The Death Knell

Chapter 1942 The Newcomer’s First Battle

"I knew every time a spaceship landed in this shitty place, it would be greeted with a warm welcome."

Su Ming then slowly walked out of the spaceship with the female Thor, watching the surrounding garbage mountains squirming and rolling. Dozens of scavengers emerged from under the pile of broken metal, as if they didn't notice that Peter was like a dehydrated fish. Bounce on the ground.

"Aren't these good people?" Daisy looked at the gradually surrounding circle, took off the hammer from her waist, and started spinning it in her hand.

Although she has never seriously fought any creature, not counting the last time she fought a robot, let alone this kind of cosmic person, but judging from the other party's appearance, he doesn't look like a good person.

Not only were these scavengers dirty, they also wore armor pieced together from metal garbage. Each of them had either a bald head or a mohawk. They looked like the soldiers in "Fist of the North Star".

To put it simply, his mouth and eyes are crooked, and he licks his own weapons with his tongue, looking like he's hanging on.

Su Ming looked at the scavenger licking his mace not far away and sighed: "Your question is wrong from the beginning. I will teach you the first rule of superheroes. If someone wants to deal with you, then Don't ask whether he is a good guy or a bad guy, beat him first and then torture him, that is the correct procedure."

"Yes, is this really experience?"

Daisy understood. It turns out that to be a superhero, you must have a strong heart. No matter who comes, as long as they show hostility, then do it.

Deathstroke's black and yellow armor spread toward his body, but he had no intention of taking action. Instead, he walked towards Peter who was electrocuted and convulsed: "They are left to you. Kill them as you like. I'll see how our gigolo is doing first."

The female Thor licked her lower lips and took out the Meowth Hammer. Lightning hundreds of times stronger than the previous power grid suddenly erupted when it hit one of the scavengers. A bolt of lightning fell from the sky, leaving a pool of black ash on the spot. .

Thunder roared. She didn't seem to expect that her attack was so powerful, nor did she expect that the aliens were so vulnerable, so she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

But the opponent's various weapons also opened fire on her in the next moment, including live ammunition, beams, plasma, etc., all of which were rags picked up from nowhere.

That's the good thing about the gladiatorial planet. Gao Tianzun didn't bother to repair the damaged weapons in the gladiatorial arena and just threw them outside the city.

As long as you have the patience and the same inspiration as the green skin, if you pick up tatters here and fiddle with them for a while, there is always a chance of repairing them.

However, where there is a spear, there is a shield. After gaining the approval of Meowth Hammer, Daisy received a set of Asgard's ultra-high-end armor, including a breastplate with six large sequins on the chest, a red cloak, and two A very crude shin guard.

Although they look very rustic and cannot keep up with the trend of today's universe, they are armor made of the energy of the World Tree and can provide very powerful physical and energy protection.

The opponent's weapon hit Daisy. She only felt a high-frequency impact like being hit by a 'fascial gun', but she was not injured.

"I just hit someone with a cold weapon, and you want to kill me with a hot weapon?"

As soon as the American girl's toughness came up, the pirate blood of the Anglo-Saxons was not much worse than that of the Vikings. With a little hand stretched out, the warhammer that had originally electrocuted people into charcoal flew back and fell into her hands. in hand.

She jumped high towards where the enemies were gathered, held the weapon with both hands and struck the ground.

Electric light erupted from the ground within a radius of more than ten meters with a certain scavenger as the center. The energy like silver snakes entangled, stretched, and climbed up all the conductors within the range, while the strong current shook a nearby building. A corner of the garbage mountain melted.

Naturally, even the ashes of the man who was directly hit were blown away. When the hammer was struck, only a large round black circle was left nearby.

Scavengers are originally a group of ragtag men. If they really had the courage that no one could match, they would have gone to the city to become gladiators. If they win a game, they can make a lot of money and enjoy a higher social status; if they lose, they will lose their lives and it will be over.

They are scavenging here. To put it bluntly, they are afraid of death. Such people cannot be regarded as qualified warriors. They are only good at fighting each other and pinching each other.

This new outsider was so fierce, and several people were evaporated in two attacks, so the fool continued to fight.

Thanks to their understanding of the terrain, many scavengers turned around and walked away, turning left and right in the garbage mountain, burrowing into somewhere, and soon disappeared.

Daisy snorted and raised her head, only to find that her enemies were gone. She looked around, the expression on her face seemed to be asking:

Who else? !

There were no enemies anymore. Apart from the sound of an empty wine bottle clanking down from the nearby garbage mountain, there was only the sound of Peter's moaning that was so satisfying to the depths of his soul.

"I found out that I'm quite strong. I got it done."

She put the hammer back on her belt with satisfaction, walked to Deathstroke and showed it off, as if seeking praise from the teacher.


Su Ming didn't have any special reaction. He just squatted next to Peter and watched him suffer. The power grid seemed to be continuous. The current was not strong and intermittent, but the electric shock seemed to be endless.

Is it any wonder that the female Thor wiped out a few cosmic scavengers?

Not all aliens have superpowers, and many species have worse physiques than Earthlings.

Like these scumbags on Sakaar, they are the kind of people who have no talent or courage. They may not be able to beat any street boy from Gotham in a duel.

"What did you find?" Daisy squatted down and observed Peter next to Deathstroke, her big eyes blinking, looking curious.

Deathstroke took out the Godslayer, turned into a ticklish form, poked Peter on the ground, and replied:

"I see that he has amazing bones. He is not born to practice martial arts. His fighting awareness and danger awareness are also very poor. I'm afraid he will only be able to dance in his life."

The current on the big net flashed again, and Peter's whole body bones really showed their shape.

"Oh! Is it an Eastern martial art? Kongfu?" Daisy's eyes lit up, and she made a few gestures with her two little paws in the air in front of her, as if imitating monkey boxing: "Then do you think I have any talent in martial arts? ?”

"You already use a war hammer, what more advanced martial arts skills do you need? Go and practice blacksmithing. Those who use blunt weapons only need to be strong and fast. If I have a chance, I will teach you a set of New Year's hammer techniques. If you encounter an enemy who cannot be beaten to death with three hammers, you Just turn around and evacuate.”

This is also true. An enemy who can withstand Mjolnir three times is equivalent to forcibly receiving three impacts from the high-density star core, and three times of lightning damage. If he can handle this, it is definitely not something Daisy can handle.

Su Ming used the tickler in his hand to slowly untie Peter's net. The boy's tongue must have been numbed by the electric shock, and he couldn't say anything except whining.

"He seems so pitiful." Daisy also looked at Peter's charred little face and shook her head.

Deathstroke didn't think so. He poked the power grid with his weapon and let it release more current: "This is his adventure. You see, he learned 'break dancing' instantly, which is even weird in the network." Woolen cloth."

"That's true..." The female Thor gave up thinking.

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