The Death Knell

Chapter 1868 People are in a hurry

In the small room, the conversation gradually became lighter. The two no longer talked about the future and goals, but instead talked about music.

The life in the monastery is pure and regular. In their spare time to hone their combat skills, the battle sisters will also have some other courses to serve their future actions.

For example, music and art, dance and food, Efilar knows a lot about them all, because the common point is that they often involve how to have fun.

Pleasure is the source of corruption. If the Sisters of Battle cannot understand why some of the targets to be purified have become corrupted, then it will be difficult to eradicate the root causes.

But music is also a very dangerous course. Efilar once had a good friend who was tempted by Slaanesh in the holy monastery because he enjoyed too much while studying music, and turned into a crooked horse. Horns, a body covered with all kinds of sensual twisted organs, a monster that can only moan seductively.

Before the Grand Sister noticed the clues and notified the Inquisitor to come, she had been lurking in the monastery in human form, spreading the corruption of Chaos, tempting others to fall, and she lived in the room opposite Efilar.

If Efilar hadn't been protected by psychic powers and his will was strong enough, he might have been corrupted by his daily interactions with demons.

In the end, there was nothing to say, and the Inquisitor found her. She revealed her true form in front of everyone, and was then killed and purified by the sisters with flamethrowers.

It was also at that time that Efilar realized that the corruption of chaos has never been far away from human beings. Maybe as long as one is not careful, he will become a demon.

The artificial atmosphere of Ophelia Seven cannot stop the evil god, and the void shield of the Holy Monastery cannot isolate the influence of subspace. One thought, and it may be over.

What she was talking about about music with Deathstroke was actually talking about how unclean music can corrupt people.

"When dealing with the noise warriors, we will sing hymns loudly so that their psychic noise will not affect our sanity." She talked about her experience in dealing with chaos, with a nostalgic expression on her face, like It was reminiscing about the good days of killing evil spirits with my sisters.

She sang another short paragraph, which was actually the previous prayer of the emperor's lightning to save the whole life from the wind and rain, paired with an aria.

"Wouldn't you feel short of breath if you raise such a high tone while killing people?" Su Ming had a clear perspective and asked a very embarrassing question. Experienced warriors would definitely use their strength while they were taking a breather. Then It's simply a huge flaw.

The nun who was eating the cookie rolled her eyes, although this was indeed a problem: "Noise warriors generally rarely fight in hand-to-hand combat. As long as they can resist their psychic noise and sonic weapons, the benefits always outweigh the disadvantages."

"Let me teach you a simple lesson. Anyway, you only need to fight against noise, so you should also use noise." Su Ming winked at her and said, "My song is not only very easy to sing, but you only need to match it with it." Psychic power can definitely blow up the heads of the noise warriors."

"Oh? Really?" The nun blinked, showing curiosity.

Su Ming smiled slightly, took a deep breath and sang: "Chicken, you are so beautiful, eh! Baby! Chicken, you are so beautiful."

"No! Stop it!"

The nun covered her ears. She had never heard such a weird melody, and the greasy lyrics, just like the sound of a person falling into Nurgle's pool of viscous rot and tumbling in pain. The cry is the same.

Before she even finished hearing this sentence, she felt like her head was going to explode.

Su Ming smiled. He pushed all the snacks in front of him to the nun, stood up and made a leg-crossing motion to make him urinate: "Okay, I won't sing anymore. I'll give you these. I'll go out and take care of my physiological needs."

The nun who was covering her ears didn't hear what he said, but she understood what he was doing. She said there was no need to tell her this at all, and she didn't care about going to the bathroom.

Besides, he is so strong, and the relay station is surrounded by friendly forces. The Space Marines have already begun to purify the battlefield, so there will be no danger.

It’s better to have another piece of chocolate

A dark green steel giant was moving in the relay tower. He was holding a flamethrower and cleaning up the green minced meat in the corridor. Of course, the body parts of the defense forces who had been stationed here were no longer distinguishable from the green skins. You and I can only be burned together.

This is a necessary job, and usually such a monotonous and tedious task will be performed by recruits like him.

In fact, it is not that new. Most of the latest recruits in the battle group will be assigned to the reconnaissance company, and they will do the most dangerous tasks under the leadership of veteran non-commissioned officers. They are only equipped with the lightest reconnaissance power armor and no heavy weapons.

After passing those tests of life and death, the recruits will be assigned to regular companies and become members of the tactical team or the assault team.

There are many assault space marines in the Blood Angels chapter who use jetpacks. They always shout the war cry of death from the sky, jump into the enemy pile and chop at them.

But the Dark Angels, also named Angels, don't like flying very much. They prefer a well-thought-out and steadily advancing combat strategy.

The unknown Space Marine meticulously pulled the trigger of the flamethrower, setting the piles of green meat on fire, enduring the pungent stench.

Next, he planned to clean up the faulty elevator, so that after a duel, the technical sergeant could repair it.

But at this moment, with his peripheral vision, he saw a figure flashing past quickly in the distance of the dark corridor, and that figure seemed to be a little green?

"Who is there?!"

He immediately turned the flamethrower and walked over there alertly, thinking that he might have found a fish that slipped through the net.

In the name of the Emperor, the alien monster must die!

No one answered, but he heard the high-pitched screech of a squirrel that the greenskins often raised to listen to the sound.

Filthy and unclean fun.

He was more sure of his thoughts and strode towards the end of the corridor over there. The lone greenskin was definitely no match for him, he was very sure.

In the dark corridor, only the small flame from the muzzle of the ejector was illuminated. Every time he took a step forward, the darkness behind him followed him like a maggot attached to the bone.

The heavy metallic sound echoed in the corridor, and at the same time, the Skogo screamed louder.

Suddenly, the sound stopped abruptly, as if the dirty pet had been covered or strangled to death by someone.

The warrior knew that there was a greenskin still hiding in the tower, trying to avoid his search.

What a ridiculous reaction. There are less than a hundred rooms on each floor of the tower. Where can he hide?

Even with the smallest sound, the Space Marines can lock your position!

"For the Emperor!"

The new soldier rushed up with big strides, his power armor made a clanging sound, and he slammed open a door!

As a result, they found that the room was empty except for a jar in the center. There was a squig still alive in it, but its mouth was blocked by a piece of gravel. : :


Just when he realized something and turned around hurriedly

A small, dark figure suddenly fell on the ceiling at the door. While in mid-air, a large cluster of tentacles as black as ink surged out from the shadow, swallowing up the Space Marine in one gulp.

Weapons, power armor, and people were instantly wrapped in a thin film transformed from the tentacles. With a twist, they were all squeezed into soup and crumbs, wrapped and digested.

"Read the memory and extract the genes for simulation. Next, we will find a wolf group and compare the common points in their gene seeds. The universe will not forget their sacrifice."


After the silent exchange, the shadow merged into the darkness again, and took away the squig jar. Everything returned to calm, as if no one had ever been here.

:. :m.x

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