The Death Knell

Chapter 1898 Electronic Life

When the nun was about to say something, a small skeleton drone suddenly fell from the sky. It looked like a servo skull, but there was no sacred mark on the forehead.

The skeleton floated in front of the two of them, projecting a three-dimensional image from its eyes. A woman covered in green spoke:

"Deathstroke, you've proven your story."

"21, when did I lie to you?"

Su Ming answered with a smile.

"According to the data from my multiverse investigation, your credit record in the past was not very good. I was doubtful about you before today. But now, I apologize for this. You are really much more powerful than Luthor."

Brainiac 21 had no expression, she simply told the facts. The nun seemed to have seen a ghost, her eyes were rolling, and she was eavesdropping.

It's just that she doesn't understand much.

Su Ming flicked the cigarette ashes casually and squinted at the image: "Luthor doesn't understand magic. He is the kind of person who jumps on one leg. But from what you said, do you get along well with the Sky Council?"

"Their alternative way of using energy has benefited me a lot. I now believe that they are visitors from another world." Brainiac 21 answered the question and imitated a smile: "Maybe I will be able to use magic soon. To obtain true feelings through means, at least that’s what Master Mordenkainen said, he said that my algorithm still has room for improvement using magic runes.”

Su Ming bared his teeth and shook his head: "Well, I can only remind you to remember to back up the original program. Master Mordenkainen's magical art is really not something ordinary people can understand. Magical genetics and the like are really too advanced. ”

"Do you mean that I should choose the plan of the sigil masters? Learn emotions by occupying human bodies?" Brainiac 21 tilted her head, as if calculating, there was something in her eyes Data flows through quickly.

Su Ming sighed and waved his hand: "That's not what you mean. To seize the body through digital simulation of human souls? The research direction of the lich is as unreliable as ever. It's up to you. Anyway, there's no harm in trying more. By the way, What’s going on in space right now?”

"It's a strange world. Their technology is advanced, but the thinking of their users is backward." The AI ​​entity stopped worrying about emotional issues and turned to business: "Their warship weapons distribution is unscientific, and they don't even have shipboard AI. I can’t understand the inefficiency of relying on human power to calculate and drive it.”

Su Ming also knows what the fleet in the Warhammer World is like. The quality of the warships is very good, sturdy and durable, and there are indescribable things like machine souls.

However, the design and usage of the ship are based on those of medieval naval battles. Against the unmanned fleet of Brainiac 21, you will definitely suffer. The Skeleton Battleship is an anti-human battleship. It is very small, but it can kill elephants due to the ants.

"Just tell us how long it will take before we can win the space phase, right?"

"Not long ago, two other indigenous fleets joined the battlefield as allies. They provided a large number of boarding personnel. The battle is expected to end at about 27 minutes and 43 seconds. My losses are within the scope of the preliminary calculation. Your losses are only energy and ammunition. "

The green-skinned AI answered, and then she seemed to think for a moment and said:

"I request intelligence sharing with your lieutenant. I need more data from other universes to expand the database."

"Go and discuss it with her yourself. She is from Cybertron and is my friend, not a tool. She has her own thoughts and feelings." Su Ming took a sip from the bottle and wiped his mouth vigorously.

The adjutant is an ally sent by Optimus Prime. Strictly speaking, he is not his subordinate. He just comes to help out of the friendship between Deathstroke and the Autobots.

For humans, more than 60 years may be a long time, but for the Autobots, hundreds of thousands of years are just a short moment. She is still the same as when she first arrived in the Marvel world, with no change in personality and is very low-key. And a gentle person.

'Operation Matrix' may not be considered an Autobot in the complete sense, but Su Ming knows that after so many years of study, the adjutant has evolved a lot, and her understanding of human nature is definitely better than that of Optimus Prime and the others. After all, Manga The environment in Wei is much more complicated than the world over there.

He even saw what heights she could reach in a certain future timeline. Although the main time stream may not develop like that, she is still an important helper with extraordinary potential.

"Friends? I thought carbon-based organisms would not regard electronic life as a friend. It is difficult to bridge the gap between life forms. Your point of view is very different. She may be more advanced than me." Brainiac 21's eyes flashed wildly, she Started to calculate at high speed again: "I will discuss and trade with her, but you still need to pay me for this action."

"Of course, as I told you beforehand, you won't lose anything by being a mercenary. How do you feel now?" Su Ming smiled, stretched his legs and looked up at the sky: "You are also very close to Brainiac 1 Different, he will not admit that other AIs are better than him."

"I don't feel it. That's a characteristic of carbon-based organisms. I will calculate the profit rate after harvesting the reward, and reality does not change due to subjective factors." She still looked so bored.

"Okay, anyway, please help me inform the Sky Council that I may dig up some good things this time and ask them to prepare the Mystery Lock and Black Diamond."

Su Ming waved his hand as if to shoo away flies, signaling the skeleton drones not to disturb his picnic anymore. Since the battle would take nearly half an hour, plus the time for the fleet to bombard away other forces on the ground, the nun needed to be refreshed.

Efilar now looks like a black question mark. If he really entered the tomb of the undead, there might be something wrong.

The small skeleton plane flew away without even saying goodbye. The green-skinned AI was indeed not very understanding of the world. Su Ming then turned to look at the nun, waiting for her to ask questions.

However, the nun shook her head and said that she had nothing to ask. She concentrated on eating the butter sandwich in the bread. After all, it was not strange for anything to happen to the original body, and Deathstroke was probably the strangest one among the original bodies.

Since you don’t understand, what else do you have to ask? You will always learn to understand later.

"Well, you're not curious anymore? Do you understand the principle of 'thinking breeds heresy'?" Su Ming picked up another piece of bread and poked her hand, deliberately teasing her.

The nun sighed, ate the bread in her hand in several mouthfuls, then picked up the one handed to her by the death knell, unpacked it herself, and said vaguely: "I am already a heretic, and I have figured it out. Apart from being with you, , I’m afraid there’s no place for me anywhere, maybe when the blockade of the Chaos Fleet here is lifted, the large forces of the Tribunal will come.”

"Then my fleet will also keep them out. New ship designs and tactical ideas can reverse the gap in individual combat effectiveness. What's more, the empire regards AI as a heresy, how can it be compared to Brainiac's? Advanced electronic life?" Su Ming nodded with satisfaction. He finally convinced the nun: "But your decision to go with me is definitely the right decision. Don't worry, I will negotiate a condition with the emperor and let you go in peace. .”

"Why does it sound like I'm about to be buried?"

The nun narrowed her eyes. Deathstroke's Gothic language was always strange.

Su Ming himself picked up a piece of bread and took a bite: "We will indeed go to the grave in a while, but it will definitely not be us who will die, otherwise I will contact the professional team."

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