The Death Knell

Chapter 1897 Fleet Battle

"Very well, let's go first."

Su Ming threw out the giant sword in his hand. After all, the tens of meters long super-heavy weapon was still on fire. It was like a big torch in the night. The faces of every Necron rushing towards this direction were red. of.

The giant sword swirled and flew into the enemy's line, sweeping out a wide path like cutting wheat, and the firelight disappeared directly into the distance of the horizon.

By the time the undead on both wings filled the gap in the front line, the two humans had disappeared, leaving only a broken battlefield.

The undead lost their primary goal and began to perform secondary tasks, which was to sweep the battlefield and provide last-ditch damage to the Eldar who were not dead.

"Didn't we find it? Why did we leave?"

In the dark clouds in the sky, Su Ming and the nun stretched out their heads and peeked at the battlefield below. Efilar was a little confused.

"After the Spirit Tribe counterattacks again and entangles the undead army, we can dig directly into the robbery hole from the air." Su Ming stretched out an arm from the quilt-like clouds and drew a circle: " You see, whether it is the encirclement network of the Eldar or the defensive front of the Undead, they are all a circle."

"So you plan to parachute directly to the center of the circle, and at the same time avoid the endless army of undead." The nun understood, and nodded her head, but she seemed to still be recalling the voice she just sensed in her spiritual energy. He seemed a little uneasy.

Su Ming took a breath and shook his head: "The Spirit Clan alone is not enough. If this is the main tomb, that is, the main stasis chamber, the Spirit Clan's strength will definitely not be able to maintain the encirclement. We have to notify the Wolf Group and The Dark Angel drives all types of enemies in this direction."

"I'm afraid this is difficult. Although I don't know what your flight speed is, this is near the equator of this world. It is still too far away from the relay station base in the middle dimension of the northern hemisphere, tens of thousands of kilometers away."

The nun can also calculate. The circumference of the equator of this world is about 200,000 kilometers, so no matter how flat it is, the difference in length between longitude and latitude will not be too big.

"Of course it won't work if we just rely on ground troops, but what if the Space Marine fleet comes back?" Su Ming winked at her, took off the cloak behind him and spread it in the air, put the nun on it, sat on it himself, and took the Bring out some things and arrange a picnic: "You don't think that the Pride of Leon and the Glory of Russ are ordinary battleships, right? The fleets they belong to took a detour in advance, just to annihilate the Chaos Fleet."

"Are you sure they will launch a counterattack now?" The nun naturally knows that once the battleship is named after the Primarch, it must be a monastery mothership. However, Deathstroke has not communicated with space, so can it really be confirmed that the plan will be launched? time?

Also, it’s so weird to sit and eat and drink thousands of meters in the air with no guardrails around and no wind at all.

She didn't know, if the rider could feel the wind at this height, what kind of magical artifact could the magic floating cloak be?

Su Ming smiled and tore open the package of a butter bread and stuffed it into her hand: "Of course, I am sure that if it were just the fleets of the Space Wolves and Dark Angels, they might not be sure to launch a counterattack now, but if they have already Did one of the fleets fight the Chaos Fleet first?"

"Your fleet?" The nun's eyes widened as she understood.

"Not only my fleet, my warriors, and even my world are ready. With just my order, they will open the valve connecting the universe and fight the Chaos Fleet."

Su Ming asked her to eat first. Fleet battles were very slow. Even with the help of Brainiac 21's skeleton fleet, it would still take some time for the fleet to bomb the ground.

"You actually have a fleet? There must be a Space Marine Chapter, right?" The nun has been stimulated too much these days, and now her mental quality has been greatly enhanced. She quickly came to her senses with a suspicious expression on her face.

"How do you know?" Su Ming asked, while using cosmic energy to shoot a beacon in the sky.

A firework composed of cosmic energy bloomed quietly in space, and the next moment, the already dark cosmic space in the star area suddenly folded, and a black hole-like vortex twisted and emerged and expanded rapidly, a vortex mixed with many A fleet of battleships of various styles jumped out from it

Of course, what came was Su Ming’s copycat version of the Space Marines. Although the individual quality of the team was inferior, the number of people was dozens of times that of the original ‘Emperor’s Fists’.

These warships were manufactured in Vanaheim and incorporated technological weapons Su Ming obtained from various worlds. They were also recently improved with the Traceless Stretch Spell. They were a veritable magically modified fleet.

Although the warriors did not receive the transformation surgery and gene seeds like the genuine Space Marines, they had been injected with the same miracle serum as Deathstroke, and their physical fitness was still beyond human limits, not much worse than the genuine ones.

It is equipped with the vibranium armor developed by Tesla and Howard. The adjutant's tactical terminal is built into the helmet. The weapons used are replicas of those that Su Ming found from the royal cemetery of the Shi'ar Empire.

The main reason is that these people are all graduates of Zhongsi Academy. Everyone is an orphan. They have experienced strict training and education. Their loyalty to Su Ming is unparalleled, and their fighting will is probably more fanatical than that of genuine space warriors.

Su Ming didn't have much use for the fleet, so they cherished every fighting opportunity, which turned into a fanaticism for fighting.

The production capacity of the battleships can be kept up, but the development of the fleet is limited by loyal manpower. However, with the joining of many alien races in the ghost universe, usable people will surely be cultivated soon.

But now is not the time to waste manpower and grind meat with the chaos madmen, so the first batch of fleets that rushed out of the ghost universe were all from Brainiac 21. These skull-shaped unmanned spaceships were controlled by the AI ​​and waved He rushed towards the Chaos battleship with tentacles.

Faced with the bombardment of macro cannons and light spear arrays, Brainiac 21 only lost a few spacecraft before discovering the weakness of these warships in the new universe, that is, their firepower arrangement was too unscientific.

The main attack weapons are distributed on both sides of the long battleship, just like a medieval sailing ship. Is this really a space battleship?

She controlled the flexible skeleton spaceship remotely, moved in from the direction of the bow and stern where the firepower was weak, and got close to it easily.

Mechanical tentacles penetrated the deformed warship of Chaos, quickly blocked the energy transmission channel, broke open the cabin, captured the Chaos warriors and believers inside, and put a mind-controlling octopus on their foreheads.

It's not that there are Chaos warriors who want to fight these strange ships. Their weapons blessed by the evil god chop at the metal tentacles.

However, according to 'family tradition', Brainiac 21's spaceship was built according to the standards for dealing with Superman.

Ordinary Chaos Space Marines who want to compete with Superman in strength are probably overthinking.

Some Chaos warships launched jumping landing pods and entered the skeleton warships with great difficulty, but there was no one inside, only piles of various pipes and metal killing machines.

When each large and small Chaos warship was entangled by a dozen significantly smaller skeleton warships, floating in space like dead wood covered with mushrooms, Su Ming's fleet launched After all, the enemy ship's fire control system is equivalent to being scrapped, so they can go on the offensive without any burden.

Don't jump into gangs or engage in melee combat, just use weapons to hit the engine sequence and engine room on the opposite side, causing them to break down completely.

The cloak slowly raised its height, crossing the clouds so that the Supreme Mage and the nun could see the night sky. Although the air in the high sky was thin, this was not the reason why the nun opened her mouth wide, but she really saw what looked like stars shining. With firelight, the battlefield of space fleet battle shines in the sky like a new galaxy.

"Is this the beginning?" she asked.

With a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other, Su Ming crossed his legs and said, "Yes, in order to avoid the corrosion of Chaos, my warriors will not board the enemy's warships, especially if Slaanesh's warships can use robots, of course they must use machines. As for boarding the ship, I don’t think the Wolf Group and the Dark Angels will miss this good opportunity, right? If we don’t have such an advantage, I will really be convinced by the old wolf and the great mentor.”

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