The Death Knell

Chapter 1854 Symbiotic Species

The battle ended quickly. Even if the battle nuns only used physical combat, they were not able to fight against the orcs who were enjoying the barbecue. Soon there was no movement above, and Su Ming jumped onto the balcony lightly.

The repeater equipment is still complete, but about 30% of the parts are missing, and sparks and black smoke are emitting at the same time.

The nun came over carrying the body of a skogo beast and dropped it on the floor in front of Su Ming. The soft little creature made a "puff" sound.

"They seem to be using this as a kitchen."

"I can't understand the green skin's thinking. I have no idea why they want to barbecue at a height of several hundred meters." Su Ming shook his head, picked up the body of the little monster and observed: "I once heard a kata Chang warriors said it tasted like chicken.”

Catachan is a famous jungle planet with a dangerous living environment. The mortal soldiers there can be said to be a collection of Rambo and Gabe.

The nun shook her head, turned to deal with the instruments and equipment, and said casually: "This thing is too unclean as food, but I can understand the choices of soldiers. Sometimes there is always no other choice."

Deathstroke tugged on the corpse in his hand, and it stretched like an accordion, and then bounced back when he let go. It was quite fun:

"I don't know when the reinforcements will arrive after the signal is sent. How about we try this? I don't know what kind of squiggly it is with wrinkled sticky skin, but it looks like it can be eaten if its head is removed."

Efilar just looked at him deeply

Squigs, or Scrooges, as their full name is, are social symbiotic creatures that live alongside orcs, eating things that orcs don't eat, while the orcs eat them as a staple food.

To put it simply, they are like scavenger creatures on land. They can grow in large garbage pits near the orc camp and eat garbage. The smallest and most slender fart in the orc tribe is responsible for raising and sorting them.

The Goblin was actually "tributed" by Blizzard, and his appearance changed to a Goblin in Azeroth. The appearance of squiggles is ever-changing, and their sizes are completely different, but the ones used as grunt battle mounts are somewhat similar to the Bloodtusks of Azeroth.

Squiggly is a general term for a large group of creatures, not a specific one.

The orcs named each type of squig according to its use, and each type has many subspecies, and their appearance, size, and function are all completely different.

Including food, hair, medical treatment, cleaning, face-eating gambling, being a pet, being a musical instrument, being used as paint, etc., it can be said that it covers all aspects of the life of the orcs.

Theoretically, all squirrels are edible, but some types taste better and are more delicious.

Some squirrels have other uses and are more valuable and are not often eaten, but one type that looks like a fat loaf of bread and crawls slowly on two short legs is specially used for eating.

They can be eaten raw or cooked. They are meat, but they are essentially mushroom-like spore organisms. Orcs tend to eat cooked food most of the time, otherwise they will get squiggly in their stomachs.

Grots who exist as servants or vassals are often good at cooking squiggo, and there are many classic recipes passed down among the grot. After all, as a fart, if Squiggly can't bake it well, he'll have to serve the next meal himself.

Scrooge can be made into skewers, made into bacon, braised and slow-cooked, or stir-fried over high heat with native plants.

The latest inspiration from Gaomao Ersheng is to wrap them in mushroom residue and fry them in a pan. Take them out and bite them with your teeth. The green juice will splash everywhere and the green skin next door will cry with greed.

The most delicious edible squig lives in the deepest abyss. It is named 'juicy squig' by the orcs and is very popular.

It's not because they are rare. In fact, on planets with green skins, squiggles will grow in large garbage pits, and there are plenty of juicy ones.

The main reason is that there is almost no light, no direction, and no foothold at the bottom of the narrow pit of several hundred meters. It is very difficult to bring them up.

Only a handful of farts with top rock climbing skills and luck can catch them. From a human perspective, they are like the top sea cucumbers in the sea.

And it’s a sea cucumber. After all, the juicy squirrel, which is about half a meter long and weighs more than 50 kilograms, is definitely a treasure. An ordinary edible squirrel is only about the same size as a broiler chicken.

To cook this top-notch ingredient, ordinary farts dare not get started. They have to go to the vast sea of ​​​​stars to find the legendary fart chef god, and go through a complicated cooking process comparable to the promotion ceremony of the Prince of Chaos, in order to perfectly embody its delicious taste. .

Even if it is done, ordinary orcs are not even qualified to smell it, and the big guys can only look at it and drool. Only the bosses who are recognized as having the most artistic taste and appreciation among the orcs have the right to enjoy it.

As for the Hair Squigges, they look like buttons with a strand of long hair. As we all know, Orcs are all bald, but as long as the Grots help stick this little thing to the scalp and let them bite the skull, it can be easily done. Have long, flowing hair with ease.

Many people who do this are motorcycle guys or helicopter guys, driving their favorite vehicles and feeling the strong wind blowing and their long hair brushing their ears. Not to mention how beautiful it is.

Instrumental squigges are further subdivided into flutes, trumpets, organs, etc. They have holes in their bodies or can be inflated, and can be used to blow or play as drums. Some guitar squigges can also make sounds after being powered on. More waaaaagh! The two saints taught the orcs to play and appreciate rock music.

Paint Squig is a bag of water. When squeezed, bodily fluids of different colors will spray out. It can be used to paint equipment or paint on buildings. They also have a subspecies called the oil squiggo, which is squeezed by technician boys to obtain lubricant when repairing cars.

Ooze Squigges are very small and have strong vitality. They are used as chewing gum by orcs. If you sit on a rock and chew one of these Squigges, you will feel pure and beautiful happiness.

After chewing, take it out and press it wherever you want, and the still-living slime squig will stick there and slowly dry, which is fun.

Pocket Scrooge is round and fat, and its entire body is a stomach bag. By tying its four legs together two by two, you can have a leather backpack, which can also be used to hold water after it is tanned and dried.

The face-eating squig has a set of fangs, and the orcs will hold them up to compete with who can bite off the other person's face first, and onlookers will place bets on the teeth.

All in all, there is nothing a Squig can't do for any purpose you can't think of. There is always a Skoo that can satisfy any basic needs of an orc's life.

Of course, this line of biological evolution also has limitations. TV or radio Squigges do not exist, and naturally they cannot be used to access the Internet or connect to subspace. However, there is a long-haired Squig with a lively and docile personality. As a pet, fully unleash your love and social desire.

Since Efilar didn't want to eat this thing, Su Ming collected the corpse in his hand and prepared to send it to the ghost universe. He found a suitable planet to chop up the corpse and plant it. As long as the climate was suitable, he could have it soon. There's a new Scrooge.

I just don’t know if I can grow delicious varieties?

There are many creatures that look ugly but taste delicious. Su Ming believes that other carbon-based creatures can also eat the things that orcs can eat. When they are cultivated, they will become a specialty, the only one in the universe. Good product.

Sure enough, every time he arrives in a new world, as a soul of the Celestial Dynasty, the Supreme Mage will always subconsciously think about whether he can eat it and how to eat it when he sees a strange creature. The strangler is affected by the host and becomes stronger than other creatures. The symbiote is much more tasteful.

The orcs' domestic animals are good, but now they are Deathstroke's. They harvested them soon after arriving on this planet, which is a good sign.

"No, this communication equipment is too new. I don't know what to do if it gets damaged."

At this time, the nun who had been struggling in front of the communication desk for a while raised her hands, looking a little helpless.

Perhaps the tech-priests of the Mechanicum should be allowed to communicate with the mechanical spirit and appease its anger and pain, instead of messing around like this.

"Your method is wrong. In fact, it can be used." Su Ming looked at the thick smoke coming from the equipment used by the greenskins to smoke meat, and said nonchalantly: "Which button sends the signal? This equipment is too new and I don’t know how to operate it.”

"Should be this."

The nun looked unbelieving, but she still pointed to a skeleton joystick on the console. As long as it was pulled down, the signal would always be received by the Empire's loyal warriors in nearby sectors, as long as the signal was not affected by the shadow of the warp.

It's just that the control rod seems to have slipped, and the link inside is probably broken. It is now hanging on the long hole.

"I wonder if it could be used."

Su Ming said with a smile, then put his hand directly on the joystick and pushed it up!

Most of the instruments and equipment lit up. Although more sparks and thick smoke exploded, and the whole tower shook, it really started up again, and the emergency positioning signal was transmitted smoothly.

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