The Death Knell

Chapter 1894 Official Start of Construction

Although he said he was going back to eat hot pot, Su Ming actually slipped into low-Earth orbit and observed the overall situation again, treating himself as a satellite.

Chaos tightened its defense lines in the next few hours, and then several companies that were originally bordering the Space Marine defense area also evacuated from the surrounding city.

Except for the green skins, they have filled the vacuum left by other forces after they withdrew, as if they have found something worth waaaagh! The goal.

The bugs slipped away the fastest, and the Hive Mind might have been peeping. Seeing Deathstroke erupting with this level of combat power, the bug swarm abandoned a large number of spore towers and biomass pools and withdrew hundreds of kilometers directly.

It is probably planning to carefully calculate what kind of insects it needs to evolve to achieve the special killing effect of the death knell.

"After showing such a level of power, isn't Tzeentch still planning to contact me?"


"Oh, that's fine. It's not too late to negotiate after the things are in my hands. Let's go back and eat."

It streaked through the atmosphere like a comet and landed gently on the terrace. When he came back, he saw the nun looking at him with very complicated eyes.

"Who are you?"

Su Ming touched his face and looked at the healed clouds in the sky. Darkness enveloped the world again. He replied: "An ordinary person."

The nun rolled her eyes, she didn't believe it at all: "Your power is not psychic, nor is it chaos witchcraft. What is it?"

"One of the original powers of the universe. If I tell you now, you won't understand. I will explain it slowly later." Su Ming sat back on the chair and took out the instant hotpot to unpack: "Let's have a small hotpot at noon. Add ham sausage.”

"Is it time to eat now?!" The nun lay down on the table. She felt so tired.

Deathstroke's ability was demonstrated in the battle a few hours ago. When she witnessed it with her own eyes on the tower, she almost spilled her instant noodles.

What a terrifying power it was, with its radiant light and evil retreat, just like the legendary emperor himself. Now if he said that he came down from the golden throne for a private visit, she thought it would be possible.

"Huh? Isn't it lunch time? You had instant noodles for breakfast. I left for five hours, thirty-six minutes and twenty seconds. You should also want to have lunch, right?"

Su Ming looked puzzled and handed over some thick hams, asking the nun to help cut them with a power sword.

The nun stared at his one eye for a long time, and finally sighed and took the sausage: "You deliberately waited until today to show your true strength. Do you want the enemies to gather together so that they can be eliminated more easily?"

"Of course it's easier to eliminate them if they join forces, but this is only one of the purposes. The main thing is that I have to show the people sitting next to the chessboard that I am also a chess player, not a chess piece." Su Ming threw the heating pack into a plastic box. , while answering the nun's question, since he planned to abduct her, she is one of his own, so he can say a little more: "Don't think too much, let alone cut the ham too finely, Wilson's ham constitutes 99% of it is starch, so it won’t be cooked for a while.”

Although Efilar couldn't fully understand it, he probably guessed what it was.

The next few days were calm. Except for the greenskins who continued to launch offensives tirelessly, several other forces were now hiding from the Space Marines.

During this period, Ophis and Gunnar, who went out to fight against the siege, also came back. They came to see Su Ming several times, just to find out what that kind of combat power was. After getting various high-level answers, they praised Death Knell again. Fan.

What is a noble answer?

That is, no matter what others ask, Su Ming will always answer reservedly: "It all depends on the emperor's glory and blessing."

The Space Marines could only reply, 'Praise the All-Father! ’ What else can I say?

In these days, the armies of Chaos and the Eldar have begun to attack the Necron areas on the equator at a faster pace, as if they plan to steal the treasure and run away before the Space Marines and Primarchs can react.

The Eldar have the Webway Beacon, Chaos has the Warp Gate, and they can really get away with something.

But they obviously don't know one thing. Deathstroke himself goes to space orbit regularly every day to spy on the movements of their troops, seeing everything in his eyes. The size of the human body will not be scanned by the Chaos warship, not to mention that strangulation can also help the host's optical system. Invisible.

The Space Marines do not have battleships or air intelligence support in the nearby star field, but that does not mean that Su Ming does not have them.

The enemies guarded the Dark Angels and Space Wolves on the frontal battlefield, looking like iron turtles, but the actions of the legions behind them were actually exposed.

The Necrons originally occupied the equatorial region. After deducting the ocean, their territory was like a torn ring.

After the Eldar attacked from the south and Chaos attacked from the north, many tombs were destroyed, and now only suspicious locations in a large encirclement remain.

Some are surrounded by Chaos, and some are surrounded by Eldar. The two races are still at war with each other. At the same time, a steady stream of metal skeletons are awakened and come out of the catacombs.

As a result, there was a stalemate on these battlefields, and there were more than twenty similar encirclements.

Su Ming felt that the time was almost up, so he carried the nun and started taking action.

Let’s start from the position closest to the relay station. There is a siege network of the Eldar tribe there, which contains about hundreds of thousands of Necrons. There must be a tomb underground, because now the Eldar tribe is beginning to prepare to summon the incarnation of the God of War. Still haven't captured it.

It looks like the resistance is fierce, which is suspicious.

"What is our plan?" The wind whistled in the ears, and the ground below was just a gray patch due to the high-speed movement. The nun numbly asked the death knell plan.

Su Ming replied calmly: "We will land at the edge of the battlefield, and then you use your spiritual energy to sense what is underground. If there is something that you feel is dangerous, it means we have found the right place. If not, we will change Next place.”

"If I want to activate that kind of psychic technique that detects large-scale underground depths, I need more complicated rituals and equipment, and the movement will be very loud." The nun looked at the white ocean on the horizon in the distance. That was the Eldar army.

"Otherwise, why do you think I came here in the first place?" Su Ming laughed, held her in his arms and prepared to land: "The state religion's dogma has restricted you for too long. Let me tell you, there are no guns or cannons, it all depends on Made by the enemy. You can’t use the Chaos psychic equipment. It’s too dirty and dangerous. The Eldar’s are much cleaner. Do you prefer a magic sword or a magic staff?”

The nun didn't say anything, but just sighed a little. After all, she had already put on her heretic hat, so she didn't have to worry about whether to use alien tools.

'Emperor, have I fallen into darkness? ’

She looked into her own heart for answers, and it was as if she knew she was asking and didn't need an answer at all.

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