The Death Knell

Chapter 1938 Little clever ghost

Consciousness revived in the darkness, and the boy opened his hazy eyes. The bright light that came in front of him made him turn his face away, and he was knocked down on the bed again.

The weak limbs and the severe pain in the head certainly didn't tell him: Yes, you drank too much last night, and this is what happens when you are hungover.

With a splitting headache and a life worse than death, Yongdu was extremely stingy and asked to treat himself to a drink. As a result, several androids accompanying him came to the table, but he bought the cheapest low-quality wine.

The last memory I had was that I was taken away by an android who said he was going to do something embarrassing.

After that there was darkness.

"Unfamiliar ceiling"

No matter what, the first thing you say when you wake up is to recite the protagonist's lines. Peter Quill knows this well. This is the case in the TV series or movies he has seen on Earth and Sparta. After all, they are all produced by Wilson Entertainment. product.

The environment here looks like the inside of a certain spaceship. There is only a hard bed in the narrow cabin, no windows, no furniture, and only the vents in the corner are whirring.

Most people will definitely panic when encountering this kind of situation, and they will smash the door or run around, but for a child like him who thinks he is the prototype of the protagonist, what happens at this time is the same as the "adventure of the protagonist".

Well, in earth terms, he is a chuunibyou.

Think that you are the protagonist of the world, that you are different from others and have special abilities and so on.

He does have special abilities, that is, he has very good body coordination and can learn various dances very quickly.

Although I still don’t know what the use of such a super power is, it is a specialty after all, isn’t it?


Peter covered his head and sat up from the bed, rubbed his face up and down, and after removing the eye mucus, he sat on the edge of the bed to fight against the strong dizziness.

"Huh? Where's my Walkman?"

He didn't feel anything strange about the chrysanthemum, and he didn't notice any cuts on his body. The only misfortune was that his precious Walkman was missing.

It was bought for him by his mother on his sixth birthday. It also contained the top twenty hits that he had recorded himself. It was his only connection with the earth and his home.

It's not that he never wanted to go home after running away from home, but he really didn't want to go back to Sparta and receive the prince's education from the old butler every day. Learning etiquette and history from morning to night every day would be life-threatening.

So whenever he misses his parents, he always plays songs on his Walkman, which makes him feel relaxed.

Now that the baby was missing, he was somewhat panicked and began to search everywhere on the bed and in the nooks and crannies, but he only found two hands of black dust.

"Is this place never cleaned? It looks a bit like a Kree ship, and are there such lazy Kree people?" He stood in the room and turned around, looking up for something similar to a monitor, and said to himself Talk to yourself.

Then his eyes fell on the door and discovered that the door lock was actually very simple in structure. It was a common spacecraft electronic hatch. It could be opened by connecting a terminal to a card reader to crack it.

After all, he had been following Yondu for the past few years. Apart from anything else, things like messing with the spaceship still couldn't be difficult for him.

"Very good, I'm going to find some wires, a sharp tool, and a bottle of water now." He took out the terminal from his pocket, pursed his chapped lips, and said to himself again in a hoarse voice. language.

Just as he said, he started to make the necessary tools using the existing materials in the small room. He removed the wires and circuit boards from behind the lighting fixtures, broke the lampshade to obtain sharp glass, and started playing around with the door lock. Access control on the wall.

"Pry open, connect, connect, exhaustive decryption is very good." He laughed out loud. Although he didn't know who caught him here, he was indeed the protagonist, and all the door locks he encountered were Just crackable.

However, his mean smile suddenly froze on his face, because after the password was cracked, there was actually a question as insurance?

"There are two beakers A and B. The culture medium and Bacillus anthracis are placed in beaker A, and the Ebola virus slide is placed in beaker B. Now an experimenter adds 0.5ml of saliva into beaker a, and adds 0.5ml of saliva into beaker b. Adding 0.5ml of nasal mucus, he then raised two beakers and ran from the first floor to the rooftop of the tenth floor, and then from the rooftop to the underground parking lot, and then drank the mixture in the two cups. When will Nick Fury die? "


After Peter finished reading the question, he was stunned for a moment and then dropped the terminal in his hand to the ground. He couldn't answer it. He really couldn't answer it.

The cell door could not be opened, hope was lost, and he huddled against the door.

Suddenly, to his annoyance, he discovered something suspicious. If the ship was from the Cree, why was the title in English?

Then he jumped up, raised his middle finger to the sky, and shouted to the possible surveillance equipment: "This question is beyond the scope of elementary school knowledge! And who is this Nick Fury?! Why does he want to die from the rooftop?" Jump down?! You will definitely die immediately!"

With a soft sound, the door of the room opened. It turned out that the correct answer was 'die immediately'.

After all, the questions are for primary school students, so they can't be too difficult.

When Peter saw the English question, he made up everything in his mind, thinking that his parents had come to catch him and were preparing to take him back to Sparta.

So he jumped up and angrily walked towards the cab, planning to make a big fuss.

The spaceship is not big, and is divided into two floors, the standard Kree reconnaissance ship size. The lower floor is the cargo warehouse, engine room, and driver's cab. The crew quarters, common room and other places are upstairs.

He walked along the corridor, and sure enough there was no one else. He walked down the stairs towards the bow of the ship, and only heard the music.

"These two old fools took away my son's Walkman without saying a word." Peter looked unhappy and walked with a breeze, swaying quickly to the rhythm of the music in the corridor.

'laugh. ’ The airtight door opened, and he entered the four-seater cab and saw a man and a woman.

However, it wasn't his parents.

The one-eyed man was looking at him with a smile, but Peter felt like a mouse being stared at by a cat. His whole body was stiff even to the tips of his fingers. The great pressure made him freeze in place.

Little Peter followed Yondu around the world. He had a very sensitive sixth sense for danger, and the man in front of him was definitely one of the most dangerous people in the universe. There seemed to be a dark nebula rolling behind him.

"Are you awake? Boy, I'm going to find you."

The man spoke. Compared to the other busty girl, he was obviously the one who had the final say.

"Uh, um"

Peter saw his Walkman, which was placed on the control panel between the front and passenger seats. The tape was slowly spinning, and the music was coming from it.

"Very good, do you understand the rules?" The man pointed to the small brown-red jacket that Peter was wearing, where there was the Marauder's emblem on the left chest: "When you come out to mess around in the universe, whoever has the biggest fist has the final say, and you are I'm a prisoner, so you stay with me until I allow you to return to your ship."

Peter breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that his life was not in danger and he could move his limbs.

He rolled his eyes, found a place to sit down, and fastened his seat belt: "My father is Yondu, don't let me do a job that is too dangerous. I am valuable as long as I live."

"First Mate Daisy, beat him up, this guy thinks we are fools." The man in the driver's seat turned around and continued to sail the boat, but instructs the big girl to educate Peter: "Yondu is a blue monster, how can he Maybe I have a white-skinned son? Sure enough, elementary school students don’t understand genetics?”

Of course the female Thor knows the ins and outs of the matter, but she is still in the learning stage, so naturally she will do whatever Deathstroke says.

She came to Peter and held out her hands.

How could the boy's strength be compared to Thor's? His struggle was completely useless. Then his two cheeks were stretched out, and then he was twisted wildly, and screams resounded from the cockpit throughout the spacecraft.

The small spacecraft with its tail of flames moved briskly through the vast space amidst the sound of music. The colorful light of the universe made this journey very interesting.

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