The Death Knell

Chapter 1899 Tomb Passage

People on the battlefield often spend their days as if they were years. They need to think a lot every minute and every second. Being entangled with death and fate, time will become very slow.

But it's different when you look at the people fighting outside the battlefield. It's like watching a war movie. Time flies between happiness and excitement.

According to Su Ming's experience, most humans in the universe are bloodthirsty. They may not dare to kill if you ask them to, but for the temptation of sensory stimulation, most people are happy to watch others kill.

However, when you lie on the clouds, whether you are looking at the universe or the ground, you can only see the bigger picture, and life becomes a simple string of numbers.

The fleet battle ended quickly as time passed. The nun also finished eating and was drinking soda pop with Deathstroke. She had never eaten oranges and she liked the taste of soda these days. After all, Ofili was where the monastery was located. Yaxing is a barren world of red soil.

"Is the orbital bombardment about to begin?"

She watched the stars in the sky gradually dimming, which meant that the battle in the sky was over.

"According to the established plan, my fleet will launch bombings and drive part of the troops from all the surrounding forces here, triggering a big melee." Su Ming nodded, and he slowly rotated the soda bottle: "However, if Dorne can Just talk to Old Wolf and the Grand Master, and let the Space Marine fleet bombard it, so I can save some energy and ammo."

Efilar showed a helpless expression. The Space Marines and the Imperial Navy often save ammunition in order to better kill the enemy in the next battle, but Deathstroke sounds more like he is planning to save money?

But anyway, the orbital bombing started, and the skeleton drones also flew back, providing Deathstroke with new dynamic intelligence.

"It seems that we can't save this money." Su Ming sighed and drank the soda in one gulp: "Part of the armies of Chaos, Greenskins, and Bugs were driven over and attacked the undead blocking the way in different directions. , plus the Eldar race here, the fleet will block all of their escape routes and let them start a war of attrition, and we will be able to go down in a short while."

Going to the sky and to the earth is already commonplace for Su Ming. After the undead began to exchange fire with the intruders from all directions, the death knell brought the nun down vertically, turning the cloak into an optically invisible cloth, hiding the two of them. It landed in the center of the circle.

"The god-killer, Luoyang shovel."

The golden weapon turned into something that the nun had never seen before, and the golden tool was thrust into the ground, bringing up a shovelful of soil.

"This soil is green inside, so let's dig it from here." Su Ming picked up a bit of soil with two fingers, looked at it carefully, then put it under his nose and smelled it, with a solemn look on his face.

"Does it make any difference if the dirt is green?" the nun frowned.

"It's no different, it's just that life needs a little sense of ritual." Su Ming smiled and winked at her, then put away the shovel and directly used cosmic energy to dig holes.

The nun said nothing, but sighed and slumped her shoulders.

Nowadays, Su Ming's cosmic energy is just a matter of punching a few more punches to blow up the planet, let alone digging a hole in the ground. As soon as the colorful light flashed, a round hole appeared in front of the two of them, and there was a smell of earthy smell underneath. The smelly air rolled out, indicating that something had been excavated.

There is no air or water in the Necron's stasis chamber, and the outside airflow will instantly squeeze in due to the pressure, and then surge out, naturally bringing with it some tomb smell.

It's not the smell of mummy or dust, but a very strange sweet aroma, which refers to some chemical products. Su Ming guessed it might be lubricating oil?

He looked around and saw that the optical invisibility of the cloak was quite effective, and the undead not far away didn't even notice what they were doing here.

"let's go."

She hugged the nun, and the two of them flew downwards. The cloak cleverly squeezed some mud and covered the hole where the two entered before following.

I don't know how long they have been falling, but according to Strangler's feeling of the surrounding temperature, the two of them fell at least more than a thousand meters, and finally stood on the metal ground.

The surroundings were dark, and only the faint crackle of gravel falling to the ground could be heard.

Needless to say, Su Mingduo said that the nun did not hide her psychic power when the two of them acted together. She just raised her hand and a big ball that seemed to be made of lightning appeared above her head, acting as lighting.

It seems that the tunnel leading to the underground is endless, and the corridors that are spacious enough to dock starships are engraved with the story of this Necrontyr dynasty.

Through artistic means similar to murals, their glorious past is recorded, but of course, it is only the past.

Now the place was empty, with nothing but deathly silence. A desolate and sad feeling struck Efilar's heart.

However, Deathstroke didn't seem to notice it. Instead, he looked at the lightning ball on the nun's head and said, "It's so unsightly to hit the ball with your head. You're going to cry when you use your spiritual power like this."

What's not good about learning? How about heading the ball like a seal?

The nun was still looking at the carvings on both sides, but she rolled her eyes when she heard this: "It's just for lighting, what else do you want? Just be practical."

"You have already been condemned as a heretic. A little pursuit of beauty won't do anything." Su Ming directly reached out and grabbed the lightning ball. A numb feeling came from the strangulation. He flattened the light ball casually. Then he pulled it between his hands a few times like ramen, and stuck it back to the nun's back, like a pair of small wings: "Okay, if you wear less clothes, you will look more like a Victoria's Secret Angel."

“Who is Victoria’s Secret?”

The nun turned her head and looked at her lightning wings. Logically speaking, the lightning ball would explode when touched, but she deliberately controlled it to match the movements of the death knell so that the energy could be shaped.

"Don't worry about the details. You can understand the words and reliefs on the wall, so just take a look."

Su Ming did not answer the question directly, but walked to the wall and reached out to touch the dry and cold carving.

It's all black stone. This special material of the Necrontyr looks like stone, but it is actually a multi-purpose mysterious substance. The black stone technology of the undead is beyond the understanding of humans.

The two of them should be in a certain branch of the tomb passage now. The place where he pressed his palm happened to be a picture of a Necron Pharaoh with his hands facing the sky, making a "praise the sun" gesture. The skeleton was standing on the top of the pyramid, and below It’s rows of skeletons kneeling in obeisance.

"Then you have to get me real 'Victoria's Secret Wings' in the future. It sounds like a good thing." The nun pouted and controlled her spiritual energy to extend the light wings behind her to let the light shine farther.

As the two moved forward, she began to decipher the writing on the wall.

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