The Death Knell

Chapter 1886 Artificial Demon

Gunnar raised his right hand and pressed his lightning claw against the assassin's belly. The strong electric current made her tremble, and a burning smell spread out.

"Who asked you to come? Which elder would be immortal? Or a certain bishop?!"

The assassin's head turned towards her like a puppet out of oil. The twitching muscles on his face revealed a weird smile, and a black tongue popped out of her mouth, dancing wildly like a poisonous snake spitting out a message.

A hoarse voice that did not sound like a human voice sounded:

"Blood to the Blood God! Skull to the Skull Throne!"

She shouted the classic line from a disciple of the evil god Khorne, and every Space Marine knew what it meant.

Gunnar's face darkened, and he stabbed the lightning claw into the assassin's abdomen with his backhand. The ferocious expression on his face was like a grimace, as if he was going to tear her apart in the next second.

But he took a few deep breaths to control his emotions and did not rush to kill his enemy.

The wolf master retracted his claws and stepped back. The burnt intestines were still stuck to his gauntlets and were dragged far away. He shook them off in disgust and stepped on them:

"I have no problem. Such a madman can't ask anything, but at least we can already know that the evil spirit is looking at us again. Cat, do you have anything to ask?"

The wolf master showed rare courtesy and moved away so that the priest could ask questions.

The Dark Angels' torture techniques are probably among the best among many war groups. They are very good at making others suffer. Of course, this is also a secret that perhaps only the Space Wolves know besides themselves.

The priest tugged on his green hood, and there was nothing wrong with him. If assassins were so depraved, the inquisitor behind her was probably also a demon.

There was no need to waste too much time with the chaotic beast. His tall figure turned around and left, getting out of the doorway, leaving only one sentence:

"Burn it."

Only fire and holy war cries can cleanse this filth, and as it happens, there are battle sisters here, who are experts at burning people.

Gunnar licked his canine teeth. He originally intended to give the priest the opportunity to kill his enemy, but he was not polite because he was not grateful.

"For Russ and Allfather! Go back to your warp, demon! Remember my name, I am Gunnar Bloodmoon Wolf!"

After speaking, he raised his hands, and the two lightning claws crossed each other. The assassin's upper body turned into seven layers of flesh, and his head completely fell off.

But he was particularly dissatisfied. He even grabbed the corpse on the chair, tearing it apart like a husky tearing apart a rag doll, and scratched it until the room was filled with pieces of meat and indistinguishable paste.

Efilar raised his hand to scrape away the foam on his eyelids and looked at the wolf master with a helpless look.

After avenging part of his missing and murdered brothers, Gunnar felt much better. He laughed loudly and patted Deathstroke on the shoulder:

"Thank you, brother, you are our Space Wolves' forever friend. If it weren't for you, we might not have been able to detect the Evil God's conspiracy so early."

"Thank you, I just did some trivial work." Su Ming knelt down and picked up the assassin's head. She looked like she was dead in death, but Deathstroke's heart was not shaken, and she even wanted to laugh: "Next Leave it to me and the nun, maybe we can use psychic powers to target more enemies, and I will send them all to you."

"Good brother!" Gunnar's other big hand also put on Deathstroke's shoulder, hugging him as if he was going to crush his shoulders: "I'm waiting for your good news, and when we finish this This is a glorious journey, I’ll invite you to have a drink at Longtusk Fortress!”

After speaking, the Wolf Lord squatted down and moved out of the small door of the room.

In the room full of the smell of blood, the nun and the death knell stared with big eyes. The candles in the room were half extinguished by the blood, and darkness was gradually engulfing the place.

"You also go out and wait for me at the door."

Su Ming lifted the assassin's head up by his ponytail and asked the nun to go out and wait for him. Next, he had to use strangulation to read the information. That scene was a bit heretical.

In fact, the assassin's black tongue is the result of strangulation. Su Ming put his hand on the back of the assassin's neck, and the strangulation came out of the palm of his hand. He made a hole in the back of the assassin's head and acted in conjunction with the host. In short, he wanted to make the assassin look seriously injured. Mutation and corruption.

The tongue is bifurcated and spits out several meters long. Isn't this heretical enough?

As for the ghostly female voice, it actually came from the voice changer recording of Deathstroke. Anyway, no matter what question the two space warriors asked, the answer was the recorded sentence.

Blood sacrifice to the blood god, return the skull to the skull throne!

This heretical saying is useful at any time. A knowledgeable Space Marine will know that there is no trial as soon as he hears this. The followers of Khorne can only think about killing or being killed, just to make the Blood God happy.

"Didn't you ask me to stay and help? I can use my psychic powers."

The nun wanted the head, and she was more curious about who was after her, so she wanted to help in any way she could.

The ancient Eldar were masters of spiritual energy, and the Black Library contained techniques on how to read the souls of the dead through spiritual energy. She happened to have read that book, and the Laughing God recorded a very cruel and terrifying ritual in humorous language.

"Do you think there is no price for psychic energy?" Su Ming held her head, spun her around in a circle, and pushed her out the door: "The more you use the power from the soul, the further you will leave the subspace. The closer you get, Tzeentch is waiting for you to fall in with his mouth open. Before I figure out what chess the Laughing God and Tzeentch are playing, you should try to use your psychic powers as little as possible."

"Then I'll leave, are you okay? Do you also have highly differentiated genetic detection nerves?" The nun who turned her head and spoke mid-sentence suddenly became sharp-eyed. If that were the case, wouldn't it mean that Deathstroke would eat the assassin to obtain information?

This was not the first time she had seen Space Marines eating the meat of natives, as if they were not the same species at all. After eating, they could continue their pursuit of glory by saying "For the Emperor".

The same is true for the Gray Knights. They can even eat demon flesh to read the memories of their enemies, and their powerful psychic powers can maintain their sanity.

It has to be said that nuns have a strong sixth sense. Su Ming's method of reading information about dead people has something to do with eating, but it's just eating by the symbiote.

"Do you still want to avenge the sisters?" Su Ming pulled her face back and pushed her out the door: "If you want to, obey my order now."

The nun's lifelong wish was to avenge her sisters. As soon as Deathstroke said this, she showed a meek expression and went out obediently, closing the door behind her.

Then, while she was leaning on the door panel, she heard the sound of a soda bottle being broken, followed by a slurping sound like eating noodles. The sound seemed to make the temperature in the dark corridor drop sharply.

After a few seconds, Deathstroke pulled away, smiling gently, and the room was already clean.

"Okay, I know where the inquisitor is, and there is a very good frigate waiting for us to receive it. I asked why I haven't received a reply from the Mechanicus yet. It turns out that the communication was intercepted by them. This time Just kill two birds with one stone.”

"Did you lick the floor and cabinets?"

The nun looked at the various shiny furniture in the room with dull eyes. They seemed to have been waxed and were still a little damp.

Su Ming stuttered for a moment, and he made a long face: "Do you still want to take revenge?"

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