The Death Knell

Chapter 1914 Black Hive

The black nest where the palace is located is surrounded by layers of walls. There are three posts, one post, five steps and one sentry on the city wall. The presence of the turrets on the city tower makes it look like a black cactus from a distance.

As the crown world of the human empire, Terra naturally has a large population living in it. In addition to a large number of land platforms flying in the air, every inch of land on the ground is priceless.

This is not an adjective, but a real fact. The price that can buy a castle on other planets only buys a piece of land the size of a palm on Terra.

Space Marines don't like money. They have no interest in money. Those strong men will not pick up gold bricks even if they see them on the road.

But for mortals, money is too important. Although most of the stories in the Warhammer world revolve around space warriors or big soldiers, downplaying the role of money, in fact, the existence of any society is inseparable from production. Circulation of data and equivalents.

The Human Empire in the Warhammer Universe is an example of a failed society in Su Ming's eyes. Many things that happen here would not be allowed by Deathstroke to happen on his own earth.

The lessons of the past are the guide for future generations. Learning has always been an important means of evolution for humans as intelligent creatures, and the experience of others' failures is even more valuable.

After parking the battleship not far from Terra Court, the three began to move from the equator to the northern hemisphere. Su Ming was sightseeing along the way.

In fact, there's nothing interesting to see, it's just a mechanical wasteland. Everywhere you look you see steel forests, and there are dense crowds everywhere.

Just like ants, when you look down from a high altitude, you always have the illusion that the lower class people are particularly small, and they don't take human life as their fate.

To put it bluntly, Terra Court is where the Government Council and the Council of Elders are located. It is another hive for the bureaucracy. Countless unnamed departments are located here. Terra's population of 700 billion is about 300 billion. , all officials.

There is no way, AI in the Warhammer world is a heretical product, and all the work that could be done through computers now requires manpower, which is equivalent to a shackles that restrict self-productivity.

The omnic rebellion broke out in AI in the Warhammer world. Humanity's policy towards it has since become one-size-fits-all. No one is allowed to study AI or UI, otherwise they will be directly burned without trial.

Moreover, the Emperor was the reincarnation of the Holy Spirit and came to the world. After his birth, he found that human beings had insatiable desires, so he traveled around the world and invented laws to restrain them and established a country. This law is so harsh that it is difficult to describe it in a word.

You can think of the human empire as an enhanced version of the Great Qin from another world. The Legalist world also has a Baojia company system. If one person is found to be a heretic, his relatives, friends, and neighbors will all be killed and burned.

However, with the death of the Great Qin II, the human empire here is also supported by the emperor's last breath. If the emperor dies one day, the human race in this universe may not be destroyed immediately.

This is what Su Ming is planning to trade with the emperor. Times have changed, and the Legalist world method no longer works.

Now we must govern the country according to law, govern the country with morality, and liberate the productive forces. This is the way of governing the country that comes from Su Ming's previous life. It is the way to survive for human beings in this universe.

For the price of one Battle Sister and one Daemon of Tzeentch, the Emperor made a fortune after hearing this truth.


"The environment here is bad, the air is bad, there is no sun, and the turtles and mice in the sewers are better off than these people."

Walking on the bottom floor of the hive city, the ground was filled with stinky mud and all kinds of garbage. Wade couldn't help but complain when he saw that the residents were pale and skinny, with their nostrils pointing upward.

"Don't say that. Anyone who can live in Terra is worth a lot of money. Just the single room over there, if sold, can be exchanged for a planet."

Su Ming pointed to a "dog hole" on the side of the road and taught his cousin that although the residents here did not have enough food and clothing, and suffered from diseases such as rickets and rheumatism due to environmental problems, they were real. rich.

You don’t have thousands of tons of gold and still want to buy a house in Crown World?

"Wouldn't it be better to find a place with beautiful scenery if you have money? If you live here, you won't have any privacy even if you masturbate at night." Wade wiped his shoulders disdainfully, and there was acid rain falling on his uniform, making him let out a sigh. Burnt smell: "There are too many people here. Wherever I go there are people taking advantage of me."

It was indeed a little crowded, and passers-by in the alley were rubbing shoulders, but Su Ming didn't believe it if someone deliberately wiped Deadpool's dick. After all, along the way, those who could not avoid being squeezed into his cousin People vomited.

Fortunately, Efilar was walking with her. She put on a red hooded cloak and walked in front of the two of them to clear the way. Everyone who saw the battle sister ran away to both sides as if they had seen a life-threatening evil spirit, sticking to the wall. They didn't dare to move, which reduced a lot of pressure from the flow of people.

"Stop talking about that, have you found the entrance to the sewer?" Su Ming reminded his cousin to concentrate and don't think about messy things.

At this time, the location of the three of them was on the edge of the black nest city. If compared with the imperial capital, it was almost on the second ring road near the Forbidden City. They were trying to figure out how to sneak into the city along the Jinshui River.

"I didn't notice the sewers, but is the vent pipe okay?" Wade pointed in the distance. The gaps between high-rise buildings were very small, but he and Cable had been to a certain future in the 31st century, and the environment there was also better. The hive city is not much better: "Since you said that there are many buildings underground in the black hive city, and a large number of servants live there, then humans are not Necron, they have to breathe air, right?"

"So the big chimney over there hasn't emitted smoke for a long time. Do you think it's a ventilation channel?" Su Ming touched his nose. It was strange. After arriving in Terra, his cousin seemed to be much clearer. Could it be that he Feel the so-called emperor's favor?

Wade scratched his butt, put his hand under his nose and smelled between his nails, and said with satisfaction: "I guess, if it was an ordinary factory, it wouldn't need Space Marine guards, right? This air purification plant must be for high-ranking officials. , who can be greater than that one near the palace?"

"If the factory is there, according to the trend of the pipeline... Efilar, let's go over there and find a place where no one is around to dig a hole." Su Ming calculated and formed a three-dimensional image in his mind. map.

The nun's face was hidden under the cloak. She slowed down slightly and came between the two of them: "If you do that, there will be no turning back. Are you sure?"

"Don't worry. It's been so long since we landed on Terra that no one has come to surround us. It means the Emperor is waiting for me to go."

Su Ming patted the nun's shoulder and cast his gaze meaningfully into the distance. The black city was like a towering mountain, blocking everything.

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