The Death Knell

Chapter 1881 Blame-shifting meeting

After the Hive Tyrant was shot down by an unknown attack, the Hive Mind chose to retreat temporarily to see the situation.

It micro-managed a large number of knife insects to rear, while the large army slowly retreated.

Perhaps for other forces, launching an attack wave of tens of thousands of individuals may be considered a major battle, but for the Zerg and Greenskins, it is just a tentative reconnaissance.

The results of the investigation are there. The Space Marines have weapons they have never seen before. A golden thread shot down the tyrant. It is simply incomprehensible.

It's better to wait a little longer, wait for the greenskins or Chaos to use human lives to further test it, and just take a peek for a while.

This is a dead planet. Under the baptism of war, it is almost as if there is no grass now. The main source of biomass required for the expansion of the insect swarm is the corpses of other creatures, and it is currently more sensible to preserve one's own strength.

After all, he would have to fight the Necrons in the future, and that battle would be a pure loss.

It knows that it needs to devote its strength to more valuable battlefields, instead of grinding meat with the tyrannical "tin cans" here without any purpose.

The Space Marines cleared away the knife bugs remaining on the battlefield and began to clean up. Su Ming found Ophis and Gunnar and showed them his new findings.

"Is this it?"

The priest's thick fingers picked up the somewhat bent and deformed bullet. The eyes behind the skull mask examined this small thing. He had some guesses in his heart, but did not say them out. He just asked an obvious question.

Su Ming nodded sternly. Although he was less than half the height of the Space Marines, he looked like a giant at this time.

"Yes, Ophis, this is my new discovery." He reached out to take the bullet from the priest's hand and handed it to the anxious wolf master to smell: "Do you remember our two missing brothers?"

"You mean?" the pastor's tone turned dark.

Deathstroke didn't answer. He just looked at the giant with a calm look, which meant something self-evident.

The priest understood. If there was a secret army of the Tribunal in this world, then a series of things would be connected together, so it would make sense.

They want to spy on the secrets of the Dark Angels! And secrets must be protected, so

Ophis thought of something and turned his gaze to Gunnar.

At this time, the wolf master's nostrils were fully opened, and he was sniffing the scent of the warhead vigorously.

"That's right, the smell of holy water and holy oil. Only the imperial assassins affiliated with the Assassination Hall would have such troublesome killing steps." He raised his head suddenly as if he was on drugs, and shook out his braided hair in a chic way. Arc: "You should have shown this bullet to the nun, right? I smelled the three of you on it, and the smell of the person who shot this bullet was masked."

"When the bugs attacked us today, what the nun said reminded me." Su Ming sat on the resource box aside like a sleeping detective, lowered his head and said, "I broke the wings of the insect nest tyrant. , and let it fall to the ground. The nun said that with the size of the monster, it couldn't fit into the elevator and couldn't get up. I suddenly thought of the disappearance case."

"What did you think of?" Gunnar's eyes widened, he wanted to hear the reasoning attentively.

This guy perfectly fit into the role of a police officer. Su Ming liked people who were good at complimenting him. He raised his head and smiled at the Wolf Lord: "Although this relay station is not prepared for interstellar warriors, it was originally stationed here by the Imperial Guard. , but its elevator is of standard specifications and can be entered and used by Space Marines."

"That's right. No matter how new a building is, there are construction standards. In military facilities in the empire, the design height of moving lines must not be less than five meters. Corridors and elevators must allow space warriors to pass quickly. Otherwise, designers and construction personnel will all They will all be regarded as heretics." Ophis added, this was a rule from a long time ago, but it has always been used.

For example, if you build a bunker for the defense forces on a remote planet, the inside of the bunker must be more than five meters high in case space warriors may use it in the future, although this probability is extremely low.

Whether it is useful or not is one thing, but how you build it is another matter.

As for the mortal soldiers who usually use it, whether they have to step on the ammunition box to reach the shooting hole, or build a high platform under their feet, then you can figure it out yourself.

Su Ming took out a cigarette, put it into his mouth and lit it under the uncomprehending gazes of the two people, and gently blew out a smoke ring: "It is known that the last place where the warriors of the Wolf Group communicated with you was on the seventeenth floor. After shouting and disappearing, we assume that he has been killed, is this correct?"

"That's right." Both the Wolf Lord and the Priest nodded.

Deathstroke took another puff of cigarette, and the cigarette butt illuminated his face in the darkness, which was a red fire:

"But was he really on the 17th floor? What if he was in the elevator at the time? What if the murderer killed him on another floor, took the helmet of the communication and positioning equipment to the 17th floor, took away the body, and then pretended to be him and spoke What? The same goes for the missing persons of the Dark Angel."


Gunnar understood. He had never considered this issue before, but if the enemies were also humans, they could definitely use this method!

As for why the Inquisition wanted to kill Space Wolves people? Do you still need to ask? It must be revenge for what happened back then!

"So I searched other floors, floors that we had never thought of before, such as the communication room on the top floor, and I found it." Su Ming pointed to the bullet and said calmly: "It's stuck in a In this machine, the technical sergeants have been repairing the void shield generator and reactor in the basement these days and did not have time to repair the communication equipment on the top floor, so it was not discovered."

"But if it was an assassination, why did they take away the body? Did they simply not want us to see who did it from the wounds?"

Gunnar seemed to have seen in his mind the appearance of his poor brother being bombarded by the Inquisition Judges' team with various silenced light and heavy weapons, and his mutilated body falling to the ground helplessly.

Power armor can indeed provide good protection, but in a contest between spears and shields, spears often have the advantage. Power armor cannot stop bolters and power swords, not to mention that many inquisitors are psychic. or.

"The fifth step of the Space Marine transformation surgery is to implant the 'Lamanre Cell Generating Organ'. To put it bluntly, it is an enhanced super platelet that can cooperate with the power armor's life support system to seal the wound in the case of minor injuries and avoid Infection, they probably didn’t want you to get clues from this aspect when they took the body away, but this is only one aspect.”

Su Ming talked nonsense in a coherent manner and stretched out a finger.

"What else?" Gunnar praised again.

"The eighth step of the transformation surgery is to implant the gene detection nerve (omophage). You are space warriors. What is this organ used for? I don't need to say more, right?"

Su Ming stretched out his second finger, made a V-sign, waved it in front of the two of them, then clamped the cigarette in his mouth and blew out another puff of smoke.

Behind this light blue gauze, his face gradually disappeared into darkness.

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