The Death Knell

Chapter 1869 The Mystery of the Disappearance

"You came back so soon, did you find the toilet?"

Back in the prayer room, Efilar was still at the table, eating like a little squirrel. She seemed to have the idea of ​​​​taking advantage of it.

It is inevitable for human beings to have such basic physiological needs, and even noble nuns cannot be completely exempt from secular needs.

"No, I just found a corner to solve it." Su Ming looked relaxed, as if he really went there for convenience: "But the Space Marines seem to have started cleaning up the relay tower, you should just endure it. .”

"Oh, then you should eat something. We are actually still surrounded. There are too many alien monsters on this planet."

She rubbed her white mushroom hair and pushed half of the food in front of her.

"These are for you. I still have them here. Relax. Space Marines have the most experience of being surrounded. This is how they enter the battlefield most of the time."

Su Ming took out a bottle of mineral water and pretended to wash his hands. After sitting down, he took out more food and drinks and started eating with the nun.

But before the two of them had eaten, two tower-like figures appeared outside the door.

"Deathstroke, have you seen my little cub?"

Wolf Lord Gunnar squatted low and got in through the door. The Terminator's shoulder armor knocked another piece of the door frame off. His huge size made the small prayer room look even more cramped.

After coming in, he asked the two of them urgently if they had seen the missing brother, his voice hurting the ears.

"Huh? I heard your team members when they entered the tower, but didn't they go to a higher floor?" Su Ming wiped his mouth and frowned slightly.

Pastor Ophis poked his head in from the door. There was no room for him in the room, so he could only speak outside the door: "We were planning to finish clearing the battlefield and start the 'communication' between the war groups according to tradition... But someone is missing, we and they each have a missing recruit."

"That's it." Su Ming touched his chin and looked like he was thinking: "Will they start fighting among themselves?"

"No, a glorious duel needs to be witnessed by others." Gunnar shook his head, and the braid of his beard was swung wildly: "At that time, others heard Brother Blue Belly yelling two words on the communication channel, 'Who is it?' , 'Ah!', and then nothing was heard from him."

Su Ming shook his head, his face expressionless: "These two words are not clues at all. Where is his missing location?"

"On the 17th floor, I've asked the tusks to go up and search." Gunnar obviously wanted to find out if there were any witnesses, but then he thought about it and asked the two people in the prayer room on the second floor. I'm afraid it really was. There is no answer: "Oh, it's all these angels' fault. If I hadn't been thinking about competing with them, I would never have ignored the possible dangers in the tower."

Deathstroke was too strong before, leaving him with the impression that he was extremely powerful, but in fact, across so many floors, the entire tower was filled with the smell of burning green skin, and it was normal to not know anything. .

Ophis also sighed. It was rare that he did not compete with the Wolf Lord. The Space Marines were used to seeing the death of their brothers, but dying gloriously on the battlefield was two different things than missing and missing.

Not to mention that ancient power armor and weapons are sacred objects of the Chapter. Without them, it is basically impossible to remake them. The most precious thing is actually the gene seeds. If the corpses are gone, the gene seeds cannot be recovered.

The gene seed can be regarded as a super powerful implant. After being implanted into the human body, it will turn ordinary people into supermen in all aspects, so that they can withstand the subsequent series of transformation surgeries.

For example, the Dark Angels will send new recruits to a mountaintop at the headquarters of the 'Rock Fortress', where they will undergo a month-long surgical operation in the open air without anesthesia. They rely solely on willpower to survive to become new recruits.

Without the early implantation of gene seeds, who could survive this? It would be necessary to add two lungs, a stomach, a heart, a full-body interface for connecting to the power armor, etc., and it would be no different from an artificial human.

One step in the biochemical modification surgery of a Space Marine is to bury a pre-set gene storage gland, which allows the warrior with the gene seed implanted to produce two new seeds. When mature, they can be taken out for the next recruitment. This is the only way to keep the Chapter alive.

It takes a long time for new seeds to mature, five years for the glands in the neck and ten years for the glands in the chest. These new gene seeds will inherit the warrior's combat experience and part of his memory.

Therefore, after many Space Marines die in battle, medical officers will use large drills to recover the mature seeds and take them back to their hometowns for the next generation of recruits.

When the body dies, the soul of the deceased simply returns to the Emperor's right hand, and life is an end, a journey full of glory.

As long as the gene seed is still there, it means that the brothers are still alive with everyone.

But if a large amount of gene seeds cannot be recovered for various reasons, even the Grand Master or the Wolf King will be so heartbroken that they can't breathe.

The missing recruits have spent ten years in the reconnaissance company, and the seeds should be mature. In other words, the two battle groups lost four seeds this time. If you don’t round up, that’s 100 million. No wonder Ao Fei Si was in no mood to argue with Gunnar.

There were no casualties among the Space Marines in the battle just now, but the gene seeds on the frontal battlefield were safely recovered. However, something went wrong with the brothers who cleaned up the battlefield after the war. This...

Of course, Su Ming also knew a method of manufacturing 'copycat' gene seeds, which was to implant the gene seeds into strong slave workers, and then lock the slave workers in the tightest place and strictly monitor them in order to mass produce the seeds.

But there are big problems with this kind of ‘domestic seeds’.

It has no inherited combat experience and no inherited memories. It is of low quality and is easily damaged. It takes seventy years to mature. The Space Marine who implants it really inherits nothing. Even how to use a bolt gun has to be taught from scratch. And the seeds of degradation will make them much weaker than the Space Marines of other Chapters.

A war group would not make such a decision unless it was forced into a desperate situation, such as the losses in a certain battle were too great and the group's inheritance was in danger of being cut off.

What's more, the Dark Angels and Space Wolves are both starting battle groups. They now have a new source of soldiers, and that is the great sage of the Mechanicus, Beliselius Caul, known as 'Dora Kaul'. As if by magic. Created 'Primaris Space Marines'.

Using the seeds of the Primarch, the Primaris space warriors somehow manipulated were bigger, faster, and stronger, but these warriors seemed unlikely to be accepted by the parent group.

The Blades of Vengeance and the Angels of Resistance are both Primaris interstellar war groups that use Leon gene seeds. Logically speaking, they can be regarded as sub-groups of the Dark Angels, but there seems to be some 'secrets' happening between them.

No, nothing actually happened, because the First Chapter had no secrets.

"This lord..."

"Just call me Gunnar. My company is Gunnar Blood Moon Wolves, and I am the glorious guard of the Wolf King."

Just as Deathstroke was about to say something, he was boldly interrupted by Big Beard, who announced the names of himself and his company. The companies of the wolf regiment generally have the surname of the lord, just like their former tribal system.

The mercenary who followed the trend nodded: "Pay tribute, since you are sure that the missing brothers will not fight privately, then I am afraid there is only another not very good inference. I am sure that no enemy has come in from the lobby on the first floor, but in the middle In addition to this side of the tower, there is an entrance to the top terrace... Did the enemy sneak in from there?"

Although it is a question, he is actually guiding the other person's thinking.

The Wolf Lord nodded. This is a very obvious fact. Since there are no roads on the ground, there is a problem in the sky:

"It's very possible that there are all kinds of dangers in this world of death. I have seen how gene stealers hide in the darkness and climb, and the Eldar can also sneak in secretly. I'm afraid we have to gather our troops and start again. Clear the relay towers and expedite the deployment of venting and detection equipment.”

"It's not too late to make amends." Su Ming acknowledged with a face, patted his leg armor and stood up: "Okay, I'll help you search together. Sister, you stay here to guard the door, don't let the enemy escape."


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