The Death Knell

Chapter 1946 Talking and Laughing

Gao Tianzun's daughter is named Vanigast. How should I put it? She's not a bad person, just a little stupid.

When Su Ming mentioned this, he didn't really intend to visit any tower, it was just to add trouble to Gao Tianzun. Everyone has weaknesses, and his daughter is one of the weaknesses of this elder of the universe.

This girl is not usually respected by Gao Tian. I heard that her mother is a slave, but she is still related by blood to some extent. Her status is still not low. The servants and guards of Saka planet still scream loudly when they see her. Miss.

In the comics, she is an extreme xenophile who likes all kinds of aliens, and often rebels against her father because of this.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't know Gao Tianzun's weaknesses. As long as she has mastered Vanegast and can convince her with the idiotic slogans of 'the inhabitants of the universe are one family' and 'everyone is equal in the universe', she will immediately become aware of the appearance of Deathstroke. The starman trusted him so much that he told him all about his father's weaknesses and the core of his plan. He knew everything and could tell everything.

She is also a blue-skinned person, and has inherited many of Gao Tianzun's abilities, such as immortality, immortality, cosmic energy, etc. She can even directly open wormholes for space transfer of large forces, but she did not inherit her brain.

After meeting and testing each other out, Su Ming deliberately pointed out her existence just to stop Gao Tianzun from playing tricks, at least now Deathstroke didn't want to play any gamble with him.

Sure enough, the rest of the afternoon was uneventful. The three of them watched the projection program in the luxurious guest room, while servants brought meals and wine into the room.

"I didn't understand much of what you said before..." Daisy doubted her own IQ and seemed a little depressed.

"It's nothing, it's just that the old man wants to play, and I don't want to play with him now." Su Ming poured wine for her and herself, and kicked Peter aside who was about to steal the wine: "I have what he wants in my hand , but he shouldn’t be the one to make the bid. Asking for a high price and paying back the money upon landing, this is the essence of our previous dialogue.”

"I don't even understand." Daisy picked up the wine glass and took a sip: "Does being a superhero also require the power of diplomacy?"

Su Ming clinked glasses with her, ignored the plaintive boy on the carpet, and said: "There are many kinds of superheroes. It doesn't matter if you don't use your brain at all. At most, they just die faster. But if you follow me, these problems won't exist. "

"Yes, as long as you are responsible for diplomacy and thinking, it will be fine. I will only hammer people." Daisy suddenly felt relaxed and touched her big hammer with satisfaction: "Do you think my current combat effectiveness can be ranked first on the earth? How many?"

"I don't know, probably a 50-50 fight with Captain America. He can spend the whole day with you." Su Ming opened his mouth and threw a pie to Peter: "Kids, don't drink, eat quickly, and dance for us when you're done." Enjoy, gigolo.”

Peter: "...Okay boss."


I don’t know how long the day and night are on Sakaar, but night falls not long after, probably more than four hours.

The city is brightly lit at night, and what is more eye-catching is the giant arena at the foot of the tower. It looks like a huge aperture, which may be visible from outer space.

Peter kept dancing, and his legs were as soft as noodles. When the maid knocked on the door to announce that the gladiatorial match was about to begin, he fell on the carpet like a toy 'gong monkey' with no electricity.

"Phew, I'm going to die, ah, my legs are so sore!"

"Can't you do just this little amount of exercise? If you don't want to be a marauder and want to resign yourself to being a gigolo, just lie down."

Su Ming pulled up Daisy, who was drinking with him, and the two of them walked towards the door.

"No, I don't want to be a gigolo forever. Although I can't do it now, I will definitely become the best predator in the universe." Peter struggled to get up. He hugged Deathstroke's thigh and raised his head with firm eyes. Looking into the Captain's face: "I have to be..."

Su Ming picked him up and carried him on his shoulders like a sack: "Very good, this is the second lesson I want to teach you. Having a goal is not enough. Being a warrior also relies heavily on perseverance and determination. Let's go. , go and watch the wrestling.

After reaching the elevator again, this time they entered the VIP level directly. Hundreds of maids under bright lights on both sides of the road bowed and led the three of them to the observation deck.

Su Ming had watched the Quidditch World Cup in Harry Potter, but compared to the Cosmic Duel Championship here, the gap was undoubtedly huge.

The millions of seats were crowded with all kinds of aliens. They were waving the gladiator light cards they supported in their hands, beating or blowing various musical instruments, making harsh and chaotic noises.

Just the heat coming out of people's heads distorted the air, and the stars in the night sky seemed to be shaking because of it.

Several spaceships were flying high in the sky, and the hanging headlights illuminated the small venue in the middle, as bright as day. Countless huge projection screens were ready above them, playing highlights of past exciting battles. As a warm-up show.

Of course, tonight's gambling is also indispensable. Information about both sides of each game and the current dynamic odds will be displayed on the screen in sequence.

There is no distinction of status when watching the gladiatorial fight. Even if you are just a slave with only a copper plate stolen from the master, you can still call the betting masters walking around in the stands to play for that amount of money.

"Welcome, my guest." Gao Tianzun stood up from his soft couch, smiled and hugged Deathstroke, like an old friend he hadn't seen for decades. He also took the initiative to introduce the girl behind him: "This is My daughter Vanigast is not at home during the day, so I can’t visit with you. I’m really sorry.”

The blue-skinned little girl glanced at Deathstroke curiously, but quickly lowered her head to salute, appearing very polite. She had never seen her father be so affectionate to anyone except those from the Presbyterian Church.

Su Ming also smiled and patted Gao Tianzun's arm, as if nothing had happened during the day: "Thank you for the invitation. Your daughter is also very beautiful, just like what I have heard."

"Haha, she is the apple of my eye." Gao Tianzun turned around and stepped aside, revealing the person sitting on the chair in the corner not far behind him: "And this one is also my guest, from Asgard. Second Prince Loki, I think you may know him?"

"Of course I do, dear Master Supreme, good evening."

Loki put on a smile that was uglier than crying. After standing up, he bowed and saluted the death knell in standard Asgardian etiquette, but at the same time he was also very confused.

The two brothers originally lived a stable life on earth, working as nightclub security guards.

Thor became the God of Thunder because of Daisy. He simply said, "There is a God of Thunder in Asgard" to get rid of the burden, and stayed on the earth to date Jane Foster instead of going home, which made Loki unable to go back.

But suddenly yesterday, a strange woman, who claimed to be their eldest sister, came to their door, beat the two of them violently, and even threw them to the Saka planet.

Is it such a coincidence?

Thor thought it was an accident, but Loki didn't think so.

Let’s not talk about why the timing was so coincidental after the Phoenix lost control. Let’s just talk about another point. You must know that Midgard is Kama Taj’s territory. If it weren’t for the consent of the Supreme Mage, how could Hela pass through the defensive barrier and teleport through space? Get in there?

Sure enough, even after arriving here and becoming Gao Tianzun's guest through the Immortal Tongue, he still could not escape the clutches of Deathstroke.

His heart froze when he saw the black and yellow demon approaching and chatting and laughing with the owner of this place.

It's the kind of cool feeling of falling into an unknown trap, just like falling into the ice cave of Jotunheim with Thor in the past, as if the next breath will be frozen.

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