The Death Knell

Chapter 1900 The Secret of Relief

There is still darkness in front of the tomb passage. Even with Su Ming's eyesight, he can't see where it winds, not to mention that it will branch off from time to time. Now the only way is to follow the relief road.

Stone carving decoration appears in cycles. This scroll of pictures ends with "Praise to the Sun" and then starts again from the beginning.

In the scene that should be the first painting, the Necrontyr are still flesh and blood. They look a bit like tall and strong versions of humans, but they obviously have very strong technology.

Sixty million years ago, they built their own mechanized planetary city, and there are also records of people driving suspended vehicles between spires and columns.

In the second scene, the Silent King and a group of dynasty pharaohs appeared. This was the birth of the city-state empire, and the next several scenes recorded their conquests against dynasties that were unwilling to "huddle together for warmth."

"This seems to be the predecessor of the Necron?"

Although the nun was asking a question, she was actually almost certain. After all, she still had the information in the Black Library to compare with, but the various records of the Eldar were obviously used to describe enemies.

Su Ming shrugged and continued moving forward with brisk steps:

"Continuing to look down, it doesn't matter how the Necrons were born. At least the order of the carvings is correct, which shows that we are not going in the opposite direction now. I know how their empire was formed. The key is to see why this dynasty was established in The Battle of Heaven is won, and the Empire seals itself at its most powerful.”

The nun nodded and continued to look forward. The scene in the relief was displayed in front of her eyes. Dots of green light seemed to react to her spiritual energy, breaking away from the wall and flying like fireflies.

Then the Necrontyr Empire appeared, and a star map covering the entire galaxy recorded their vast territory, as well as people's happy lives, and the level of productivity was so high that everyone could be called a genius.

There will be no more hunger, lack of supplies, or unfair distribution of resources, and everyone can live a carefree life.

They also defeated their old rival, the 'Space Ape', another larger ape-like creature. The strongest individuals in that species were extremely powerful and could even physically travel across the universe, but they were ultimately defeated by the guns of Necrontyr technology. under.

But in the next picture, the burial ceremony of the dead Necrontyr was recorded. Yes, although the first dynasty of the Necrontyr was technologically powerful, as carbon-based organisms, they still couldn't get rid of birth, aging, illness and death.

At this time, they discovered another ancient and powerful civilization outside the galaxy. The Ancient Saint and the Silent King decided to seize their secret of eternal life to benefit their own people.

Su Ming knew the next series of stories, the Battle in Heaven, and the series of events in which flesh and blood were peeled off. When the nun explained it to him, he just dealt with it casually.

Until she said something new.

"This carving." Efilar couldn't help but stretched out her hand and gently touched the mural. As her fingertips came into contact, green light lit up along the indentations of the carving. The entire wall seemed to be illuminated by After lighting it up, the picture became clearer, and even the video from that year unfolded in her mind: "What is this?"

She only knew that the Necrontyr's language was recorded in the Black Library, and that their black stone was very strange, but she never knew that it could also record images.

But she was just stunned for a moment, and then used her spiritual power to project what she saw in her mind, acting as a humanoid projector.

Su Ming was very satisfied with her wink, so the two simply stopped and watched the documentary from that year.

It was a terrifying battle. Countless spaceships made of black stone rushed out of a mechanized planet. The overwhelming number almost blocked everything that could be seen.

Then they sailed quickly like a swarm, rushing towards the universe one after another, and then exploded one by one.

There seems to be nothing in that universe, but these dense explosion energy waves are like hitting a wall, outlining the outline of an invisible thing.

It is like a terrifying existence in half of the universe. Its own color is the light of the stars themselves. It has no entity, but it still exists in reality.

"Back then, the Necrons of this world fought with a Star God. This was probably the backstab at the end of the War in Heaven." Su Ming said to the nun with gleaming eyes, focusing on the invisible things. But this is just an image after all, and it is impossible to judge how strong it is.

But it can be roughly guessed that when the invisible limbs roll, it is like the universe is distorting. It can easily destroy tens of thousands of warships with one blow, and no one can even see its attack movements.

Efilar did not answer, just sniffed. Although she had heard Deathstroke mention it and had seen a few words about the Battle of Heaven in the Black Library, she did not expect it to be such a tragic scene.

It was as if the entire galaxy was burning, and the endless Necrons rushed towards the C'tan like moths to a flame, sacrificing their lives for even a little scratch.

"Isn't it? Are you still moved?" But when she was looking seriously, Deathstroke poured cold water on her again, saying in a half-smiling voice: "They sought eternal life from the Star Gods, and the Star Gods gave them eternal life. , but in the end they turned against each other and deserved to die."

"You're right, it's just that they seek immortality for the sake of development. This is a hurdle that no creature can escape."

The nun curled her lips, thinking of the deeds of the Necrontyr, and the sacrifices in the war before her eyes seemed to have turned into a ragtag group of enemies.

At the bottom of many hives in the empire, all kinds of scum are fighting to death for their own gangs almost every moment, just for a bucket of water or a bag of food that other gangs may have.

To put it bluntly, it is still a battle of interests.

"No, that's not what I meant." Su Ming turned his attention to the picture again: "I mean that King Silence didn't make the terms clear when negotiating with others, so he deserves to die for being stupid."

"Oh, they have never seen the Star God before. Who knew that the means to achieve wishes could be so weird." The nun shook her head. Those things had been recorded in the previous carvings. The Necrontyr was a technological race, and those invisible beings came. , no matter how wise the King of Silence is, he cannot predict the result.

Su Ming did not agree with her statement and just said: "As a king, I don't even understand the principle of gains and losses. How can the evolution of the whole family be without cost? If you ask me, the fraudster is very trustworthy. After all, It fulfilled its promise, but chose a relatively simple and crude approach."

"Does everything have a price? Just like if you avenge me, I have to go with you?" The nun bit her lower lip, and her hand grabbed the rosary on the waist of her power armor.

Deathstroke didn't know whether it was okay or not. In the darkness, his one eye glanced at the nun:

"Look, haven't you made great progress following me? You've learned to answer questions quickly."

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