hitting her face, as if she was flying.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the two of them were dozens of meters in the air. She was in a trance, trying to adjust her posture so that she could hold her more steadily. As she shook, one of the grenades on her belt fell.

At this time, a few green-skinned guys on motorcycles happened to pass by below, and the thing accidentally hit one of them on the head, smashing his head into the chest cavity.

The grenades used by Battle Sisters are different from those used by mortals, but are about the same weight as those used by Space Marines. The master-level precision props of the Martian Forge World are much more powerful than flower pots when dropped from this height.

The motorcycle boy's headless body was thrown out of the car, and the motorcycle modified by 'An Xunsi' crashed into the ruins not far away without anyone controlling it.

Since it was equipped with an explosive collision angle modified from a missile, the entire vehicle exploded, and Gorge's head appeared in a small mushroom cloud.

Brother Go and Brother Mao are the gods of the orcs and conceptual entities in the subspace. They are two gods who are very happy and love wrestling. They are commonly known as the "Second Brother Gomao".

According to the Green Skin records, Brother Go is fierce and cunning, while Brother Mao is cunning and fierce. They are very different and each has its own characteristics.

The greenskin's brain is not good, and some people often cannot remember the difference between the two great gods, and internal strife breaks out because of this.

"I thought Brother Gor was fierce and cunning."

"I think Brother Mao is fierce and cunning."

"What a bullshit! Brother Go is the one!"

"You're just kidding! What are you looking at?!"

"What are you looking at?!"


Only one greenskin can survive such a battle of faith, and it often turns into a meaningless melee, a carnival that affects the entire army.

But it doesn't matter. Even if the dead orcs are cut into eighteen pieces, more new orcs will grow out of the ground in a few days, which will have no impact on the tribe's combat effectiveness.

When a group of motorcycle boys saw that their friend's head was missing and his car exploded, their first reaction was not to ask why he died. Instead, they laughed and started applauding. They were so happy that several more motorcycles lost control, killing both people and the car. It exploded into fireworks.

Efilar took a breath of cold air. Just now, he was thinking of sneaking in secretly without causing any big noise.

But when these cars exploded, they were like setting off firecrackers in the dark. How could they not attract attention?

She saw a few helicopter guys flying over in the distance, as if they were ready to investigate.

"Don't panic, we are in the Ork camp now. Chaos and various explosions are commonplace. The sentries will only patrol when it is too quiet."

"Is that so? I'm not too familiar with greenskins."

The nun lay down a little tighter. Sure enough, those helicopter guys just flew over to watch the fun and didn't look at the tower at all.

Su Ming continued to climb up, covering the two of them with the rising smoke: "Many times, the choice of tactics does not necessarily require a head-on confrontation. Understanding the enemy's weaknesses can often lead to greater gains at a smaller cost. Result."

"I don't object to using tactics, but I just don't think it's honorable enough." The nun whispered as she looked at the chaos below. The psychic power allowed her to see far away without being hindered by the smoke.

Su Ming kept moving his hands and feet, climbing like a spider, and opened his mouth: "For the emperor, the chips of our lives should be used in more valuable places."

"You are right, it will be used on a more glorious battlefield. Look, there is a rooftop above." Efilar seemed to be convinced, and she reminded Slade that he was coming soon.

Su Ming had known for a long time, and he even knew how many enemies there were on the platform. Strangler could smell their stench: "I've given some green-skin guards to you. I'll check the communication machine, and I'll throw you up there?"

"Okay, let me purify these monsters, for the sake of the Emperor!"

She took off her power sword and let the man throw her upward. Even though she was hundreds of meters in the air, her expression remained unchanged. She calmly stretched out her hand to grab the edge of the rooftop, pulled hard to move her body, and turned over. Jumped up.

No gun was used, only the muffled sound of a power sword cutting flesh could be heard.

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