The Death Knell

Chapter 1937 Continue trading

"As I expected, you made him run away from home on purpose."

Looking at Jason and Meredith sunbathing on the beach on the other side of the communication, Su Ming smoked a cigarette quietly. It turned out that not only Hermione's parents were heartless, but also Jason was not worried about his son in the universe at all. encounter anything.

"Sparta will still need him to inherit in the future. It seems peaceful here now, but the history of past invasions will not be erased." Jason's expression became serious. If he hadn't helped his wife on her back while talking, If you put on sunscreen, it really looks like that: "As the prince, Peter needs to go through this step to realize the cruelty and ruthlessness of the universe, and learn how to fight and fly. He cannot repeat the same mistakes I made and became the king. Still don’t know anything.”

"It makes sense. Then I will find an excuse to wipe out his whoring in Contracia tonight, and send a few special models that are good at heavy-flavor gameplay to let him 'learn'."

Someone smiled and nodded, ready to cut off the communication.

Jason immediately panicked because Meredith grabbed his ear. Girls from the American South are often as tough as men. The most typical one is the girl from Texas, but the girls from Colorado are also no different. Difference.

"Okay, you actually let our son go out to learn that?!"

"No, we're not worried about him disturbing our thirty-third honeymoon." Jason grabbed his wife's hand and comforted her, and the young couple started talking there: "You agreed to this at the beginning, so you gave me He created an opportunity to steal the ray gun and spaceship to go out and make a living, and later we found out that he boarded Yondu's ship."

"But you didn't say hello to Yondu, so he is raising your son as his son now." Su Ming saw them tearing up, and added with a smile: "This is probably one of the ways of training mercenaries. , it’s really similar to my cousin’s experience.”

Jason finally got rid of his wife's clutches and pushed her out of the screen. He said helplessly: "Stop irritating her. Tell me what's going on here."

"Anyway, it's all about learning from anyone. How about you pay some tuition and I take him for a spin in the universe myself? You know I'm better than Yondu, right?"

Su Ming gave the conditions. Although the trade on the Spartan side was already underway, after Deadpool's side was finished and the Emperor traded the population and Warhammer to get the genuine Space Marines, there would have to be some overseas bases to station them, right?

It is of course possible to develop a deserted planet without people, but Sparta is located just between the Shi'ar Empire and the Interstellar Federation, and is not too far from the other two empires. Such a hub location is very important.

Directly allowing the Space Marines to station on the Spartan planet, on the one hand, Su Ming saves manpower and material resources, and on the other hand, Sparta is also protected. This is a win-win situation.

"That's not bad." Jason touched his mustache. He had seen Deathstroke's abilities with his own eyes. The capital star of the Shi'ar Empire is still haunted, and the skeletons of the ancestors of the Birdman royal family are not to be killed or not killed. , the emperor was worried to death: "Can I ask what you are going to do?"

Deathstroke, who was wearing a high-end suit, flicked the cigarette ashes and said casually: "It's not a big deal, it's just to find the lost Phoenix Force and bring it back to Earth."

"Poof!" Jason saw Deathstroke smoking, and he took a sip of the powerful drink imported from Earth, but when he heard the Phoenix Power, he sprayed out: "Ahem, you want to take my son to deal with the Phoenix? Then can he come back alive?"

"It depends on luck, but judging from his ghostly appearance, he must be very lucky. Besides, being a mercenary is not a job where you are afraid of death."

Su Ming raised the cup on the table and asked Luo Lin to add wine, which was called Yun Dan Feng Qing.

Daisy took a look over and found that it was not a special alien, but that it looked exactly like a human. After that, she lost interest and continued to watch the street scene.

"I" Jason accepted his fate. After all, his son had already arrived in Contracia, which was equivalent to falling into Deathstroke's pocket. It was useless to say anything else: "Don't scare me. Just tell me what business you want to do." .”

Even though he was on the beach with the sun shining above his head, the Spartan emperor felt the snowflakes falling and the north wind blowing.

Deathstroke took the wine glass and raised it towards Jason across the screen: "You should have some idea of ​​the location of the planet Sparta, right? I'm going to send a security team of a thousand people to station at your side. , to protect my trade routes and offices."

"A troop of a thousand people?" Jason thought for a moment. The total population of Sparta was around 10 billion, so a security team of a thousand people was nothing to think about. "Okay, how about arranging it near Geer's house?"

Su Ming smiled and nodded. Jason agreed and couldn't go back on his words: "Of course, you are the emperor. When the time comes, you can just make arrangements. By the way, how are the Geer family doing recently?"

"The situation of treating the symbiote as my wife, children and spiritual sustenance makes my hair stand on end." Jason sighed, as if with some regret: "But other than that, everything is normal. He has integrated into society. Currently coaching his team in the major leagues.”

Deathstroke was still so calm. He didn't have any emotion or regret. He just said calmly: "That's it for now. We'll talk next time we meet. Now I have to collect information as soon as possible to determine the whereabouts of Phoenix. Peter will be fine if he follows me."

"Then be careful not to let him know that we are making arrangements, hello? Hello?"

The Spartan emperor wanted to say something else, but the mercenaries had cut off the communication.

He originally wanted to ask about the customs of Earth, because Meredith said that children on Earth take their mother's surname, and Peter also had the surname Quill, but recently Jason felt that he might have been deceived.

Forget it, ask again next time

In the office, Su Ming was toasting with Lorraine. Although Little Rose didn't know what the boss was planning, she just drank along.

"Arrange for the android to get the boy drunk and secretly send him to my spaceship."


"Send a manpower to find out whether anyone entering Hong Kong today saw a firebird flying through the universe. I will continue to analyze all the audio and video today to see if there is any hidden information."

The two of them decided on their next action in a few words, and Lorraine also called a few soldiers and went out to do things together.

Daisy came back and lay on the back of the sofa like a cat: "Why do we have to bring a minor with us? Do we have to go to the battlefield at that age in the universe?"

"Of course ordinary people don't need it, but he is not an ordinary person." Su Ming made some room, patted the sofa next to him and let the woman sit down: "It's not a burden to bring him with you. His specialty is that he is very lucky and can sing. He is good at dancing and very stupid. Such a person is quite strong in this universe."

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