The Death Knell

Chapter 1911 Differences in Thoughts

"What? Are you still reluctant to leave here?"

Su Ming patted the nun who was about to vomit on the shoulder, stood between her and Wade, and at the same time motioned to her cousin to put away the black diamond.

Efilar looked at the dark horizon and took a deep breath of the sour air: "This terrace and this room may be the place where I have spent the longest time besides the monastery."

"If you like it, we will take away the entire relay station. Then I will put the tower wherever you want to live." Su Ming answered her with a smile. It is easier to move a relay station than a giant black stone pyramid.

The nun returned her gaze to his face to make sure it was not a joke. She couldn't help but feel confused:

"I don't know if this is right or not. The education I received since childhood is to restrain all my desires and only remain loyal to the emperor, otherwise I will fall into the abyss." She lowered her head and twirled the soda bottle in her hand, as if In the organizational language: "But after I met you, these days, I have been addicted to all kinds of food and everything you brought. They satisfy me, but I have not fallen. I can feel that there is a kind of feeling in my heart."

She turned her hands over and over again, as if she was trying to find a suitable word, but couldn't.

Deathstroke sat next to her, took out the wine bottle and took a sip:

"Hope, the word you want to say is hope. When people's basic needs for survival and life are met, they will begin to pursue higher-level spiritual goals, and this goal is called hope, which is what human beings lack in this universe. thing."

"Hope?" The nun also smiled: "Even if it replaces my faith? Make me a selfish person?"

"Actually, the one on the Golden Throne has blocked the path of mankind to a great extent. The solidification of classes has caused everything to become a stagnant water, and people have no choice." Su Ming waved to Deadpool and asked him to sit next to him. , the three of them looked side by side at the thick dark clouds in the sky: "People may want to be a consul, they may want to be the leader of a hive gang, but no one will ever want to be the emperor, because everyone agrees that he cannot be surpassed. He is the limit of humanity, and therefore cuts off the path to transcendence.”

Everyone has desires, just like an ordinary person who goes to work in a company, he will definitely want to get a promotion and a salary increase, become a general manager, become a CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life.

However, all the small and big leaders in this company are immortal and can work in high positions forever. In this way, new employees will always be wage earners and tool workers. Is there hope for such a day?

As a mercenary from DC, Deathstroke knew very well that he could not go against human nature. Even if the Emperor used his powerful strength to set rules for his universe, the key to whether the rules were established or not was all up to him alone. As long as he left Golden toilet, the entire human world will collapse in an instant.

In other words, human evolution in the Warhammer universe has been suspended. No one will surpass the Emperor, no one can succeed, and even humans will not even have this idea.

"He is God" what else the nun wanted to say.

Su Ming pinched her nose, "We just killed a star god. Gods are not invincible. What's more, the emperor is a human being. A person whose own concept is 'human'. The initial star war group will He is regarded as a father, and only the social class who have received the education of tool people will consider him to be a god.”

The nun gave a bitter smile, picked up the soda and drank it: "I have indeed fallen. If I had heard such words before, I would have touched the flame gun immediately, but now I actually think what you said makes sense. "

"If Horus did not surrender to the Chaos Evil God, but still maintained his own self and wanted to overthrow the Emperor on behalf of all mankind, the one on the throne would definitely be happy." Su Ming saw Wade intending to interrupt and quickly raised his hand The wine bottle inside slipped into his mouth: "You can understand it as invincible loneliness. If someone can beat him, it means that human beings have more possibilities and future."

Wade whimpered as the fabric of his mask dug into his throat.

"Actually, I have always had this doubt, but I never dared to tell others that the emperor recorded in the dogma is omniscient and omnipotent, so he should have known in advance that Horus would rebel."

Efilar whispered his troubles. He seemed a little guilty at first, but after seeing Deathstroke's affirmative gaze, his voice gradually returned to the normal range.

Su Ming rubbed Deadpool's dog head vigorously to stop him from swallowing the soda bottle: "He should have foreseen a rebellion at that time, and maybe expected someone to defeat him, but what he never expected was that he had been defeated by Chaos. The prodigal Horus, who was corrupted and joined his mortal enemy. Even if Horus succeeds, it will only mean that Chaos has defeated the Emperor, not that humanity has surpassed the Emperor, and everything will be meaningless."

"So you said before that you were the emperor and you planned to replace him with that one?" The nun's words of heresy have become more and more fluent, and her expression is only slightly uneasy at this time.

Su Ming shrugged, stood up and threw Wade aside:

"I don't mean that. My life now is even more emperor than the emperor's. I control several universes and have a lot of chores every day. Why should I mix this with this muddy water? I just want to I have to 'discuss' it with the Emperor, and in exchange he will give you to me. After all, the Battle Sister is also the Emperor's daughter, isn't she?"

Yes, Su Ming's combat power plus the nuns make him a loose emperor. Plus his cousin is even better. It makes sense to have a big fist.

"Bo!" Wade pulled out the bottle from his mouth and gasped: "Yes, the greater the ability, the less responsible you should be. This is in line with the idea of ​​governing by doing nothing."

"If you ask me, the greater the ability, the more choices you have." My cousin's ideas are different from those of his cousin, but he is just stating his own point of view and does not mean to force others to change: "But when did you know that 'doing nothing' will lead to a cure?" '?"

"Didn't you ask me to find some scriptures for Thor to read a few days ago? When I was in a taxi, I had nothing to do and flipped through a few pages." Wade lifted a small corner of his mask and stuck out his rotten tongue. Lick the remaining wine in the bottle.

The oozing mouth piece was spinning wildly at the mouth of the bottle, and it didn't even hesitate to speak. There was an afterimage as it danced.

"Okay, now you know what the goal of this trip is." Su Ming was too lazy to think about why Wade did this. He said the concluding remarks to the nun, stretched out his hand to pull her up: "Go pack your things and take Wade to the trial. Let’s take the spaceship, I’ll send the relay station to the ghost universe first.”

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