The Death Knell

Chapter 1967 What is the weakness?

"The best way is to lure Vulkan out."

Deathstroke did not look at the miscellaneous fleets. His single eye looked at the distant planet, as if through the atmosphere and clouds, he saw the former palace and the people inside.

"I can do it." Dou Jian lifted his cloak and agreed without hesitation: "If I start destroying these fleets, Vulkan will definitely come out to fight me. Master, do you have a chosen battlefield?"

Standing on the gray satellite, Su Ming crossed his arms and said, "Not yet, but I think the eldest princess doesn't want Meng Yu Star to be affected and destroyed, right? So we need a battlefield far enough away."

Dou Jian looked at Deathstroke. The black and yellow armor glowed dimly under the light of the stars: "But the problem still exists. We can't prevent him from escaping because we have no way to seal the space."

"Although I don't want to admit it, humans have far more weaknesses that can be exploited than the Shi'ar. I have a plan." Su Ming whispered quietly, and his arm hooked around Dou Jian's neck as if out of control. : "It's just that you may need to sacrifice a little."


A few minutes later, Meng Yuxing was in the gorgeous palace.

A young man who looked like he was only in his twenties was sitting on the throne with dignity. His eye sockets were sunken and his messy hair was hanging in front of his forehead. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be taking a nap. His muscles seemed to be exploding. The red uniform is bulging.

The death bird was sitting on one of his legs, feeding him a grape-like fruit with a smile. It peeled off the skin with its delicate fingers and put the white pulp into the boyfriend's mouth.

Deathbird is younger and more beautiful than her sister, wearing a black tights, and her white bluish hair hangs down her head like long feathers.

Scott stood in front of the window not far away, looking out the window through the ruby ​​eyepiece, walking around restlessly, his mouth blistering with anxiety.

"Gabriel, why is there no news about Jean?" Cyclops turned around and asked his brother on the throne: "You said that the plan will not endanger her safety, but why haven't your people been brought back from the enemy's capital? intelligence?"

Vulkan opened one eye, glanced at his brother, opened his mouth to chew the fruit, and spit out a small core:

"Relax, brother. You may not know enough about what the Phoenix Force is, but I guarantee that no matter whether it is a sword fight or a death knell, it will not endanger its life. As the host, Miss Gray will naturally be fine. .”

"I hope it's like what you said, but I want to know how she is as soon as possible. I am here with you all for her. If she has any shortcomings, I, I don't want to live!"

Scott was impatient, spoke rudely, and felt like he wanted to commit suicide at any time.

But his words almost made Vulkan laugh. He was willing to die for a woman, and his brother only had this ability.

However, Vulcan is still very good to his family. Even if Scott makes harsh words, he patiently comforts him:

"I promise you, brother, that your lover will return to you safe and sound. As long as the plan goes well, I can become the emperor of Shi'ar, just like I promised you, the emperor of mutants, you and her Everyone can enjoy god-like treatment in my country."

"I want it too, because I am the queen." Death Bird emphasized, and fed another fruit to its fiancé: "You promised me to get married soon."

"Of course! This trip to the earth has given me a new understanding of my own abilities. I will revive your father in a while and ask him to witness our marriage."

Vulgan laughed and bumped his thigh up and down a few times, causing her to sway and give her a burst of "you are good or bad" and small fists.

The revenge that Deken had for killing his mother was no longer important to him. After all, the murderer was going to be his father-in-law. How could a family have an overnight feud?

Scott didn't know anything. After losing his memory, he only knew that he was an orphan, and Vulcan didn't tell him about the blood feud, but only used him as a tool.

Qin Gray is the host of the phoenix. Being able to restrain the host means restraining the phoenix. The tool man only plays this role.

Seeing his younger brother and sister-in-law kissing uncontrollably on the throne, Cyclops was so envious that his eyes turned red. He turned around and continued to look at the sky, hoping to see the firelight passing by.

"I believe you, Gabriel, 'the Summers family never disappoints their brothers.'" Scott sighed, and he hammered the wall in front of him with his fist: "This is Alex's death As you said to me before, he sacrificed himself to let all mutants live. You promised that not only me and Qin, but other mutants can come here in the future."

Vulkan on the throne was a little disappointed, his face became gloomier, but he immediately agreed: "Yes, as long as their abilities are valuable, they can come here and live a good life like gods. I promised you, And unlike my elder brother, I have the ability to fulfill my promise."

As he spoke, he raised his fist to show Scott how big it was.

Such a confident man was full of charm, which made the Death Bird feel excited and kissed him again.

Although she was also tortured at the beginning, now she is sweet.

Scott's IQ was not enough to understand the meaning beyond Vulcan's words. After receiving the promise, he felt relieved. He continued to walk around under the wall and window, waiting for news from Qin.

In the gorgeous palace, there were only the laughter of men and women and his own footsteps. The guards on both sides of the throne were like decorative armor furnishings, standing there motionless.


The door of the palace was pushed open, and a somewhat funny-looking alien official walked in holding many data memories. He tremblingly came to the imperial steps and knelt down, lowered his head and raised his hands.

"It's finally here!" Scott beamed with joy. He took three steps and two steps at a time, walked over and grabbed the memories: "I thought there was no news at all, but did so many come at once? Great!"

He didn't notice that it wasn't that the kneeling alien looked funny, but that his expression was just miserable. When the brother of the future emperor took over the storage device, the messenger ran away as if he had received amnesty. go out.

"Ha, that guy is so ridiculous. Why is he running so fast? I won't kill him."

Seeing that Scott had received the news about Qin, Vulkan probably wouldn't bother him anymore, so he also showed a satisfied smile and began to practice how he would call himself after tomorrow.

Cyclops picked up one of the memories, but due to the lack of playback equipment, he still had to rely on the technological tools in Vulcan's hands, so he handed it to his brother:

"Help me take a look. What's in it? How is Qin?"

"Just in time, I also want to see how Deathstroke will react, so let's watch it together." Vulcan took the small storage device and inserted it into an interface on the armrest of the throne. Suddenly, a projection appeared in front of the royal steps. A giant screen appeared and started playing automatically.

But after just one glance, the expressions of the three people changed.

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