The Death Knell

Chapter 1923 A strange thing

"Well, I have obtained several key sets of construction templates. I can then reversely crack it and start building my own mountain fortress. I just don't know if thirty years will be enough." A garden in the East District of Soho, New York In the apartment, Deathstroke looked at the brightly lit city in the distance while talking to Hermione next to him: "Now that humans can enter the universe, building giant space fortresses in Earth orbit is still a bit conspicuous."

A high-end apartment that you can move into is naturally worth a lot of money, but nothing that money can solve is a big deal.

Hermione hugged her Crookshanks, lowering her head to take a sip from time to time. The cat also curled up comfortably in her arms. Its face still looked like it had been run over by a wheel. It was much uglier than Carol's Chu Er. .

After hearing what Deathstroke said, she naturally knew what it meant and shook her head directly:

"There are not that many time turners to equip shipbuilders, and the space of the Seamless Stretch Spell does not expand infinitely. If you want to build a space station larger than the moon in Newt's suitcase, it will definitely work. It doesn’t make sense.”

"Tsk, as expected, we still have to put it in the ghost universe and trade with Brainiac 21." Su Ming raised his hand and touched the orange cat's head. At this time, the relay station tower had been placed in the cloakroom of the apartment, and the nun went in by herself. After setting up, there were only Deathstroke and the apprentice in the living room of the apartment: "By the way, have you been back home recently? How are the Grangers doing lately?"

Miss Granger covered her face in pain, her long brown hair swaying back and forth as her head shook:

"I went back once and brought them leech potion, but after learning about eternal youth, they went on a sweet trip around the world together. They asked me not to go back and bother them..."

"That's good. You can make money now, so it's right to let the old people retire and enjoy their lives." The professor pressed Crookshanks' flat nose with his finger. The wet and cold touch was very interesting: "But your Don’t neglect your magic studies, the magic of the DND system attaches great importance to the accumulation of knowledge.”

Hermione nodded obediently, but then asked: "What is the psychic power you and Efilar are talking about?"

"I think it should be a soul power, but it could also be emotional or spiritual power. Let's wait for Master Elminster's research conclusion." Su Ming turned around and walked to the balcony, took a deep breath of fresh air, and moved around. Looking at the neck: "Before graduation, I'm afraid you have to run back and forth between several worlds. Help me keep an eye on the 'Lords of Symbols' and the others. Those lichs dare to play with anything. Don't play with my Sepurk." ”

"Masters are not as exaggerated as you are." Hermione rolled her eyes and rubbed the cat's nose with her hand: "In my opinion, their magic experiments are very rigorous and have sufficient theoretical support."

"It's not as simple as you think. They are now studying how to use magic to give AI emotions. If this doesn't work well, it will be an omnic crisis. Sepurk is related to the control of the entire ghost universe. It is also the channel for you to travel between different universes. It must be Be protected."

The professor shook his head and cast his gaze to the distant horizon, where the luminous tall buildings were like rugged fangs.


Su Ming had been away for about a month. At this time, it was early autumn in the Marvel 40k universe. There were already fallen leaves on the streets, and the night in the mountains and forests was even cooler.

After leaving Efilar to Hermione to play with, he returned home. After having another barbecue with Gin, the two sat close together on the carpet in the study room, looking at the firewood in the fireplace. The grass crackled and burned.

The firelight illuminated their faces, casting two shadows stuck together on the wall behind them.

"Come in, Strangler smells you."

Just when the two were about to drink the second bucket of brandy, Su Ming suddenly put down the cup in his hand and looked out the window.

It was pitch dark around the gravel path leading to the garden outside the window, and there seemed to be nothing except the sound of leaves rustling in the wind.

His eyes turned into the shape of dead fish, he glanced at Gin helplessly, put down the magic floating cloak he was checking, and shouted outside: "It's useless for you to hide in a big flowerpot, don't kill me The money orange was broken."

With a swishing sound, a head with red short ear-length hair popped out of the leaves. Wearing a black tights, she walked out of the flower pot with cat steps, and then somersaulted through the window and entered the house.

She obviously pushed the window open with her elbow while rolling in the air, but no sound was made. After entering the room and landing, she gently closed the window with the heel of her high heels.

At first glance, he looks like an old spy.

"You are cheating. If it hadn't been for strangulation, you would have never discovered my disguise." Natasha pouted unhappily, as if she was a child.

"No, I can understand that you need to hide your information when sending information, but how about hiding it in a flowerpot?" Su Ming waved her over to sit and drink together. After all, Natasha is a hairy girl, and she also likes this thing. of.

Black Widow took off her boots and stepped on the carpet, came to the edge of the wine barrel and sat down cross-legged. She reached out and fished out the horn cup from the barrel: "I'm not afraid of disturbing your intimacy. It seemed that the atmosphere was very good just now. "

"There are only a few people who know that I'm back, and it's a bit risky for you to come here." Su Ming ignored Natasha's joke and clinked glasses with gin: "Tell me, what's the emergency?"

Natasha also clinked glasses with gin, said "3aвctpeчy", and then drank it down with a tilt of her neck, revealing her snow-white lower jaw.

She raised her hand to wipe her mouth, grinned and took a breath before getting down to business:

"SHIELD has intercepted an alien notice. Fury takes it very seriously and is organizing think tank members to study how to respond."

"Oh? This is really new. SHIELD can actually do something?" Su Ming drank all the wine in the glass, touched his chin, and thought thoughtfully: "Could it be some kind of invasion notification letter? Is it? The kind that says, 'How much time do you have to think about it, if you don't surrender when the time is up, I'll blow up your planet!'"

Gin used a cup to scoop wine into the barrel, and his other hand was still holding Natasha's shoulder. She laughed after hearing this: "It's not that Asgard wants to go to war with Vanaheim. According to custom, Notify the time and battlefield in advance.”

Natasha's beautiful big eyes narrowed. She finally encountered something that even Deathstroke couldn't guess. It was worth hiding and hiding, even the satellites had to be avoided, and she went all the way to make this trip.

for what? Just to see his confused look, meow hahaha!

She was so happy that she also leaned up to scoop wine from the bucket and twisted her waist: "Guess, if you guess it, I will sleep with Gin tonight."

"Huh?" Seeing the two women laughing and playing around, Su Ming always felt that something was wrong.

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