The Death Knell

Chapter 1892 The Last Link

Now that they had a clear plan, Su Ming and the nun once again lived a leisurely life in the following days.

It was said that they were going to fight against the Necron to participate in the enemy-killing competition, but in fact when the two were witnessed by the Space Marines, they were either eating and drinking on the top of the relay tower, or walking on the edge of some battlefields.

Not looking anxious at all.

However, the Space Wolves and the Dark Angels were very serious about this competition. Neither of them was willing to lose to the other party, so even with limited forces, they still carried out some interspersed and encircling battles and annihilated a large number of enemies.

Another week passed like this, and there was no daylight at all on this planet. Whenever I looked up, all I saw were dark clouds in the sky and corrosive acid rain falling.

There was a smell of decay in the air, and broken corpses were almost everywhere.

The environment has become unsuitable for a picnic, but Su Ming has been secretly following other forces during these days.

Although a week ago, the entire planet was divided into small war zones, in the final analysis, the same race will still try their best to unite together. In the past, the interlocking fronts and protrusions were basically the beginning of encirclement or counter-encirclement.

Now that the dust has settled, the Necron cling to the planet's equatorial ring, a line where they can draw a steady stream of reinforcements from underground.

In other words, the most critical entrance to the necropolis is at a certain point on the equator.

"Are we still doing things as usual today?"

After spending so much time with Deathstroke, the nun seems to have gradually adapted to a life of giving up thinking. She prays first when she wakes up every day. After praying, she comes to ask Deathstroke what his plans are, whether he wants to eat and drink again, and then wanders around. .

"I have narrowed the search scope. The equatorial area is about a ring zone five thousand kilometers wide and two hundred thousand kilometers long." Su Ming held a cigarette in his mouth and looked at the city leisurely. At this time, the space warriors had already occupied the area. He took over the city and transformed it into a fortress group on the ruins.

The castle monastery has been built, one green and one white, about one kilometer apart, just around the corner from the relay station.

Gunnar and Ophis invited the two of them to live in their big house, but they were rejected by Su Ming. He still liked it here more. The satellite pot on the rooftop that had been transformed into a grill by the green skin could always provide He provides a lot of fun and inspiration.

"But this area is too big." The nun sat down and skillfully made instant noodles for herself on the other side of the table, adding ham sausage to it: "We can't possibly search so many areas, let alone outer orbit. There is no support for scanning arrays yet."

Su Ming had no intention of eating. He just smoked calmly and replied:

"In fact, oceans and coastal areas can be excluded. The stasis chamber will not be built in areas with unstable crust. Now the planet battlefield has entered a new stage. The troops of various forces have either completed the merger or been eliminated. The real The war is about to begin. What we have to do is to hold on to this city, and then push back against the enemy, making them think that the Space Marines can't take advantage of it in a short time, so they can do what they want to do first."

"What do you want to do more?"

The nun stuck the white plastic fork on the edge of the paper bowl and swallowed secretly. She had never eaten such delicious food before. After getting a bowl from Deathstroke a few days ago, she had a bowl almost every day. , otherwise you will dream about eating noodles when you sleep.

"Everyone has a purpose on this planet. Fighting alien races to the death is not just for fun, except for the green skins." Su Ming walked to the edge of the terrace. He couldn't stand the smell of instant noodles and ate too much. Then he felt a little disgusted: "We have now determined that the two Chaos war gangs on this planet are the Emperor's Children who believe in Slaanesh, and the Iron Warriors who believe in no one. Their purpose should be the same as mine. Acquire Necron technological relics.”

The nun looked at the bowl, rubbed her hands secretly under the table, and asked without raising her head: "No wonder you want to obtain those creations. Is it the omniscient and omnipotent Emperor who gave you the revelation to thwart Chaos' conspiracy?"

"You think so? All in all, they should have more accurate information. It's just that we have been unlucky these days and haven't picked up the black mechanical priest responsible for the corresponding work." Deathstroke put his elbows on the balcony guardrail and looked to the side. The ashtray of the skull was flicked into the ashtray: "The purpose of the Eldar coming here is exactly the opposite. They are here to kill all the Necrons, so it is inevitable that they want to find the main tomb."

The entire planet has been used as a tomb, but there is always a tomb where the owner of the tomb lies. Unfortunately, although Su Ming told Elminster some nonsense story about touching the golden captain, he himself does not know the dragon-hunting skills. .

There was no way to find the main tomb passage by looking at the Feng Shui compass, and he didn't want to cooperate with the Mechanicus, who had been digging graves for thousands of years, so he had no choice but to be an oriole.

Follow behind the large forces of Chaos and Eldar, cooperate with Efilar's psychic power, lock the main tomb passage, and then go in and fight, taking away everything that can be taken away.

In fact, the plan is now here, just waiting for the last step.

When the war breaks out, it will depend on the ability of the two Space Marine Chapters to challenge each other.

The only thing he was a little worried about was that the harvest this time might not be taken away by humans. After knowing how long the cemetery would last, this concern became more obvious.

"I don't know what I will find down there, but the world is giving me an increasingly bad feeling, as if something terrible is about to happen." The nun put her hands on the lid of the instant noodles and said seriously: "It's just Intuition, not some psychic warning.”

Su Ming moved his neck and took out the sledgehammer from his pocket: "Then you feel it's right. Okay, the enemy is about to attack the city. I'll go over and try my luck to see if I can pick up a suitable corpse."

"I'll go too." The nun also saw through her spiritual power that the Chaos war gang began to attack the city with the help of warship bombing. She also wanted to try her luck and see if she could encounter the enemy on the battlefield.

"Don't go, just stay and eat the noodles. It will become even more unpalatable after it swells." Su Ming refused her request and walked out of the terrace as if stepping on the void, floating not far away: " Putting aside the fact that Tzeentch will not interfere with Slaanesh's battlefield, even if you see the so-called two-headed bird enemy, it is definitely not a chance encounter, but a trap of the evil god. You must not get close and let me deal with it."

The nun thought for a moment, then slowly sat back, and said helplessly: "But if I can't even get close, how can I avenge my sisters?"

"There is always a chance. If you don't go looking for the evil god, the evil god will also look for you. Be patient, this is a battlefield." Su Ming waved his hand, turned around and left.

"Obviously you are the one who doesn't regard this place as a battlefield, right? It's not convincing at all for you to say this."

These days nuns have also learned to complain, but unfortunately the death knell has already jumped.

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