The Death Knell

Chapter 1941 Elder of the Universe

The Sakaar planet in the 40k universe is more like the MCU. It is a gladiatorial arena run by Gao Tianzun. The bad old man is very bad. He has no other hobbies and only likes to watch gladiatorial fights and bet.

The so-called elders of the universe are actually the first survivors of a highly intelligent humanoid race born after the Big Bang. They are also one of the oldest life forms in the universe, living in the first galaxy when the universe was formed.

It's just that being born early does not mean invincibility. These guys tragically experienced the Creation God War, which was the super war between Osutu and Gaia against Sisorn Gasset after the emergence of the solar system and the earth.

Atum, the God Eater created by Gaia, chased Sithorn and his followers and slaughtered them crazily. From the earth to the entire universe, there were battlefields everywhere, and countless galaxies were shattered by the aftermath of their battle. And destroyed, not to mention those ancient civilizations in the original galaxy.

The members of the Elders of the Universe are the last survivors of their respective races, each possessing immortal abilities and mastering super-advanced ancient technology that gave them the ability to escape their homeland at the time.

But as if arranged by some invisible will, only one person escaped from each primitive civilization.

Of course, there are also cases where no one escapes, but if there are survivors, this number is constant at one.

After these survivors discovered each other's existence, they began to contact each other and hug each other for warmth. Although they belonged to different races, the same tragic experience made them regard each other as brothers and sisters. They fled together and studied the destruction of the world. How to survive in the God War.

The initial war of gods ended with the victory of the White Magic side. Oshutu left the main dimension to form the Weishan Emperor, Gaia sacrificed herself to repair the earth, Seth fled to the multiverse, and Sithorn was hunted down by Atum. left this universe.

Other earth gods either entered the universe to build cities to escape, or upgraded to dimensional demon gods or hell lords, and some turned themselves into concepts like the spider god and the world tree.

The universe calmed down, and the survivors of the ancient civilization felt that they were okay again.

They named their 'Post-War Survivors Mutual Aid Association' the Universe Presbyterian Church, and everyone is an elder to show their seniority and status.

But after leaving the original galaxy and wandering around the universe for tens of thousands of years, the elders of the universe gradually discovered that if they could not find a hobby they liked, they would easily lose the will to survive in the long and endless years, and thus lose their their immortal lives.

This is depression without God but with God.

Some of the cosmic elders decided to exercise quickly to gain energy or improve their life level, and see if they could become gods to avoid withering away.

But did most of the elders of the universe give up that way, become gods and then enter various dimensions to compete with those perverts back then?

Thank you. It’s better to avoid it. It’s so dangerous to fight and kill.

So most of the people later chose to cultivate a hobby as a sustenance for their hopes in life. Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and it has become what it is now.

According to the information Su Ming knew in his previous life, the total number of the universe elders is unknown. It ranges from a few hundred to tens of thousands. Time has passed for too long, some people have died, and many more have completely become There are all kinds of otakus who don't show up at all, so there is no way to know.

There are only a dozen or so famous ones, such as architect, astronomer, caregiver, champion, collector, contemplator, explorer explorer, fathertime, gardener, grandastrogator, grandmaster, judicator, obliterator, possessor, runner (runner), trader, egothelivingpla, matani, etc.

Most of their hobbies can be seen from their respective code names. In order to avoid conflicts with other people's hobbies, they set the direction of each person's hobbies from the beginning.

A law enforcement officer likes to be a referee, so he is like Captain Dragonfly, traveling across the universe to bring impartial justice to others.

The caregiver is the Space Madonna, who focuses on reviving the civilization that is about to be destroyed, telling them to ‘don’t stop’!

The solemn astronaut, as the name suggests, likes to fly solemnly. His spacecraft is square and very solemn. It sails in space at a speed that is neither fast nor slow, and the sound and light effects are full, which highlights the solemnity.

When others see it, they feel like they are seeing a giant space coffin.

According to the official range of strength given by Marvel, the combat effectiveness of the Elders of the Universe is slightly inferior to that of Galactus. Su Ming estimated that it was the stronger one, about 0.8 swallows.

How do you say this? It can be regarded as a range of neither high nor low, which is an embarrassing situation where you generally won't encounter any small problems, but if big problems come to your door, you will definitely not be able to defeat them.

Most of the elders of the universe are indifferent to the world. With or without them, they are almost the same. They play their various tricks to keep themselves alive, and all the forces in the universe are too lazy to trouble them.

After all, there is no obvious benefit in dealing with them. Instead, they are likely to be grouped together by the elders for revenge, and the investment and return are not proportional.

But there are always a few exceptions among peaceful people. The most typical one is Gao Tianzun. He is uncomfortable if he doesn't cause trouble. No one bets with him and he has to bet even if he creates conditions. In the comics, he has been implicated in many bets. Very wide, very disgusting.

Moreover, he is also a great master of game theory. When put on the battlefield, he is a first-class strategic and tactical expert. It can be said that he has a lot of fun competing with the world as a chessboard.

However, that has nothing to do with Deathstroke. The main reason for coming to Sakaar to find him this time is to inquire about Phoenix, and other things are secondary.

Daisy is the human shield dragged in to withstand beatings, and Peter is the bitch’s ‘spare tire’ dragged in when Wade is away. The name is to teach them how to be superheroes or predators, but in fact it is mutually beneficial.

The small spaceship landed in a large mountain of rubbish. All kinds of broken equipment and abandoned mechanical remains were scattered around the city. It was completely unplanned.

Fortunately, Gao Tianzun's technology is very advanced. There is no wastewater or carbon-based excrement here, but there is not much odor.

As soon as the hatch of the spaceship opened, Peter, who had been tortured by Daisy for a long time, rushed into the vast world first. He slid down the garbage mountain, knelt on his knees, opened his arms toward the sky, and shouted:


Then a power grid flew out from behind the garbage mountain not far away, and tied him tightly. Blue electricity spurted out from it, and he fell down with foaming at the mouth.

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