The Death Knell

Chapter 1812 Departure

The power of the planet bomb is beyond imagination. It is indeed the weapon that Gal wanted to use to kill all the Marvel gods during his madness. This thing changed back to its original form after absorbing the Pym particles attached to it through strangling simulated current. The size of the moon, Deathstroke was thrown across the universe to a devastated planet.

Where the two balls collided, a silver bright spot suddenly shone, and then a white line spread from the junction to the edge of the universe.

White light burst out silently, and in the next moment, there was nothing in the place.

The two spheres disappeared into the universe at the same time as if they had neutralized each other. Only the nebula with purple lightning in the subspace storm not far away was still watching flickeringly.

"It's quite useful. I have to remind you when I get back. The God of Bombs still owes me nine more of the same thing."

After checking that there was really nothing there, Su Ming asked Hangsha to remind him that there was still something going on, so that he wouldn't be too busy to forget about it.

Although there will be no memory problems with Deathstroke's brainpower, it is necessary to take precautions in advance. With Strangler's memory backup, even if he encounters an amnesia situation like the 'drawing board incident', he can have a solution.


"Although the X metal has isolated me from the possibility of being affected by mental abilities, I seemed to have heard screams just now. Was it another fragment of the Star God that was annihilated?" Su Ming floated in the universe with his arms folded, and he entered the Warhammer universe. I rarely wear a helmet after that.

Because there is an unspoken rule in this universe, those who wear helmets are all miscellaneous soldiers, and it is easy to die in unknown circumstances.

"Bang!" Strangler said it didn't matter if the host didn't feel it. It felt it a little bit. Although the mysterious side is not its main attack direction, when a creature of that level dies, all nearby creatures will have a feeling of sadness. .

It's like God told them that such strong creatures will die, and you weak ones have no guarantee of survival. You ants should just survive.

Su Ming smiled, and the cosmic energy in his body fluctuated: "You said it was as sad as the death of a saint. Don't use what you saw from me. The world view is different, let alone the level of a star god. You are still far from being a saint, let’s go and go back to the battleship.”


"Okay, anyway, the cloak is full. I will go back and give you the fragments of the incarnation of the God of War later. If you can imitate the spirit bone as your own skeleton..."


Brainiac 21 and his own fleet were left behind to guard the connection between the two universes. Su Ming, his cousin, and the nun took the stolen Inquisition battleship and mixed in between the two Space Marine fleets. Jumped into subspace.

Efilar inherited her father's talents as a navigator, and coupled with her powerful ancient Eldar psychic skills, moving ships in the warp is as easy as playing with a duck in the bathtub.

Only now did she understand that Deathstroke had already planned it, and when he snatched the battleship, it might be time for his trip to Terra.

What kind of calculation and strategy is this? How many steps are you even ahead of others? And he still has enough force to make things go according to his ideas.

Fortunately, now I have joined the group.

The first thing the mixed fleet arrived at was the Monolithic Monastery. Caliban, the home world of the Dark Angels, 'self-destructed' after the great rebellion. Its current base is the Monolithic Fortress, a monastery fortress suspended in space.

Although it is not as good as the "Mountain Formation" fortress of the original "Emperor's Fist", the boulder is enough to be called a behemoth, at least much larger than Attilan, the capital of Marvel's aliens.

And this kind of sustainable city that floats directly in space for a long time is great. The spire of the monastery building, the hundreds of thousands of square meters of stained glass windows in the sun, and the black steel building are really beautiful.

It seems like we need to have a good talk with the Dark Angel.

Deathstroke and the nun followed the Grand Master into the fortress, while everyone in the wolf group was turned away and allowed to wait on the battleship, which triggered a new round of duel competition.

But this has nothing to do with Deathstroke. He threw out Deadpool to accompany the Wolf King and Wolf Lords, entangle them, and make sure those wild men didn't get too angry and leave early.

The Grand Master said that the "people above" wanted to talk to Deathstroke, the newly emerged original body. Su Ming knew that on the one hand, they wanted to get to the bottom of it, and on the other hand, they wanted to make sure that the secret would not be lost.

Now that we know the other party's purpose, who can negotiate terms better than the Supreme Mage?

Three days later, he returned with a full load of nuns with a smile on his face. By formally joining the inner circle and some simple cooperation agreements, plus the oath of 'no secrets', he obtained a lot of knowledge and technology.

Well, to put it bluntly, it was still business. After showing the Space Marines various potions and daily necessities, the business was done.

At least after I return, I can start construction on my own track.

And these days, Wade, with his shameless energy and wisecracks, has actually become extremely harmonious with the savages of the wolf group.

When Su Ming returned to his ship and saw him, he found that he was actually wearing a white wolf's fur outside his uniform. Obviously, he had gained a lot these days.

"It seems that you are very adaptable to this environment." The cousin touched the wolf's paw hanging on his shoulder.

The Space Wolves have a secret, that is, there are no real 'wolves' on Fenris. The so-called Fenris giant wolves are all quasi-space warriors who failed in the promotion ceremony in the past, transformed into werewolves, and then degenerated into beasts.

In other words, the Wolf King, Wolf Lord, Wolf Guard, etc., including Wade, are now wearing human skin.

But I guess he wouldn't mind, so I didn't say anything.

"Their characters are like a mixture of Thor and Logan. Just smooth them along." Wade raised his chin, looking very proud of himself. He grabbed the wolf skin on his shoulder and rubbed it on his face, feeling the feeling. The smooth touch of fur: "Besides, as long as I drink them all down at the wine table, I will gain their approval."

Su Ming shrugged his shoulders and motioned to the nun to command the ship and set off with the wolf group. He sat back in the chair and chatted with his cousin: "It seems that gastric perforation caused by gastric cancer is not without its benefits."

"I inserted a root canal directly into my belly and penetrated the stomach wall. The wine I drank flowed back into the barrel. In fact, they each drank thousands of cups. I always had a cup of wine circulating up and down, haha. Ha ha......"

Wade was even more proud.

Su Ming grinned in disgust. My cousin has learned a new skill from the Star God fragment. Is it okay to recycle it?

"Well, as long as you're happy."

Wade sat on the armrest of the chair and leaned on his cousin's shoulder enchantingly: "Let's go, I've already been to Asgard, and now I'm going to Fenris to see what it's like. I heard that the hot springs there are good in the summer. "

"Maybe, the magma is only about 1,100 degrees." Su Ming raised his fist to support his head, and looked out through the bridge to the starry sky: "I am thinking about mariculture right now. What kinds of fish have I tried? It’s delicious, you have to help me get some to go to the ghost universe.”

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