The Death Knell

Chapter 1887 Old Tactics

"Under the Emperor's light, justice knows no evil. May our deeds shine in his eyes and please his heart."

"We pray that as long as the Emperor pleases, His Holy Wisdom will enable us to live a bright life and die a worthy death."

The nun has been praying. She has been praying since Su Ming took her out of the camp and flew here directly away from everyone's sight. She has been praying since she landed.

Su Ming listened to the whispers behind him. He took a deep breath from the cigarette in his mouth, and then blew out the breath mixed with nicotine far away:

"We are going to cut down the Inquisition. Isn't that a bit of a prayer for you to pray to the Emperor?"

Su Ming simply found a rock on the beach and sat down, looking at the dark ocean under the night, which was moaning in pain.

The nun knew the current situation. She was being targeted. Without solving the problem of the inquisitor who came with the assassin, it would be difficult to have enough time to track down the enemy.

But is this really the right thing to do?

It's really weird to be carried by Deathstroke and fly. The Primarch of the Blood Angels can fly because they have wings, but Deathstroke's flight is like floating at high speed, with no psychic reactions and no technology, making it impossible for people to fly. understand.

She felt a little confused. The closer she got to the Tribunal's battleship, the more hesitant she became.

So the nun prayed as usual to calm down her mood, but Deathstroke said her prayers were useless, which made her almost forget her words, and several blasphemous jokes about the Laughing God popped into her head.

She quickly shook her head, shook those messy thoughts out of her mind, and said in defense: "I'm just here to negotiate with the inquisitor to see if you can give me some time. I'm not here to kill people."

Su Ming rolled his eyes. His black and yellow mask deformed and rose from the armor, and his voice became hoarse and gloomy:

"I don't even know when I will get what you want. Do you think the Inquisition is willing to give you unlimited time to wait? Even if you want to cooperate with them and tell them the information you saw in the Black Library, they will I suspect you have reservations, and I would rather dig out your brain and read it myself."

"" The nun lowered her head.

"Okay, your psychic energy seems to already know who is coming. Judging from your reaction, I guess you probably know the inquisitor who is chasing you. It's not easy to attack an acquaintance, right? I'll do it for you. Just kill her, she will die miserably."

Su Ming waved his hand generously and helped her solve a series of revenge matters. She would always serve him and the Sky Council in the future. Even if the humanoid database was not good, at least she could tell a few Eldar jokes. ?

In short, this is a fair transaction and no one loses.

The nun hesitated for a while, then sighed, acquiescing, and said, "The Tribunal's battleship is parked in a cliff cave on the seaside. It has avoided the scanning of various forces through the terrain. How do you plan to get in?"

"Space battleships are called battleships in the universe. They are just a big iron house parked on the ground. They need human protection." Su Ming looked down from the cliff. In addition to the green The waves are lapping against the rocks on the seaside, but you can't see much from this angle.

"Those two missing Space Marines are actually related to you, right?" The nun suddenly raised her head. Deathstroke did not avoid her in many processes during the process of framing the assassin, which made her roughly understand something.

She is not stupid, she has just boarded the pirate ship.

"It's not me, I didn't, don't talk nonsense." Deathstroke just smiled

‘Devils are ever-changing, we must keep this in mind, we must see through their various disguises and eliminate them one by one. But until then, don't believe anyone, not even yourself. It's better to die worthless than to live in filth. Dedicating yourself to the Emperor will make you immortal. ’

This is an excerpt from the Inquisition Code, so it is impossible for the nun to hope that the inquisitor who is chasing her will miss her old relationship. Although this inquisitor is a woman, she is not Efilar's sister.

The other party is still vigilant. Even if the spaceship is docked in the cave and everyone is lurking in the dark, there are still people who are keeping an eye on the monitoring equipment in the battleship and are very dedicated.

You asked Su Ming how he knew he was very dedicated?

Because he was standing behind this attendant, watching people operate camera switches one by one, staring at the screen with a serious face. From time to time, if he found some trouble somewhere, he would pick up the intercom and notify the patrol outside to respond. direction exploration.

But their vigilance is also expected by Deathstroke. After all, no matter who enters such a world where various races are fighting, they will be vigilant.

So he used an old trick.

Although times have changed and technology has advanced a lot, some tactics are still very useful from ancient times to the present.

Su Ming just threw a small stone of about 500 kilograms towards the dark cliff in the distance, causing a little movement. After the patrol team left, their defense circle revealed a flaw, allowing him to easily hold the nun and open the door. The warehouse door sneaked into the warship, and even with the help of the nun's guidance, he 'sneaked' to the bridge smoothly.

Well, a 'Dagger-class' frigate modified by the Inquisition and specially used for covert operations, in addition to the Inquisitor and his attendants, the priests responsible for mechanical maintenance and the like cannot leave the engine room.

Kill everyone you meet on the road and infiltrate perfectly.

There were only a few people on the bridge, and their necks were torn apart by the death knell silently before they even made a sound. Only the last servant was left who was concentrating on his work. Su Ming was recording where the blind spots were through the lens of his switching sensors.

Maybe we can learn from the experience when we encounter ships of the same level in the future.

The inquisitor and her combat team were not on the ship, and they didn't know what they were doing. So they were idle now. While Su Ming was waiting for the enemy to come back, he planned to take a look at the poor overtime dog.

The servants of the judge are often divided into two categories. One category is the retinue, who must follow them on the battlefield. The other category is servants, who are mainly responsible for driving a spaceship, repairing weapons, and doing some logistical work such as communications.

This is not the kind of job you get in 996. Working for the Tribunal is like 007, with no rest time at all.

Not to mention any retirement benefits, even such a servant will have his head removed and transformed into a servo skull after death to continue serving the Emperor's sword.

As for why they can live such a life? Don't ask, asking means loyalty.

"Everyone, get ready. Your Excellency is back." The servant switched the screen, which showed a group of people emerging from a cave. He did not look back, but directly reported to other officers on duty in the bridge.

Of course, if the headless corpses sitting on the chairs behind him could answer him, they might ask him to warn the Inquisitor not to come back.

"Oh, thank you for helping me identify the person. Now I won't get the wrong target. You can rest."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind him, and before he could react, a golden giant sword emerged from his chest, accurately cutting off the trachea, heart, and spine.

Then the blade slid slightly to one side, and the pain went away from the servant.

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