The Death Knell

Chapter 1945 Gao Tianzun

Sometimes there is really no way to figure out the thoughts of the elder of the universe. Logically speaking, sending people to greet him and laying out a red carpet and scattering flower petals should be regarded as a welcome, right?

But when the elevator arrived, the new maid led the three of them through the long corridor and into the lobby.

Gao Tianzun had no intention of welcoming them at all. He was still sitting steadily on his throne, holding his chin and thinking about something.

He looked like an old man. After all, his blue face was wrinkled and his white hair stood on end. He looked like an American soldier in "Street Fighter".

But at the same time, he is also old-hearted. Not only does he wear glamorous eye shadow and eyeliner, he also wears purple lipstick, wears a sexy white robe, and his hands are covered with huge gemstone rings.

If they didn't know his details, people who saw this guy for the first time would definitely be misled by his appearance, because he didn't have the aura of a strong man in the universe at all, and he just looked like a trench guy.

While he was holding his chin and thinking, he also stretched out his free hand, and the maid next to the throne was doing a manicure. Deathstroke had the extraordinary vision provided by Strangler, and he could see that the pattern on the nails was a pink heart.

The three of them walked into the hall. Gao Tianzun just glanced at it and began to struggle with his choice again. He said to himself:

"It's so difficult to deal with. Who is at fault?"

There were two people kneeling in front of his royal steps, one was an alien like a green toad, and the other looked like a fat pig.

The guards pressed their necks with electric shock halberds, and they were also put on slave collars. At this time, they wanted to speak, but they were electrocuted by the guards.

Because the master did not let them speak, they had no right to speak.

Then Gao Tianzun suddenly seemed to remember what he had just seen. He stood up with a smile and waved to the death knell from a distance: "It turns out that the Supreme Mage has arrived. Come sit here and help me study this case."

As he spoke, he patted the armrest of his seat, with an expectant look on his face, and motioned for Deathstroke to sit there.

"You can go there, but you don't have to sit down." Su Ming patted Daisy and Peter on the shoulders, motioned them to wait where they were, and stepped forward: "What did these two guys commit?"

"One of them lied to me." Gao Tianzun sat back in his seat: "Both of them were hired by me to go to the universe to find the best nail paint for me, and they made bets with each other. Those who die will die."

"But today they came back and no one thought they had lost."

Su Ming took off his mask and showed a smile. He probably guessed that it was nothing more than a bet. The maid next to him brought a crystal glass of wine, and he took it and took a sip.

Gao Tianzun nodded, and showed the hand holding his chin to Deathstroke:

"Which color do you think looks good?"

"Is the inability to make a decision due to difficulty in choosing?"

Su Ming looked at the two long nails. It felt like he saw the zombie claws of a certain Queen Mother of the Qing Dynasty in the TV series. But now the one is fluorescent yellow and the other is gay purple. Neither of them are the same. What a serious color.

"That's right. These servants of mine are all trash and don't have any valuable opinions at all."

Gao Tianzun shook his hair, and the sunlight outside the window shone on his back. He spoke with disdain, and the maids and guards around him lowered their heads in understanding.

In fact, it's not that they are really too stupid to give advice, but because the 'smart' people who gave advice have lost bets with Gao Tianzun in the past and died miserably on the spot.

As long as you have some opinions, even if you are just a slave carrying a fruit plate, Gao Tianzun will think that you are qualified to be looked at, that is, you are qualified to be on the gambling table and play with him.

Sound like a good thing?

Get a promotion and raise your salary, change from a slave to a mistress, drive a mistress's car, live in a big apartment, and become a rich woman?

In fact, it's not true. This boss can't afford to play at all. After he makes a bet with you, he will win by any means necessary, and then kill you while laughing.

He was smiling, not because he was affable, but because he was crazy.

"If you ask me, these two colors are not good. You shouldn't play with these cosmetics." Su Ming glanced at the two aliens kneeling in front of him. They looked like space merchants. They would definitely not survive. .

Gao Tianzun smiled and took Deathstroke's hand, squeezing it like an elder:

"You understand me. In fact, I don't want to play with these things, but I have an old friend... Do you know the collector? Yes, it's him. We made a bet. He bet that I wouldn't be able to find it within ten years. He didn't even have nail polish, and the bet was a weird duck in his house. But I won, I had money, and there were a lot of people willing to help me."

"Don't you elders of the universe have trouble with makeup?" Su Ming smiled. The Collector was also a man who wore lipstick. These guys have lived for too long and are a little boring to the point of perversion: "But I can help you find him. Do you want to bet on the nail polish? In other words, you didn’t intend on the nail polish, but you used it as an excuse to wait for a transaction with me in another world?"

Gao Tianzun smiled, but the smile was no longer that serious look, but full of cold wisdom.

The blue-skinned Elder of the Universe dismissed the manicure maid, stood up and killed two businessmen one by one with one finger.

He could use primitive cosmic energy, and his fingers were like super laser guns. The toad and the pig suddenly turned into two pools of white ash, and only the two collars in the air were still spinning and making a "clang" sound after landing.

An automatic vacuum cleaner robot automatically ran out of the small door in the wall and began to clean up the things on the floor.

Gao Tianzun turned around and looked down through the tall glass curtain wall behind the throne: "I thought that humans on earth would age. You might not be as smart as you were back then, but I didn't expect that you still noticed my thoughts."

"I am the Supreme Mage. If I don't want to die, I can survive until all the elders of your universe are dead." Su Ming also showed a sinister smile, looked into Gao Tianzun's eyes, and said kindly.

"Haha, to be honest, I really want to bet you that you won't live until that time." Gao Tianzun grinned, looking very regretful: "But I'm not stupid, you can use the time stone to extend the time flow, and let me Isn’t it right to be bored for a long time to the point where you lose your hobbies and therefore your immortality?”

Su Ming walked up to him. The old man was half a head shorter than him: "If you didn't use time and space to jump to kill me in the past, there is a high probability that I wouldn't use the time gem, because you can't deal with Emperor Weishan alone. "

"Tsk, those monsters." Gao Tianzun shook his head, returned to the throne and sat down, his expression changed back to the harmless hip-hop old man: "I really envy you earthlings, it's like you won at the starting line. Go on, no matter what kind of demon god, they like to use humans as their spokespersons, it’s really puzzling.”

Su Ming raised his head and drank the red wine in the glass, then placed the empty glass lightly on the armrest of the throne. The stone throne made of white jade seemed to be stained with some wine red at this time:

"You are not a thinker. Thinking about such things is a waste of time. Now that you know the facts, accept it."

Gao Tianzun touched his nails and looked away: "I'm tired and want to take a nap. I'll ask the servant to take you to the room and watch the gladiator together in the evening?"

Deathstroke turned around and walked down the steps, stepping over the head of the sweeping robot. His black cloak swayed slowly: "That's not bad. I haven't seen the space competition yet. It's still a long time until dark. Maybe I can Would you like your daughter to show us around the tower?"

The old man on the throne smiled and said nothing.

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