The Death Knell

Chapter 1922 Children and old men are innocent

"Sit wherever you like." Su Ming threw the golden throne in the hall of Kama Taj, sat on it and moved around a few times. At the same time, he motioned to the nun to find a place to sit and start eating immediately: "Modu! Where did he die? "

"Master." A shirtless and strong man wearing leather pants flashed into the ice and snow outside the door. He showed a pleasant smile and bent down to salute.

"Inform the kitchen to prepare dishes for the table." Su Ming slapped away Wade's paw that was still holding the throne, and casually ordered Master Joy.

Hamil needs to guard the big library, Xiao Wang is at Zhongsi Academy, Xiao Ka is in the Wild Continent, and Kama Taj can only be used by Modu now.

"I've informed them over there. Is there anything else, master?" Modu replied with a smile, and took out a bottle of olive oil to apply on his back. Kama Taj stands on the Himalayas. The air is a bit dry, so you need to keep your skin lubricated and delicate at all times.

Otherwise, when you hit yourself with a whip, the pain and pleasure will be weakened.

Efilar looked at Mordo with disgust. It was not like she had never seen a believer in Slaanesh before, and now this strong man showed signs of that.

But then she realized that, yes, she was no longer in the original universe, and the Slaanesh demon was no longer her concern.

After a series of actions there, Deathstroke not only took her into the ghost universe, where she saw the living dead similar to movable skeletons, mysterious and beautiful magic, but also took her to visit other universe systems. One lap.

It was an eye-opener, making her realize that the battlefield she faced was just a small fight.

For example, in the Marvel universe we live in now, there are countless dimensional demons like the Four Gods of Chaos, and there are even strong human beings who can fly into the sky and escape from the earth, which is far beyond her previous imagination.

Can humans be that strong?

The death knell told her a lot of principles of life, such as 'Heaven moves forward and a gentleman strives for self-improvement', and 'If a man has a will, anything can be done'. Listening to her, she felt as if she had re-recognized human beings, and her heart was filled with hope and her blood was boiling. .

So she joined the group naturally. Now she is no longer a battle sister of the Inquisition, but a Seraph of the Sky Council. This is the position given to her by the new emperor.

The specific work she is responsible for has not been said, but she guessed it might be related to psychic abilities.

"How long was I gone?"

Su Ming pushed Wade's head away again. The bitch wanted to use her teeth to confirm whether the throne was pure gold, but if he had licked the throne, she wouldn't be able to take it.

Modu took out two wooden clothespins and clamped them to two points on his chest. A flush flashed across his face and he licked his lips: "One month, Master."

Seeing him enjoying happiness like this, the Supreme Mage couldn't help but grinned in disgust and looked away, staring at the copper crane incense burner in the corner:

"Is the flow of time almost the same? Okay, you can go back to your dormitory and play slowly. Don't wander around while I'm eating."

"Yes, Master." Modu smiled with satisfaction and went back to play with himself.

"Oh, that's disgusting." Wade came over again, rested his head on the armrest of the throne, and looked at Modu's leaving figure: "Cousin, do you usually exercise your willpower through this method? Dark, too dark.”

Su Ming glared at him: "Don't you like shaking your pussy?"

"Well, women are okay, but not muscular men, especially mages." Wade shook his head quickly. Although he often said that he wanted to blow other people's assholes, he was actually straight: "That cousin, look Our account, isn’t it, hehe?”

"Want cash or check?" Su Ming knew that his stay was purely a matter of money, and she didn't want to see him while eating: "By the way, don't you want to seduce the female fire dragon? I have already asked someone to inform Xi It’s in.”

"Cash, small-denomination bills with no serial numbers. It's best to wash them and put them in a black canvas bag." Wade sniffed and said the mercenary code seriously, and then the white eyes on the mask narrowed again: "I thought about it and decided not to use it as a dragon, but there are so many other worlds she can go to. Is there a world where beauties are very hungry?"

There was a flash of light in the hall, and a white-haired woman with two swords on her back appeared. She seemed to have heard something: "What are you talking about?"

"Wade wants to go to a world full of horny beauties, the hornier the better."

Su Ming blinked at Xili, and then threw a bag of banknotes to his cousin.

Ciri was not a peaceful girl to begin with. She had been good at being naughty and mischievous since she was a child. After experiencing so much with Geralt and then meeting Deathstroke, she became more and more independent in the larger world.

By using the ability to travel through the universe that comes with the blood of the elders, she can enter the universe of other systems at will like Deathstroke, and the range of choices is even wider.

She can enter the world of video games in Su Ming's previous life, such as Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy, etc.

Geralt is now rejuvenated because of the adventures in the new world. If he were still in the wizarding world, the legendary demon hunter would have retired long ago, all thanks to his daughter.

Xili understood instantly. She rolled her eyes and showed a fox-like smile, but then she suppressed it.

Turning around, her small face with a scar became serious: "Is there a world where women are particularly hungry? Yes, there is, but it is very dangerous."

"I'm not afraid!" Wade raised his hand to interrupt her, lowered his head and held out a finger: "But I don't study well, so don't lie to me!"

"We demon hunters are also a kind of mercenaries. Have you signed a contract with the head office?" Ciri smiled and stretched out her hand to rub her fingers: "I am the only one who can help you realize this wish. According to Slade, then It’s just that there is no such shop after passing this village.”

"make a deal!"

So with the exception of the money Wade had just earned, which was left to register his daughter for the summer camp and handed over to his cousin, the rest was transferred to Shirley's little hands.

Su Ming shook his head with a half-smile and touched his beard: "Okay, Xili, take Wade to have some fun. You must send him to the place and time where women are most thirsty in that world. When doing mercenary business, you need to be honest."

"Don't worry, Geralt keeps talking about this and my ears are calloused." Ciri waved her hand impatiently: "Then let's go, Slade, unknown lady, I wish you a happy meal."

Xili knew that even if she stayed, she would still be eating Kama Taj's special dish, Li Zhuang White Pork, so it would be better to go to the First World and eat the food cooked by Geralt.

She grabbed Wade's hand and activated the elder's blood in her body, and the two of them disappeared in an instant

The next second, Wade found himself standing on the edge of a big city. Night shrouded everything, but the city was brightly lit and looked very prosperous.

Some fine raindrops fell on his mask, making him feel cool and energetic. The incense of Kama Taj always made people drowsy.

However, there seemed to be no people on the streets outside the city. Except for a large truck that passed by at high speed just now, there was not even a shadow of a ghost.

"Are you sure this is the world where women are most hungry?"

Wade smacked his lips and made a suspicious sound. He confirmed with Shiri next to him again.

Xili was taking out a bottle of mineral water from her pocket to wash her hands. After all, she had just touched something dirty. After hearing this, she replied: "Even if you are not hungry now, you will definitely be extremely thirsty in two hours. We signed the contract, Wei As the Mountain Emperor witnesses, can I still lie to you?"

"That's true. Then you can go back. It won't be convenient for me to pick up girls with you." Wade felt relieved.

"Tch, I used to follow Geralt when he took a shower. Isn't it just about the thing in his crotch?" Ciri rolled her eyes and said with contempt: "Then you can play by yourself, I'm going home to eat."


Deadpool can't wait to rub his hands and prepare to hitch a ride on the roadside.

Shirley teleported away again, leaving Wade on the roadside in the rain gesturing with his thumbs. After a long time, a car finally came and stopped in front of him.

The driver was a young, spirited guy who looked like he was particularly enthusiastic.

"Man, are you going to the city?" Although it was a bit strange for Deadpool to wear a mask, America has never been short of weirdos. The young man touched the pistol in his arms and lowered the car window with confidence.

"Yeah, I heard it's really fun here." The eyes on Wade's mask turned into crescents.

"I understand, you're dressed like this to go to a party." The young man finished thinking in an instant. It wouldn't be weird to dress up for a party party. Since it's not easy to take a car in the suburbs at night, it doesn't matter if you give him a ride. He turned sideways and opened the door Opening the car door: "Get in the car, I'm going to the city to find a place to live, and I'm going to report in tomorrow."

Wade got into the car, and a strange smell suddenly filled the car, like a box of dead rats rotting, but he couldn't smell it himself. Instead, he talked to the other party happily:

"Registering? Are you just graduating from school and ready to go to work?"

The driver moved away, rolled down the window for air, started the car and drove forward: "Yes, I just graduated from the police academy and will officially start my job tomorrow."

"Oh, police? It's a very good job, and it also has dental insurance." Wade nodded seriously and scratched his face: "My name is Wade Wilson, thank you for giving me a ride, let me tell you , I am very knowledgeable about various labor contracts.”

"Lawyer? Haha, you're welcome. We should help each other." Xiaofen smiled handsomely, showing his white teeth: "My name is Leon, Leon S. Kennedy. My specialty is driving various vehicles. I guarantee that I will help you." Safe delivery to where you want to go.”

The two started chatting like this, and the spinning wheels took the old-fashioned car speeding past a gas station on the roadside, leaving only Wade's dirty laughter along the way, which was full of "a happy night". yearning.

And a broken map was rolled up from the roadside by the wind and fell into a small puddle in the rain. A line of large words written in blood-red letters on it gradually became soaked by the rain and became extremely bright:

‘Welcome to Raccoon City! ’

"Haha, Wade will definitely be satisfied with Ciri's arrangement, right?" Su Ming held a wine glass and toasted with the nun's orange juice: "The relay station is still in the ghost universe. Where do you want to live? Tell me."

Efilar always feels that Deathstroke's smile is a little weird, but he shouldn't trick his cousin, right?

She composed herself and thought for a moment: "I want to live in a city where ordinary people live. Is that okay?"

"Okay, let's eat. I'll take you back to New York to buy a house later, and then ask Hermione to cast a traceless stretching spell on the room and throw the relay tower into it."

Su Ming agreed immediately. This time he got a lot of things, and I'm afraid it will take time to digest them.

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