The Death Knell

Chapter 1940 Target Saka

The boy's protests were in vain. The position of the gigolo had been determined. His main job was to sing and dance during interstellar travel for the enjoyment of the captain and first mate.

However, Captain Deathstroke also agreed to take him to familiarize himself with the various jobs of the predators if he had the opportunity.

Yondu is still very good to Peter.

Deathstroke heard from Peter's mouth that Yondu did not allow boys to participate in battles in the past, such as gang-hopping battles for space plunder, and landing battles for kidnapping hostages. Children were never allowed to participate.

All he had to do was stay on the ship, clean everyone's boots, and get his share after the battle.

Although his small treasury was often blackmailed by Yondu, tricking him into buying drinks and so on, after all, the blue man never put Peter in any danger and was a very qualified captain.

But it's different when it comes to Su Ming. The new captain is a professional mercenary. With an agreement with Jason, he will definitely help Peter 'grow'.

Even if you follow the battleship around in the universe, if you don't participate in the battle, it will just be a flower in the greenhouse. What kind of weapon can you become?

"Now that you're on my boat, I'll teach you something real. When you get your own boat in the future, you'll have the capital to settle down and live a life." Su Ming said to the dancing Peter while smoking.

"You're not teaching me how to dance, are you?" Peter rolled his eyes, but under the threat of the violent woman's big hammer, he had to dance.

"If you plan to make a living in the nightclubs of New London in the future, there is nothing wrong with learning to dance." Deathstroke crossed his legs and turned to look at the universe outside the window: "But if you want to be a predator, I will teach you how to be a predator. Things to do."

Peter became more interested: "Are you teaching me how to fight?"

"That's just part of it. Predators are actually cosmic mercenaries. They rely on force and brains to make a living. You should know the different types of business, right?" Su Ming asked him back, and gave Daisy a bottle of drink.

"If someone hires them, predators can do combat, deliver goods, and protect important personnel, but there is not always employment business." Peter naturally knew this, and he danced the ghost step to the music. Answering the new captain's question: "When no one is willing to pay, we will get the money ourselves, such as excavating planetary ruins, exploring space junk ships, collecting some protection fees, etc."

"That's because Yongdu is more restrained. After robbing, he doesn't kill many people. He doesn't kill people for the sake of wealth. Other robbers who charge 'protection money' will definitely not leave anyone alive." Su Ming waved his hand, indicating to Peter that he was clear. Good: "These are the things I want to teach you. Of course, the first step is to get information. You have to know where there are good targets before you can make a plan."

The gigolo became more enthusiastic, his little eyes blinked: "Can I do business so soon?"

"Of course, Yondu is a good captain, but he is not qualified to be a teacher at all." Captain Deathstroke looked like he looked down on him, and the corners of his mouth turned downward: "Just by letting you stay behind, you can learn Are you stupid? I will take you to the front line and let you experience it firsthand."

"Okay!" Peter was so happy that he even stood on his head and clapped with his feet.

This reminded Deathstroke of Little Foo, probably the only one as monkey-like as Star-Lord. He shook his head: "Okay, stop dancing now, come get something to eat and get ready for action. Do you know that planet outside?"

The captain waved to the gigolo and told him to come over and rest for a while. After all, grace and prestige must be used to make the child obedient.

"It looks familiar." Peter was also a man who ate rather than ate. He walked over and picked up a piece of bread and ate it. Although he didn't know why such a long baguette could be put into a pocket as small as the death knell, but the French Things are so flexible and flexible.

"Didn't Yondu bring you here before?" Su Ming himself picked up a vacuum-packed braised chicken leg to eat: "But that's right, you were probably not born when this place was prosperous. It doesn't take long for you to join the Predators. year, New London had already risen before that.”

The gigolo still has some brains. Although he has never been to this planet, when he heard the captain compare it with Contracia, he immediately thought of the name here.

"This is Saka? That gladiatorial planet?"

"That's right, this is Sakaar. Our first stop for asking for information is here. The flow of people is not small, and there is a mix of good and bad." Su Ming confirmed his guess and nodded with a smile. Although Star-Lord is small now, he still has a big brain. A little bit: "Unlike New London, this place is filled with slave traders from all over the universe. Arenas of all sizes are spread all over the planet. The gladiators who die here every day can circle the planet. The scrapped equipment makes the cities here... There are garbage dumps all around.”

"I don't really like the slave trade."

Peter muttered, this view was recognized by Daisy, and the eldest sister nodded slightly.

However, she was happy too early, and the gigolo ate the food in his mouth before he could finish the second half of the sentence:

"Slaves are worthless, and they need to be taken care of on the road. Otherwise, if one dies, the body can only be weighed and sold as protein, which is not as good as the pork of the earth."

The female Thor's hand touched the gigolo's ear again, spinning rapidly.

"That's because Yondu's ship is a battleship, not a specialized slave cargo ship, and he has never thought about doing slave business." Su Ming smiled at Peter's suffering and ate his supper slowly: "Professional slave traders use transformation The cargo ship is full of dormant warehouses and can transport tens of thousands of people at a time with almost no transportation losses. As long as you have a few bodyguards with guns, you can go to the primitive planet to capture slaves. As long as you invest enough in the early stage, everything will follow. Buying and selling without capital.”

Peter, whose ears were twisted, shook his head quickly: "No, I don't want to learn the slave business anymore. Let's skip this step and teach me something else."

Daisy then let go of her hand and touched his head to express satisfaction.

"Okay, how much do you know about Saka Star?" Su Ming smiled and complied with his wishes, intending to test the dancer's knowledge.

"Yondu didn't tell me much. He only said that this planet is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be caught by bounty hunters and sold to the arena." Peter recalled the sporadic information he had heard in the past and gently covered his head. Tie Er said: "I also heard that this planet has a very powerful owner, what is it called the universe?"

"Elder of the Universe, those self-proclaimed titles of immortals are useless. I don't blame you if you can't remember." Su Ming patted Peter on the shoulder, then hit him on the head with his backhand: "But you can't remember it yourself. Qing doesn’t know how to check the terminal? He doesn’t know how to use the tools in his hand, are you worse than a monkey? It’s a real embarrassment to us people on earth!”

Peter covered his head again, and the chewed bread in his mouth fell on his shoes in disgust. It was all the fault of the simulated gravity generator:

"Can I still check the terminal? I thought this was an exam."

"Did I say I won't let you check? You are so stupid. There is nothing you can't do in the world of mercenaries. It all depends on whether you can think of it. Everything is empty and everything is allowed. Remember this. ”

Deathstroke sighed, turned around and drove the spacecraft towards the earth-yellow planet:

"The owner of this planet is Gao Tianzun. Don't run around after landing. He likes to torture disobedient children like you."

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