The Death Knell

Chapter 1915 Deadpool surrounds the pillar

The Golden Underground Palace is not made of gold, it is simply called that.

Like does abalone risotto really have abalone? Does sea cucumber fried noodles really contain sea cucumber? uncertain.

Using the nun's identity, he claimed that the court was doing business and dispersed the crowd. Su Ming quickly dug a hole in the ground to connect to the ventilation channel, and used the nun's spiritual power to scrap the monitoring equipment inside. The three of them circled around in a large steel pipe tens of meters high. Go there, and then make a hole and enter the underground palace.

Not to mention gold, there is no hair. Except for some shabby machines, various pipes and cables, the dust accumulated here can bury people alive.

The maze is not a problem for Deathstroke. As long as he knows the direction, he will open a hole in the wall and fly through the ditch. The three of them will go straight to the position directly below the throne room. In fact, they only need to follow the main energy supply pipes and cables. .

During this period, he also met a red-clothed mechanic. He had not seen the light of day all year round, which made him look like a ghost. However, he was chopped down by Su Ming before he could make any sound.

"When we meet someone, it means we are close to the core range."

The semi-mechanized corpse on the ground was still emitting electric sparks, and Su Ming wiped his sword on the red cloth of the corpse.

"I now somewhat believe that the Emperor knows that we are coming, otherwise we would not be able to enter here at all. I didn't even encounter a void shield along the way." The nun seemed a little nervous. After all, this kind of thing was absolute in her previous concept. of heresy.

"A psyker as powerful as him should have sensed your psychic reaction a long time ago." Su Ming raised his head and looked at the ceiling like an abandoned factory, where the darkness was densely packed with various spiraling pipelines: "But Well, according to my calculations, if we advance about 700 kilometers further in the underground palace, we will almost reach the foot of the throne room."

Deadpool made a tut-tsk sound. Sure enough, tunnel combat was his cousin's specialty. Even underground, it did not affect his spatial perception and he could still accurately calculate distances.

It’s just that the palace is too big, right? Is it necessary?

He has seen people from wealthy families drive to use the toilet, but the people living here may have to drive a spaceship if they want to use the toilet:

"Cousin, if you build such a big house in the future, can I move in with you?"

"No, after hearing what you said, I gave up my original idea of ​​finding a planet to build a big villa." Su Ming made a long face and told Wade not to even think about it: "Just think, the house is too big , what if you wake up thirsty in the middle of the night and want to go to the refrigerator to find a carton of expired milk to drink? You may die of thirst before you even get to the kitchen. What's the good thing?"

"Hmm...that makes sense. Can you lend me your apprentice as a favor? I want to renovate the basement for Afu."

Wade showed his fox tail. He was actually interested in Hermione's invisible stretching spell and wanted to decorate it.

Su Ming picked up the two of them and flew forward. The nun was responsible for breaking the wall blocking the way. He said, "You can discuss it with her yourself. She should be studying with Master Mordenkainen recently. In Sepurk, But you also know that she is my apprentice, and I’m afraid you won’t be able to pay the price she asks.”

"Haha!" Wade let out a sinister laugh, and the white eyes on his mask narrowed into slits: "You have already tested out her weakness, and the audience friends also told me, so I just need to give her If I give her 31st Century cat food of the same year, she will definitely be bribed by me."


"We're finally here." Wade was doing radio gymnastics to stretch his body. He was doing sideways movements at this time. He looked up at the ceiling and then at the large group of unconscious guards and slaves around him: "As long as we don't dig along those pipes, we can You won’t dig into the toilet, right?”

Su Ming raised the giant sword in his hand, and the silver stars on it glowed brightly and flowed towards the blade: "When the hole opens, you go up first. There are many forbidden troops in the throne room. You draw the firepower first."

"Why me again? Although I can't die, being hit by a bolt gun will hurt a lot." Wade's tone was full of reluctance, but then he took a sip of saliva and rubbed his fingers a few times.

"Add 500 yuan." Su Ming took out the banknotes directly.

"Okay, you go ahead and dig it up. I'll make sure to beat those Imperial Guards until their mothers don't recognize them." Deadpool put away the banknotes quickly and patted his chest.

Su Ming kicked his little cousin's butt and said seriously: "Each Imperial Guard is said to be created using the method of creating Primarchs. Each one is a specially customized version. They are much stronger than ordinary Space Marines. Thousands of them are Don’t let it go, otherwise you won’t get your commission.”

"Oli, here you go." Wade became bold and drew out his two swords with his backhand, looking murderous: "I, Li Yunlong, fight the elites!"

"Don't add random characters to yourself. Trying to trick yourself won't make you popular." Deathstroke sighed, and after flying up, the giant sword drew out, and a stone pillar dozens of meters high fell down with the thickness of a manhole cover. Coming down, the passage above was revealed: "Let's go."

He grabbed Wade beside him and threw him up with a flick of his hand.


The soaring Deadpool was the first to rush out of the ground between the throne rooms, but he could not fly in the air. He could only see dozens of tall golden-armored warriors pointing their guns at him, and then there was a burst of fire.

His thin little body was like a fallen leaf in the wind, being swayed left and right in the air, and it was also the kind of leaf that had been gnawed by insects, with big holes all over his body.

The strong impact knocked him several tens of meters away in mid-air, and then he fell under the imperial steps. Wade subconsciously hugged a pillar, trying to hide behind it to avoid the bullets.

Half of his head was accidentally knocked off, and his brains were scattered all over the floor. He had to wait for it to heal, right?

He crawled to the other side of the pillar, and sure enough, the Imperial Guards stopped firing, and they approached with golden spears.

Wade was not panicking, he couldn't die anyway, but this pillar was really strange. Everything in the golden hall was gold, even the weapons of the Forbidden Army were gold, but why were there two blue pillars here? Woolen cloth?

Well, it’s not just blue. There are golden double-headed eagles with spread wings and skull reliefs on it. I wonder if it’s really gold? If you can dismantle it and sell it at home, it should be worth a lot of money, right?

Wade, who was lying on the ground, wiped his brain on the relief, then opened his mouth and took a bite of the eagle wing through the mask, trying to judge the quality of the gold.

However, his teeth almost fell out. This thing was not gold at all, it was just painted with gold paint.


Wade sat up holding the pillar, leaning on it and rubbing his face. He spit and forgot to lift the mask, so he had to eat again.

He planned to wait for the Imperial Guards to get close, then burst out from behind the pillar and teach them how to behave with a pair of carbon-sodium steel swords.

"Unholy demon, raise your head and face me!"

But just then he heard thunderous words, just above his head, so close, and when he looked up...

It turned out that what he was leaning against was not a blue pillar, but a giant that was twice as tall as an ordinary Space Marine and wearing gorgeous blue power armor, staring at him with contempt.

A long sword burning with golden flames was held in the giant's hand, raised high.

Wade showed a smile and wiped the saliva on his legs with the uniform sleeve at his wrist:

"Can you just pretend I haven't been here?"

However, the other party did not answer, and the golden sword struck down on his head.

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