The Death Knell

Chapter 1925 Civil War Expert

Turning over and flying out of the window, Strangler raised his mask, and the red light trailed a long trail in the darkening night.

Maybe others don't know what the red light that breaks through the sky represents, but Su Ming knows it very well.

Judging from the direction and distance, the place where the red light came from was New Jersey, and there was only one thing that could cause such a big movement there, and that was the Phoenix Force.

During the meeting with Jean Gray a month ago, Su Ming felt that she had some emotional problems. At that time, she thought that if Charles listened to his message when he came back, it could be solved.

Didn't you expect that it still got out of control? The little bald guy really gets worse as he gets older!

"What a shame. The cloak is half-dead right now. I'm afraid it will be a bit annoying to deal with the Phoenix Force."

The high-speed flight caused the vision on both sides of his body to turn into black light. During the flight, he complained to Strangler about the timing problem.

After eating the fragments of the Star God, the cloak seemed to be evolving the ability to be immune to some rules, but it only moved in reaction when facing the Emperor in the Webway, and it still looks soft now.

Without the high energy immunity it provides, it would be very difficult to deal with something like the Phoenix Force.


Strangler said that he still had it. The armor in the form of metal could provide a lot of energy defense, and it could also cut off the host's pain nerves.

Su Ming touched the small black bean sprouts sprouting from his shoulders: "The sense of pain must be preserved. This is related to external perception and subconscious reaction speed. The painless warrior sounds like a bad beer, but it is actually a slag."

"Huh?" Zhuo Miao came up with a good idea.

Su Ming nodded with satisfaction. Because he was about to arrive at the station, he asked Strangler to retract into the armor first: "Well, it would be good to find a thick-skinned backer. Let's take a look at the situation at Xavier College first. If necessary, I will Carol called."

Yes, that silly girl is very durable, and with cosmic energy protection, she is not easily burned.

From a distance, Su Ming saw the burning Xavier College. The situation was not too serious, because the huge fire pit was not in the big house where everyone lived and taught, but on the lawn in the backyard. It looked like a sunken fire pit. The ring of fire of totality.

The water in the pond not far away has been evaporated. At this time, the fog is still hanging over the entire school. The beautiful trees that were originally planted in the courtyard are now as dry and charred as the African refugees.

Just by seeing the scene, Su Ming was able to reconstruct part of the crime process based on clues.

I don’t know what happened tonight. Jean Gray may have sensed something. Her last sense of reason made her grit her teeth and leave the big house, coming to an open space far enough away. Then she completely lost control and the Dark Phoenix personality took over her. body of.

Phoenix wasn't here. That damn thing was much faster than Su Ming and had long since disappeared. Looking at the line of fire that shot straight into the sky, she might have entered the universe.

Storm pushed Charles's wheelchair out at the door of the big room. Many students who were still wearing pajamas also poured out of the door with frightened expressions. Cyclops knelt down and curled up in a ball beside the pit, crying.

"Qin! Come back quickly! I can't bear it alone!"

This is the voice dubbed by Su Ming for Cyclops at this time. After all, judging from his heart-wrenching and forceful actions of pounding the ground, it must be that he is heartbroken.

"Calm down, Scott, she's dead."

This is the lip reading of Wolverine that Su Ming saw. He was walking over to comfort Cyclops. Logan has a Canadian accent, and his grammar is often closer to British English. Just by looking at the beard on his face, you can easily distinguish the muscles. The trajectory of movement.

Then Cyclops seemed to have lost his mind, jumped up and started fighting with Wolverine. The red light beam swept across the courtyard like a plow, and the students suddenly became chaotic.

"Tsk, you are indeed a blind and foolish vanguard. When the X-Men encounter problems, they will beat their own people first."

Su Ming in the sky was not in a hurry to land. After all, there was no one to save, so he might as well watch the excitement.

Could it be that Phoenix's loss of control tonight was due to a love triangle?

Also, why is the Beast wearing a red pajamas? The combination of red and blue is very earthy.

Logan was relatively restrained. He just avoided the beam attack without fighting back, and kept saying something in between rolling. It seemed that he was trying to calm down Cyclops.

But Scott was completely crazy. After all, his eyes were full of red light and he had no brain at all.

Charles' fingers were already on his temples, and he seemed to be preparing to use mind control to comfort the red-eyed patient, but for some reason he got a nosebleed and looked like he was about to faint.

Fortunately, Twinkle and Little Naughty activated their combined skills. By opening the space channel, Little Naughty rushed behind Scott, took off his gloves and touched him.

Cyclops' power was cut off, and then he twitched like a lamb crazy, making a 'very six plus seven' gesture with his hands, and fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

There was another mess below. Storm was trying to wake up the professor, Colossus and the others were preparing to take Scott to the infirmary. The beast drove the younger children to sleep, and the little naughty boy also quarreled with Wolverine for some reason. .

"Oh, I knew I would bring popcorn. Isn't this too much of a soap opera?" Su Ming said with a smile, as if talking to himself, his family's Kama Taj lived a dull life every day, how could he Xavier College is so exciting.

"Huh?" Strangler is also looking forward to it. Are the little naughty and Logan going to fall in love and kill each other?

At this moment, a small hand from the side handed over a cupcake.

It turned out that the female Thunder God Daisy was floating next to Su Ming. She was eating one herself, and what she said before was meant for her.

"There's no popcorn, here's this for you, I want to ask something." Seeing that Deathstroke didn't answer, she stretched out the cake a little more: "Who are these people? Are they bad guys?"

Su Ming naturally accepted the other party's kindness.

"You are a new superhero, right?" He pretended to be confused, showing the proper sense of unfamiliarity and distance: "You look good, with a skull cap decorated with small wings, and a red cloak."

"Hehe, your black cloak is also quite beautiful." Daisy scratched her face in embarrassment and complimented Deathstroke politely: "I have heard all your stories, Deathstroke. Others think you are a devil, but I Know you’re a superhero too.”

"Huh? Me?"

The lower half of Daisy's face exposed outside the hood looked very serious. She nodded:

"I once collected all the legends about you when I was bored. I know that you participated in the entire World War II and saved Captain America several times. As for you saving those orphans from their perverted adoptive parents, I think you are right."

"You studied history?"

"No, I study astronomy, cough. I bake cakes." Daisy covered her mouth and almost let it slip: "Anyway, I won't tell you my secret identity. Hum, you call me Thor would be fine.”

Su Ming was almost laughing under the mask, but on the outside he still looked cold, and his tone was still hoarse and gloomy:

"Okay, Thor, let me answer your previous question. These people below are all good people, and they are my friends. It's just that there was an accident just now. Do you want to go down and have a look together?"

"Of course I want to go. You've accepted my cake, but you have to admit it. This is the first time I've encountered such an earth-shattering event. It's just the right time to learn how to be a superhero."

Daisy hugged Deathstroke's arm and pressed close to him, as if she was worried about him escaping. She looked directly at the chaotic crowd below, with a look of interest on her face.

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