The Death Knell

Chapter 1893 Take action

The power of Chaos has become stronger and stronger, and a large number of heavy war machines and twisted daemons have been released on the battlefield. The Emperor's Children warband advances with laughter in the cacophony of noise, and the Iron Warriors are all technicians. The warband brought a large number of siege equipment.

The proportion of possessed warriors among the Emperor's Children is very high. They will invite demons to inhabit their bodies. When the demons of Slaanesh convert all pain into pleasure within their bodies, any injury will cause the fallen madmen to scream in pleasure, thus Looking for a better experience next time.

Until the soul returns to the subspace after death, maybe it will be resurrected by the evil god to fight again. Maybe there will be no need to fight again, but to enter the palace of the great god Slaanesh to enjoy the blessings.

The Iron Warriors were a warband that did not believe in Chaos. The reason for their betrayal was simply because their Grand Master had a falling out with the Emperor, and they also wanted to escape from the false Emperor together.

A group of people hid in the subspace and lived in the territory of the Chaos forces, but refused any corruption of Chaos, and traded with Abaddon by providing arms and mercenary services.

The power of chaos will cause humans to mutate, such as hands turning into devil-like claws, or tails growing from behind, etc. This is a process of assimilation.

But the Iron Warriors will cut off mutated body parts and replace them with mechanical parts. They hate the corrosion of Chaos and just want to engage in engineering with peace of mind.

This time they seemed to be well prepared. There were millions of cultist slaves brought from the subspace. Those were scrawny but extremely excited lunatics with evil emblems tattooed on their heads and chains hanging around their necks. They hit the Space Marines' defenses like a tidal wave.

Su Ming saw such a scene when he came to the front line of the battlefield. It was a typical Tie Yong tactic. The servant army would charge dozens of waves first, so that the defenders would run out of ammunition and become exhausted, and then they would start their official attack.

Heavy siege tanks with a caliber comparable to naval guns were used to blast slaves and enemies into the sky together with defensive buildings. Then came the attack of a large number of tanks and fearless mechas, and Terminator troops rushed into the city to massacre.

"First company commander, are you busy?"

Su Ming appeared at the front of the battle line with a smile, watching the Dark Angel's captain slashing the head of a cult leader with an ancient chain sword, and said hello amidst the blood spattering.

The white-haired veteran glanced at him, kicked the headless corpse away, and then slashed at a group of believers.

Isn't this asking knowingly?

Too many of these cultists, who are as thin as firewood, are a problem. The flamethrowers will be unable to burn them!

Once trapped in a swamp of flesh and blood, the Terminator power armor cannot move at high speed in a pool of blood several meters deep. At that time, the Iron Warriors will fire.

"If you were truly a Primarch, you should not have stood by while loyal monks were bleeding."

Su Ming squinted his eyes to look at the horizon, but the sickly darkness and chaos blocked his sight. He could only see pairs of red eyes of the enemy: "Then I will take action? This is what you said, this time you may only have It’s time to clean up the battlefield.”

"How many can you kill by yourself?"

The first company commander had five nails on his forehead, and he was able to cut people with extremely high efficiency, but at the same time, he still couldn't stop complaining.

Even if Guilliman was here, he would not dare to say that he wanted to include all the enemies. They were also the original body, so why was there such a big difference in bragging?

In fact, Su Ming likes people like the First Company Commander. He has a talkative character. He is a typical soldier. After arriving here with the First Company, he only took over the task of defending the city and did not participate in the game between Orpheus and Gunnar because He thought it was unfair for two companies to compete against one company of the Wolf Regiment.

However, he knew nothing about his true strength. If Su Ming wasn't afraid of destroying the treasure underground, it wouldn't take more than a few strokes for Su Ming to explode the planet.

"Then help me count."

Su Ming smiled slightly, and he instantly rose into the sky. Colorful lights radiated from his body, and the bright light completely illuminated the entire city.

A big hole was punched out of the dense dark clouds in the sky. The cotton-like clouds rolled and were pushed into the distance. The stars in the sky finally showed their faces. It turned out that it was morning.

The noisy battlefield instantly became quiet. Regardless of whether they were friends or foes, almost everyone looked up at the scene that looked like a saint coming to the world. The brilliance condensed into huge wings of light, condensing behind the small figure in the sky.

At this time, the original color of the black and yellow armor could no longer be seen from a distance. His whole body seemed to be composed of rays of light. When the light wings flapped, a thick colorful light swept directly across the battlefield.

There was no explosion, no gunpowder, just a light beam sweep, and most of the enemies who had been scraped to the side were vaporized on the spot. The ground and ruins of buildings all turned into a wide deep trench, and the ashes flying all over the sky were reflected in the sunlight. Shiny underneath.

Deathstroke's cosmic energy rays are much more powerful than Carol's.

As for what is the use of light wings? In fact, the eggs are not used, it is purely light and shadow special effects. After all, the purpose of this attack is not to annihilate the Chaos war gang, but to let them change the direction of attack, seize the time to grab the Necron's things, and be the leader.

At this time, the lethality does not need to be too strong, but the special effects must be fully utilized.

Things like wings mean a lot to Space Marines, whether they are loyal or fallen.

It is known that the most famous winged birdman is Sanglis, the original body of the Blood Angels. But now the light wings of the Death Knell are overwhelming, even the dark clouds are blown away. With a single blow without knowing the reason, more than 100,000 Chaos troops Evaporates instantly.

If this special effect were placed behind the Gundam, it would be the difference between a 'moonlight butterfly' and a 'hair loss'. Of course, whichever effect looks better would be chosen.

If the commander of Chaos still had some brains, he would definitely not feel that he was capable of resisting a primarch of this level, and it would be business to retreat quickly and inform Abaddon.

In fact, they did so. The Iron Warriors grand leader did not come this time, but the Chaos Lord withdrew his troops without hesitation, leaving behind the remaining hundreds of thousands of slave soldiers. The Chaos Space Marines quickly and orderly evacuated. battlefield.

The Emperor's Children suffered greater losses. They rushed faster, and the Noise Warriors had to carry the 'Big Horn' sonic cannon and move among various tentacled demons. Their steps were slow and they were swept away by the cosmic energy. , half of the company was lost, but the remaining people quickly retreated.

Su Ming looked up at the sun in the sky, calculated the direction of Chaos' withdrawal, and punched the slave army area on the back again.

It was much quieter now, and those guys were screaming too much, and wanted to worship and summon the subspace demon on the battlefield. What do you think, the Supreme Mage can give them time to cast spells?

When the sun sets, the ashes of these people are raised and sparkling with energy ripples. It's really beautiful.

Su Ming slowly fell back to the first company commander. The opponent's chain sword was still stuck in the heretic's chest, and the sharp saw teeth could not turn. The veteran looked at the death knell with a dull expression.

"Have you counted them all? How many Chaos traitors have I eliminated?" Deathstroke smiled and patted him on the shoulder, calling him back to his soul: "Order the brothers to purify the battlefield. I'm going back to eat hot pot."

The sun shone on his face, and the smile seemed particularly warm.

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