The Death Knell

Chapter 1948 Traces of the Phoenix

Early the next morning, Su Ming left Sakaar with Daisy and Peter. Although they had food, drink and fun here, there were still serious matters that remained unresolved.

Thor successfully passed the preliminaries last night. After the game, Deathstroke also went to see him. The long-haired man had no intention of leaving. Instead, he became more competitive because the champion could have his head carved on the totem pole.

Although it is not clear why another sister Hela suddenly appeared, Odin and Asgard are still as stable as a mountain, so there is no need for him to go back. Daisy is enough anyway.

Besides, the female Thor is still following Deathstroke. Let me highlight two words - don't worry.

Therefore, Thor planned to win the arena championship here before making other plans, and Loki also wanted to stay with him for various reasons, so when he went on the road again, it was still the captain, first mate, and gigolo.

"Do you know where the thing we are looking for is?" Daisy ate the fruit given by Gao Tianzun when she was leaving, and spit the core into the plate held by the gigolo.

Deathstroke, who was driving the spaceship, also flicked ashes into the ashtray held in Peter's other hand: "It's not complete information. I just know a general direction. The time is still a little behind, but it's better than finding a needle in a haystack."

The female Thor licked the juice on her finger: "What did you talk about during the game last night? I vaguely heard some deal."

"Gao Tianzun wanted to play a big game across the universe. I recommended him a good chess player, and he gave me information in exchange." Deathstroke just explained lightly without saying much.

In fact, Su Ming had almost guessed Gao Tianzun's purpose from the beginning.

The Elder of the Universe doesn't like money and has no interest in money. Naturally, he doesn't want to do cross-universe trade through the ghost universe.

They are not spell casters, or beings who collect beliefs and souls. Naturally, they are not going to other universes to harvest energy.

Gao Tianzun really just wanted to find others to bet with him. According to him, no one in the current universe who could bet with him was willing to bet with him. Those who were willing to bet with him were not as skilled as him. It was really lonely for a master.

I originally wanted to have a game with Deathstroke, but the Supreme Mage opened his mouth because of his daughter's Achilles' heel, and Gao Tianzun didn't dare to play with it.

As a result, if you want to find new opponents, you have to go to other universes.

Yes, almost all the relatively well-informed beings know about the Supreme Mage's connection with the universe, as if they don't intend to hide it from anyone.

So after Gao Tianzun stated his purpose, Su Ming agreed and strongly recommended the DC Universe next door to him.

To put it bluntly, gambling is also a competition of brain power. If you want to say where there are the most smart people, it is undoubtedly the dark world.

Gao Tianzun was indeed very confident and asked directly who was the smartest person in the universe. The Supreme Mage was also unambiguous:

"The Laughing Bat."

He may not be the smartest person, but he is definitely the trouble that Su Ming wants to get rid of the most.

After receiving a promise to allow him to gamble, Gao Tianzun also informed the Supreme Mage of the information he collected very carefully. His planet has a large floating population, so the efficiency of information acquisition is no worse than that of Contracia.

There was indeed a group of slave traders on their way here, and they saw the line of fire cutting through the universe from a distance, and the bird-shaped flames spread their wings and flew across wherever they passed, as if the galaxy was burning.

Ordinary businessmen don't know what it is, but that doesn't stop them from bragging to others in the bar after arriving on Sakaar, and this information reaches Gao Tianzun's ears layer by layer.

As an elder of the universe, if you don't know about the Phoenix Power, your life will be in vain. Gao Tianzun did not say anything after knowing this, because he knew that the Phoenix Power has been on the earth for the past hundreds of years, and the earth belongs to Kama Taj. The then Supreme Mage would definitely come to him to inquire about the territory.

So he silenced all the businessmen and those who listened to the bragging, and after ensuring that only he knew the news, he traded it with Deathstroke to get what he wanted.

This deal is very fair, and Su Ming has nothing to be unhappy about. After all, Gao Tianzun and Kuangxiao are facing off against each other. For him, he has more opportunities to fish in troubled waters.

"Then where are we going now?"

As a humanoid supporter, Peter was hopeless and unable to stand.

"First go to the Large Magellanic Cloud, then go to Andromeda, then go to the DM-31 galaxy, prepare to jump." Deathstroke put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, but started the jump without giving Peter a chance to react.

The poor boy screamed, and his whole body was distorted like a distorted mirror. Countless colored lights passed through the material existence itself like bubbles, and the people and the ship all turned into light, shrunk into a small dot, and suddenly not see.


There was no sound in space, but after the spacecraft suddenly jumped to a point in space, Peter still heard his own scream echoing in his ears. It was actually just the sound he made during the jump, and only then did he keep up with the speed of the jump.

He fell to the ground and breathed violently: "I'm going to die, I'm going to die. The Interstellar Travel Guide stipulates that single-spiral carbon-based organisms should rest for three minutes after jumping seven nodes. How can you jump more than 300 times in a row? "

Su Ming picked him up from the floor and patted the ashes on his body: "Don't be afraid, it will only make sense on paper. Now that you have tried continuous jumping, aren't you dead?"

"If the jump fails, we will all turn into soap bubbles and explode in the fold of space."

Peter was breathing heavily for the rest of his life. The more he knew about the danger, the more scared he became now.

Look at Daisy, who doesn't understand anything. She continues to eat half of the fruit, not knowing that she just had a brush with death.

Deathstroke smiled and patted Peter's butt, gesturing for him to look out the window: "We will be fine, because with a mascot gigolo like you on the ship, everything will be fine. Look, we will discover the crime scene right now. What?"

Peter had never asked Deathstroke what he was looking for.

But looking at the planet not far away from the porthole, which was as black as briquettes, he felt something was wrong.

If this is a case, then the guy who committed the crime is the target of the death knell, right? But this kind of power is not something that I can deal with!

"What are you looking for? Could it be the Kree fleet? This planet has been burned to glass."

"Those who don't know are fearless. Just continue to be fearless and be ready to dance at any time." Su Ming controlled the spacecraft to land on the dead planet. This planet that was still emitting heat was the most obvious signpost.

If you see a corpse still bleeding with warm blood, it means that the murderer has not gone far, and if the killer is still an 'ogre', it should still be eating in the dark not far away.

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