The Death Knell

Chapter 1947 Axeman

The hustle and bustle was isolated by the raised barrier, and the semi-terrace box was completely closed at this time. Gao Tianzun may want to provoke, but Deathstroke would not admit that he had anything to do with Hela here.

Lao Gao has no evidence to prove that Loki and Thor were thrown here because of Deathstroke's conspiracy. Everything back then was just a verbal agreement, not to mention that Loki was far smarter than Gao Tianzun thought.

For example, after this guy discovered that the death knell was coming, the only thing left behind was a magical clone. His real body was now invisible and hidden next to the door, behind Su Ming.

"Isn't this Loki? Why are you here?"

Su Ming hadn't spoken yet, but Daisy was the first to get excited. After all, seeing familiar people in outer space would inevitably make her feel happy.

After obtaining the Meowth Hammer, the crazy things Thor and Loki said about the Nine Realms and Asgard were taken seriously by Jane and Daisy, and naturally they also knew the identity of the prince of Asgard.

"Yes, Loki, why are you here? Where is your brother?"

Su Ming also had a strange expression on his face, truly knowing what he was asking.

The phantom left behind by the second prince showed a classic evil smile and replied very politely:

"Some coincidence ended up here. Fortunately, Lord Gao Tianzun took him in. As for the cause, it's not worth mentioning."

Deathstroke seemed to accept this statement and nodded as if he suddenly understood: "That's it. It seems that you and Daisy are very familiar with each other. That's right. She holds Mjolnir. Let's talk. I'll talk to Gao Tianzun about something. .”

After saying that, he patted Daisy on the shoulder, then held hands with Gao Tianzun and sat on the couch in the front row.

"It's very lively, isn't it?" The old man smiled evilly.

"Yes, but it's not enough for me." Su Ming responded with the same expression.

Both were silent for a moment, then laughed as if nothing had happened. They chatted about cosmic jokes, such as why most intelligent creatures have red guts.

Daisy walked over to Loki and sat down, grabbed some fruit from the fruit bowl next to her, ate it, and asked a lot of random things.

But the second prince just talked about it. Although he behaved like he did when he got along with each other on earth, he didn't utter a word of any useful information.

He was thinking, because there was nothing wrong with Deathstroke's reaction, was it a coincidence that he appeared here?

According to the information learned from Daisy, it was a coincidence that the two of them met, and they entered the universe earlier, and had nothing to do with what happened to Hela later.

Could it be that Thor was right to rely on his beastly instincts this time? It was just an accident that the two of them were hit here by Hela from the Rainbow Bridge?

It was impossible for Loki to believe what Deathstroke said, but he felt that Daisy's words were acceptable, because the previous contact on the earth showed that this girl had no scheming at all and did not have the mental capacity to maintain lies.

As for whether she will increase her intelligence after obtaining an artifact like Mjolnir? That's impossible. That powerful power will only make people subconsciously put force first in solving problems. It's almost as if it reduces intelligence.

Thor, on the other hand, seems to have become smarter after losing his Mjolnir recently and getting his ax back.

But then Loki felt relieved. After all, he was still Gao Tianzun's guest. At least he was in a much better situation than Thor. Even if Deathstroke had any conspiracy, it was only for his brother. He was fine.

So he also smiled and chatted with Daisy, mainly asking about Jane Foster and trying to plan a prank against Thor.

But these questions like 'What brand of bags does Jane like?' and 'Does Jane like Swedish food?' made Daisy suspicious, secretly thinking that the two brothers fell in love with the same woman at the same time.

Is ‘divine relationship’ so bloody? So exciting! I almost have a nosebleed after thinking about it.

As for Peter, he also relied on his harmless 'alien cub' image to quickly strike up a conversation with Gao Tianzun's daughter. He also seemed very happy at this time and was being held by the maids to eat fruit.

Su Ming and Lao Yinbi chatted for a long time. After seeing that the situation had stabilized, he smiled and said, "Can we start the wrestling? We just want to talk about business."

"That's fine."

Gao Tianzun stood up, walked over to an instrument, picked up a scepter-like microphone and brought it to his mouth. A huge projection of his head was projected above the arena.

He maintained a proud but warm smile and greeted everyone present:

"Ah, my friends, the scum of the universe, welcome to the Saka Arena! The annual cosmic gladiatorial tournament is about to begin. Please don't kill anyone in the stands while watching the gladiatorial fight, because The person you killed probably had a bet with me, haha."

He told a humorous joke, and the people below also burst into laughter out of dignity, because almost everyone here knew that ordinary people who bet with Gao Tianzun would not survive at all.

"Okay, now that everyone knows the precautions, I won't say more. Hold on to your betting tickets and let us usher in the first challenger Ax! Head! Man!"

Gao Tianzun waved his hand enthusiastically, and a door in the arena below opened. Thor, who was carrying a big ax and fighting against the enemy, shielded his eyes from the bright light with his hands. He was pushed out by some slaves and walked to the center of the field. .

He looked a little confused and waved around stupidly.

The crowd cheered, not knowing where the axe-man came from, but just getting high.

"Fight! Ninety-nine adult spiny dogs!"

Gao Tianzun said Thor's opponent with a smile, and all the remaining ninety-nine doors below the arena opened. As if with a crash, Thor was instantly surrounded.

Those poisonous hounds drooled and opened and closed their petal-like mouths, as if they were being surrounded by wolves but not attacking, and they circled around Thor.

Su Ming could see Thor's face changed drastically from a distance, and his mouth seemed to be saying: 'Odin's abscess! ’

"Start!" Gao Tianzun gave the order, and naturally the servants stimulated the electric current through the collar of the spiny dog. In the next moment, these carnivorous monsters jumped up high and rushed towards Thor as if they were crazy.

Deathstroke is not interested in this. If you ask Thor to do math problems, he will definitely fall on the street, but if he fights with a beast that is brainier than him, it is impossible to lose.

Not to mention the Asgardian body's built-in high-speed healing and immunity to toxins. Just after undergoing training on the earth, Thor understood why he was not the hammer god, and he also made progress on the spiritual level. He now controls Thunder and lightning do not need to borrow foreign objects.

Although thorn dogs are very threatening to ordinary people, they are only mortal creatures after all. To gods, they are just like earth dogs.

Didn't Loki just sit back on the sofa and drink when he heard it was a thorn dog without looking at him?

"There's nothing interesting to see at all. It's just a dog-killing conference. The preliminaries are boring. Let's give Thor some elemental creatures or demons to fight. Alas." Daisy heard Loki beside her mutter something, as if it was because of Jane. Because of the teacher's love, the younger brother developed a hatred for his older brother and wished that he would die.

The love triangle between the prince brothers and the beautiful mortal woman is even more exciting. Her big eyes are fixed on the center of the field.

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