The Death Knell

Chapter 1939 Job Arrangement

"Ah! For the sake of everyone being from Earth, let's let our brothers go!"

Peter was trapped on the chair, and his short legs couldn't even touch the ground. He could only be pinched and rubbed by Daisy, and he reluctantly made a plea.

Daisy was a little hesitant when she saw how miserable he screamed. After all, a child of this age would only be in junior high school on earth.

"Keep going, don't stop, he's taking advantage of you." The sound of the death knell came.


The female Thor didn't realize where she was being taken advantage of.

Peter gained a breather under the violent attack and argued: "I didn't look at her breasts, nor her butt and legs. Predators don't touch the captain's women."

The female Thor blushed a little. Is she the captain's woman?

If it is the billionaire Mr. Wilson, it is not impossible to consider. After all, he is immortal, age is not a problem, he is quite handsome, and he has accumulated a lot of experience in the superhero world.

"I have lived for almost a hundred years, and you call me brother. Doesn't it mean that First Officer Daisy wants to call you grandpa? How dare you say that you are not taking advantage of her?"

However, Deathstroke spoke again at this time, pointing directly to the crux of the problem.

The spacecraft passed by a snowy polar planet, and the pale reflection shone into the cab through the portholes. Peter shivered as if he also felt the cold.

He controlled his rusty neck and slowly raised his head, looked at Daisy, who had an unkind look on her face and clenched her fists, and forced a smile:

"Sister, can we calculate our seniority alone?"

"Daisy, this kid spied on you with a thief's eye, took advantage of you, and called you 'big'." Deathstroke didn't look back, but what he said made things worse.

"Haha! What a damn brat!"

After hearing Deathstroke's explanation, the female Thor had no mercy in her heart. She grabbed Peter's ears and spun them around wildly, with afterimages even appearing on her wrists.


A few minutes later, Peter's thorns exploded after being ravaged, and he leaned on the chair in a daze like a ruined flower, with crystal liquid flowing down from the corner of his mouth.

Both of his ears were shiny red and swollen, making him look like some kind of alien.

Originally, the female Thor just tweaked one of his ears, but because he was a mean-mouthed person, he insisted on changing his story and said that Daisy was not old at all, so because of "lying to his face", the big sister taught him how to use the other ear.

Su Ming parked the spacecraft next to an asteroid belt, turned around and looked at Peter funny:

"Don't look like you haven't paid me after you've been played. Boy, come out with me and you'll make a lot of money."

Peter was about to cry but had no tears. He didn't do anything, he just said a few words and was abused. The mad woman was stronger than Yondu, and he was as helpless as a grass.

Is this called making a lot of money?

He cast a resentful look and said nothing. He just gently wanted to raise his hand to touch his ear, but as soon as he touched it, he grinned and took a breath.

"Let me ask you, how many people are there on Yondu's ship? Where do you rank roughly?"

The smart Peter put his ear against the porthole. It was a little cooler there and the burning pain was much lessened. He opened his mouth and said, "I am Yondu's adopted son. Of course I am the second in line on the ship."

In fact, he was the second to last one. The thin man in charge of cleaning was the last one, and he was the accountant second to last. Neither of them had much fighting ability.

After all, predators make a living as mercenaries, and occasionally they appear as tomb robbers or pirates. They are all ruthless characters with energy at their muzzle, and their combat power means their right to speak.

"Daisy, his memory is confused, help him recall it." Su Ming sneered and called out the name of the God of Thunder.

"No! No! I don't want little sister to help me remember." Peter immediately covered his head, raised his knees, and curled up on the chair: "There are three hundred and thirty-three people on the ship, and my status is ranked last. two."

Su Ming then took out a bottle of drink from his pocket and threw it to Peter: "Just answer whatever I ask you, and stop playing tricks on me. Seeing as you entered the universe at such a young age, you probably want to make a career on your own, right? "

After all, the boy has lived on earth, so he naturally knows what the drink is, and to be honest, he hasn't had a drink for many years.

Even Contracia, whose boss is suspected to be human, does not supply carbonated drinks. After all, the main customers there are predators. What they want is to get drunk and get themselves knocked down as quickly as possible with the least amount of money. Who spends money on drinks like this? What makes you want to run to the toilet the more you drink?

But carbonated drinks, if you are addicted to them, will make you feel uncomfortable if you don't drink them for a day. Even if you are not addicted, they are still very tempting to the children of the earth.

After skillfully opening the cap of the bottle and pouring it into his mouth, Peter immediately felt much better and his ears didn't hurt much.

He nodded and made a grunting sound: "Well, well, I want to make my own way. My family... well, it's just a coincidence that I got on Yondu's ship."

"I don't care what your relationship is with Yondu, and I don't care where you come from as a human being." Su Ming waved his hands, as if he didn't care: "Think about it, there are so many people on Yondu's ship, you are a weak scumbag When will this scumbag ever get ahead? There are over 300 people, and they are all ahead of you. Maybe by the time you show your personality, your hair and beard will turn gray."

"Yeah." This is what Peter has been thinking about. If it hadn't been for today, his original plan was to steal a small spaceship in a few days and then escape to work alone.

Su Ming saw his expression. After all, without wearing a mask, even Batman would not be able to completely hide his thoughts in front of Deathstroke. He continued: "But now that you are on my ship, the situation is different. Even if you add With you, there are only three of us, have we ranked much earlier?"

Peter tilted his head, as if, it seemed, right.

"Then I will be promoted to second officer?" He blinked, with an excited look on his face, as if he planned to celebrate after being affirmed.

"Second mate? No, no, no, with your special talents, being the second mate would be a waste. Guess?"

Peter's smile gradually became abnormal, and the soda bottle in his hand trembled: "Is that the first mate?"

"No, it's still a waste of talent." Deathstroke shook his head again.

"Hey, are you planning to give up the captain's position to me? This, how can you be so embarrassed, hehe..." He quickly loosened his seat belt and walked towards Deathstroke, intending to take over the driver's seat.

As a result, he was caught by Daisy again, and his ears were poisoned again...

A few minutes later, when he returned to his seat with a look of grievance and tears still in his eyes, he was still muttering: "I'm not the second mate or the captain, so what position is suitable for me?"

After Deathstroke's threats and inducements, he had already acquiesced to the reality of joining the gang, and now he was struggling with the issue of status.

Deathstroke blinked at Daisy, and the two looked at each other and smiled. He pointed at himself with his finger: "Captain Deathstroke."

"Yeah." Peter nodded.

Su Ming pointed to the female Thor again: "First mate Daisy."

"Yeah." The boy admitted, he couldn't beat him.

Then the finger pointed at the boy, but there was no movement for a long time.

"Peter, my name is Peter." He quickly announced his name, looking forward to it eagerly.

Deathstroke pretended to understand and tapped his finger up and down: "Very good, Peter. From now on, you will be the third in command in our team, Peter...Gigolo!"


The poor boy suddenly slumped to the ground, as if all his energy had disappeared, and his eyes were staring at the ceiling.

Whose fleet's third in command is a gigolo? ! This kind of profession shouldn’t go into space, right? ! Is there really a team of gay predators who love to watch gigolos? !

There are so many flaws that he can’t even spit out.

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