The Death Knell

Chapter 1880 Who is the Heretic?

Now that the secret was revealed, Efilar no longer hid it, and Xiaozui kept telling Su Ming about her experiences before coming here.

And she also admitted a little scam of hers. In fact, she was not from the Order of the Holy Blood Rose. Her order was the most famous and tragic "Lady Martyr".

Although the monastic robes of both are red, representing the desire to avenge the dead sisters, there are differences in the subtleties of the power armor.

When Su Ming first met her, he found that her power armor was damaged. It was actually she who dug out the markers herself. When she left the Black Library, she was sensed by the Imperial psyker, and she guessed that someone would come after her.

The encounter with the Chaos Demon was true, and so were the things that happened to her sisters.

It's just that she had hidden a large part of her experience during this period, that is, when she was tracking her enemies, she met a troupe of clowns.

Those inexplicable Eldar killed her servants and crew, but they politely invited her to watch the show. A bunch of people swarmed up, pulled her arms and legs, and lifted her onto the troupe's spaceship.

She chanted the Emperor's name and they gagged her.

She closed her eyes, and they used instruments to open her eyelids.

As a result, the big play of Slaanesh seducing the Eldar to fall was performed for seven days and seven nights. After the troupe ended, the leader sent her directly to the big clown.

In fact, while she was being watched, the troupe's spaceship moved through the network in order to send her to a local black library.

‘It’s you! ’

As if he knew her, the big clown smiled and danced on the spot, suddenly kicked the nun into the black library, and locked the door outside.

It’s hard to describe what it’s like in the library. Those crystal books are fixed in the air with gold chains, but everything around them is full of terrifying temptations. Some items even have whispers or whispers from evil gods. roar.

Decaying creations are spreading on the ground, and mutated creatures are wandering among them. There is no direction, no time, no way out, everything is chaotic and disorderly.

But whenever she raised her head, the dome was a beautiful boundless starry sky, with luminous books arranged everywhere like constellations, calling her, waiting for her to read.

She won't get tired or die in the library. She can't remember how many books she has read and how much forbidden knowledge she has seen, but there is no doubt that her psychic level has improved as if flying.

If she wanted to fly, she could fly. It turned out that it only took a thought to get rid of the filth under her feet. She felt unprecedentedly relaxed, and then she was swimming in the ocean of knowledge, feeling pure happiness.

After an unknown amount of time, the clown opened the door and fished her out.

‘It’s time! hey-hey! ’

Then a group of clowns fed her something to eat and drink, returned her weapons and equipment, and let her try out her new abilities.

She activated her psychic powers, and the light that was like a burning star torch completely shook the subspace. Perhaps the Chaos Gods and the Emperor saw her, and their distant eyes were cast on her across dimensions. She didn't even know why at the time. so.

The Harlequin said that this was just right. Human psykers should have sensed that she was mixed with the Eldar! He also entered the black library and mastered the knowledge that everyone is jealous of. Now he is going to be hunted down, haha!

Then they put her on an Eldar ship and threw her out of the webway.

So she appeared next to the current planet. The spacecraft was hit by a Chaos warship, fell to the surface, and then encountered the undead.

She wanted to prove her eternal loyalty to the Emperor through battle, but because she could not adapt to the new power in her body, she was hit in the arm during the battle.

She hid in the church to pray. She was actually restraining the terrifying spiritual self-healing power in her body, because she knew that if a spiritual light comparable to a star torch erupted here, it would be completely different from causing commotion in the webway. concept.

Next, she met Deathstroke behind the icon. This is everything that happened before. These days, she has not adapted to controlling her power in reality. This is the reason why she is willing to "paddling from behind" with Deathstroke. .

She was afraid of being exposed in battle.

"But now it seems that the empire has still locked the location of the Webway exit, and the Inquisition has come." After hearing her story, Su Ming was not only speechless at the clowns' behavior, but also somewhat confused about them. The purpose of the Laughing God behind him: "At least one battleship has arrived, but I don't know the specific location. Fortunately, the Chaos Fleet has blocked the star area, and the Inquisition will not send reinforcements in the short term."

Is he planning to use the nuns as pawns against Tzeentch? Or did he foresee the coming of Deathstroke and want to play a trick? Or is she really the ‘hope of the whole village’, and the heavy responsibility of eradicating Chaos will fall on her?

Looking at her tangled and troubled look, I can see that this is not a savior.

Personal strength is another matter, but the chaos knowledge in her brain is what everyone who is the enemy of the Chaos Gods wants. In the Warhammer world, the human head is a storage tool, and the data inside can be read by taking it off. .

No wonder the trajectory of the shot just now was not to hit the nun's head, but to her heart. The empire also wanted her head.

"If you were with me, you would probably be wanted." She shrank her neck in embarrassment and showed a cute smile: "But you are the Primarch, should you be fine?"

Su Ming sighed and indicated that she should eat and drink.

"You should have told me earlier, that would be easier to arrange. However, thanks to your good luck, my plan has allowed you to be protected. I have reached a deal with the Grand Master of the Dark Angels. As long as they don't want me to take them If your secret is sold, you should choose to listen to me and not betray you. The Space Wolves and the Inquisition have a feud, and the other party will not even contact them, which is safe."

"So as long as I'm still on this planet, I'll be safe for a short time?" She looked at the retreating insect swarm below, as if those things had become a little cute.

"You also said that it is only temporary. Once the Imperial fleet or the Mechanicus fleet arrives and disperses the Chaos fleet in the sector, the Inquisition team will come to deal with you, the 'demon' in their eyes." Su Ming shrugged, picked up the bottle, took a sip, and sniffed. The air was filled with the smell of Zerg acid, with a fishy sweetness: "I guess they will pull out your head and make it into a servo skull. Slowly read all the knowledge and information inside, so that you can serve the Emperor forever."

The nun grinned when she heard this and waved her hands with a look of disgust on her face: "I am willing to serve the emperor forever, but not now. I have to avenge my sisters. Do you have a good idea? At least give me more time."

"Simple, just serve me forever. How about I go to the emperor to negotiate a condition and ask him to give you to me?" Su Ming smiled and said extremely heretical remarks.


She exhaled a long breath and stared at Deathstroke with her big eyes.

She simply regarded this as a heretical joke, but in fact she saw the Laughing God's joke book in the Black Library, and the jokes in it were the real heresy.

For example, the Emperor was playing cards with the Chaos Gods in the Warp. Tzeentch was caught and had to be spanked by the Emperor. The Laughing God said that the Emperor had set a new high for "chicken farts".

No! Can't think about it! So weird!

The nun shook her head wildly, trying to get rid of the heretical thoughts that suddenly appeared in her head.

"The Tribunal is just a disgusting little trouble. Think about working for me." Su Ming saw her shaking her head and thought she still had to think about it, so he said he could give her more time: " Give me that bullet, I'm short of a murderer."

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