The Death Knell

Chapter 1926 The situation of mutants

The two landed on the grass not far away, but the lawn where they landed was shattered like ashes. The grass blades were still the same green color, but they quickly turned black and fell apart at the touch.

The Phoenix Power represents destruction and rebirth. The fragile lives of the grass were burned instantly, so that their bodies did not react.

Su Ming walked aside and touched the dark dead tree with his finger. Sure enough, with the slight force of the touch, the big tree also fell to one side and fell into a puddle of black ash.

"What caused this? An alien weapon exploded? An experiment went awry? Super powers out of control?"

Daisy asked the death knell in a low voice, and occasionally peeked at the chaotic crowd in the distance. She only saw the pillar of fire at night, so she grabbed the hammer and transformed and flew over. Only then did she gradually recognize the people in pajamas.

It turns out to be the X-Men that I have seen countless times in various media!

Except for a few Wilson TV channels, other TV channels say that mutants are terrorists, inhuman beasts, crazy serial killers, social cancers that may explode at any time, and will blow ordinary people to pieces as long as they get close. kind.

Not to mention the internet is full of beat gurus.

Even if someone leaves a message on a social network saying that his grandfather was brutally murdered by mutants when he was eight years old, there will be a bunch of people below saying that mutants deserve to die and sympathizing with the original poster.

Discriminating and suppressing mutants has gradually become a new political correctness in the United States in recent years. If any misfortune occurs, just blame it on the mutants.

Underground natural gas pipeline explosion killed many people? That must have been the work of mutants.

A sewer manhole cover was stolen and someone fell in and died? It must have been a mutant.

Lost your bike? The bread machine is broken? Is it raining to dry clothes? The family dog ​​died?

It was all done by mutants!

A popular view on the Internet recently is that because mutants live on the earth, the air they breathe will shorten the life of household appliances. Pets are more sensitive than people, so those who breathe the dirty air will first Being poisoned by it.

Moreover, when more than three mutants gather, the El Niño phenomenon will be accelerated, leading to the end of the world! It is recommended that everyone report to the police immediately if they find mutants, and friendly government specialists will come to deal with these bugs.

As a high-level intellectual, Daisy didn't believe these things at all at first, but every time she took out her mobile phone to check the news online, she would always see similar negative news popping up.

In addition, Magneto is not idle at all. He kills hundreds of soldiers today and blows up a laboratory tomorrow, always providing the media with a steady stream of material.

As time went by, she seemed to believe a little bit of what the media said.

So after discovering that this was the mutant's lair, she felt somewhat guilty and clung closer to Death Knell.

Feeling the squeezing feeling on her arm, Su Ming instantly guessed what she was thinking, turned around and dragged her towards the crowd: "Don't worry, although the X-Men sometimes go on missions and cause some collateral damage, But they’re much more moderate than the fraternities.”

Before he finished speaking, Pyro rushed over and pushed Logan, as if to save the little naughty man.

But Logan felt that the little naughty boy was like his own daughter. How could he argue with his daughter, an outsider like you, the ‘little fire boy’?

So the two started fighting, and Wolverine performed a 'Fruit Ninja'. It was true that he had lived in Japan for so many years. Although he had lost his memory, he still had good skills. His Adamantium alloy claws on both hands could always put the flying The fireball that came was cut into pieces.

"Stop fighting! If you have something to say, please say it!"

Ice Man stepped forward to break up the fight, and while shouting, he activated his abilities and attacked Pyro Man fiercely. Suddenly, the already foggy backyard became like a fairyland, with auspicious clouds rolling in.

" this what you call gentle?"

The corners of Daisy's mouth twitched a few times, revealing a crooked smile. She wanted to stop, but was grabbed by Deathstroke and continued to drag her forward, plowing two deep grooves in the ground with her feet.

Deathstroke's black and yellow mask turned to her, and his hoarse voice was like the whisper of a devil:

"This is a school. The young people here are all in adolescence. They just want to play in the world of ice and fire to vent their hormones. You are the God of Thunder, so you have to act more confident."

"That bearded guy doesn't look like a teenager at all! But you're right, I'm no longer an ordinary person." Daisy scratched the back of her neck and smiled sheepishly, and suddenly she remembered What: "It's strange. It sounds like you know my abilities?"

"If your hammer is real, it is said in mythology that Thor's hammer can summon thunder and sweep away thousands of armies." Su Ming raised his hand and fanned in front of him. The battle between the two made the surrounding area look like a sauna. Same.

Daisy took the hammer off her belt and held it in her hand, looking pleased with herself: "Of course my Meow Hammer is real, you really know the stuff."

Su Ming turned his head. Of course he knew what he was doing. After all, it was all his fault that Thor's Hammer fell into Daisy's hands.


It doesn't matter how Pyro and Iceman fought in the backyard, or how Wolverine and Rugrat changed from the initiators of the dispute to the one who broke it off.

He took Daisy directly into the Xavier House, which was as familiar as his own home. He walked along the road decorated with various antiques, calligraphy and paintings, saying hello to acquaintances along the way, and turned around and arrived at the door of Charles' office. forward.

The door was not closed, so the two of them walked in directly.

Charles's wheelchair can be transformed into a stretcher by pulling back the backrest. At this time, he was already half-lying there. Storm Girl plugged in some kind of ventilator, injected saline solution, heartbeat monitor, brainwave monitor and other equipment for him. connected.

In the short time between Su Ming landing and entering the house, Charles was surrounded by various pipes and wires, which showed that he had practiced a lot in the past.

"Oh, are we going to have a urinary catheter inserted next? Then we have to avoid it." Su Ming told a joke, because Charles was obviously just mentally traumatized, and Storm Girl was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Charles is one of the strongest psychics known on the planet. If his spirit is not destroyed, he will be immortal. If his body is gone, he can still take other people's bodies and be reborn. This injury does not matter.

Black Girl obviously doesn't know this. It can be said that it is a secret that even Magneto doesn't know.

Storm covered the principal with a blanket and gave Deathstroke a helpless look: "Master, I will never understand your sense of humor. The professor is injured, and you still tell cold jokes."

Yes, Ororo is both a mutant and a sorcerer, and she also needs to be called Master to the Supreme Mage.

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