The Death Knell

Chapter 1968 Battle Record

As the strange sound spread in the palace, even the surrounding guards were attracted. The pair of eyes behind the armor mask couldn't help but come to the edge of the eye sockets, and couldn't help but look at the image in mid-air, and then they breathed. Air conditioning or suppressing the sound of laughter.

They are not the original Royal Guards, they are just a patchwork of parliamentary soldiers, and their quality is naturally not as good as that of professionals.

At this time, the three people next to the throne were of course the first to bear the brunt, and the exciting scene made their faces vary.

Scott looked at his brother, then at Death Bird, and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. He could only turn his head away with a red face, pretending that nothing happened, and quickly walked to the window. .

Death Bird's face was dark at this time. She looked at the video data being played, reached out to grab the memory in Vulcan's hand, and roared in a low voice:

"That's not me! Honey, trust me!"

Whether Vulgan believed it or not was one thing, but his face was another matter. At this time, his face was obviously covered with green light, which was constantly shining with the light and shadow in the video data.

He gently pushed away the woman sitting on his lap and asked gently: "I can believe you, but what is going on?"

The man's trembling fingers pointed in the air in front of him. At the same time, he unplugged the first memory and replaced it with the second and third ones, but they all had similar contents.

He asked each time, his voice getting louder and louder.

He could believe what he said, but his body language showed that he clearly didn't think so in his heart.

It turns out that the video materials that were sent were not news about Jean Gray, but were all "battle dramas" between sword fights and death birds. That was called a crazy output.

There are common battlefields such as bedrooms, kitchens, balconies, and bathrooms, as well as less common ones such as deep mountains and wild forests, public vehicles, offices, or classrooms, etc. The 'fighting methods' are even more diverse, and can even be said to be incredible.

The only thing Vulkan could not think of was, but there was nothing that was not included in these materials.

Not only that, but looking at the expressions, ages, and body shapes of the two people in these documents, the future emperor felt that this might have happened since his girlfriend was a teenager.

The second princess and the captain of the royal guard... are so dirty!

"No! This is a lie. I have never done anything like this. Vulcan, you are my first love." The death bird could not access those memories because Vulcan protected them like a wild dog. Holding it in his arms, he kept looking at it with new eyes, and at the same time, his expression became more and more ferocious.

She could only grab his hand, shake it and plead with him.

The woman's eyes were blurred by tears, and her long feather-like eyelashes were covered with moisture. She didn't understand why such video data appeared, and where did the storage hardware labeled ".AVI" on the casings come from.

"Ahem, um, Death Bird, I think you should stop holding on." Scott was still looking out the window, but the excited shouts of men and women could still be heard in his ears, making him blush all the time: " Even I, an earthling, know that there is no way to Photoshop a video... Why don't you explain it clearly to Gabriel?"

"I don't!"

The Death Bird screamed, and her voice caused the lamps on the ceiling to shake violently, and many guards covered their ears.

She is a master of melee combat, and her specialty is to use her long nails to skin anything. Moreover, she stood up at this time, and the hard feathers under her arms stood up straight, like a hen blowing up the king. Shi has the purest bloodline, and the probability of appearing atavistic phenomena such as wings is higher than others.


The next second she was slapped to the ground by Vulcan. Although she was not weak and could compete with Captain Marvel under normal circumstances, she was still defeated by mutants who were beyond the Omega level.

The big hand with cosmic energy made one cheek of hers visibly swollen. She sat on the floor and covered her face, looking at her boyfriend in disbelief. Then she lowered her head and remained silent under his more ferocious eyes.

Vulkan then took back his hand and sat on the throne: "Don't yell at my brother, bitch... Tell me, how long have you been having sex with the captain of the vanguard? Do you have any children? See if you are willing to For the sake of the empire, I can consider whether to marry you or not."

It doesn't matter if he wears some green on his head. After all, Vulkan also knows that outsiders like himself can only have legitimate rights to rule through marriage.

As disgusting as it was, she gave too much.

Death Bird looked at the Cyclops not far away, which had his back to everyone, and then looked at the projection in mid-air. The battle there was extremely fierce.

She knew clearly that it was not her, but no matter how she looked, she couldn't find anything wrong with it. Even the moles on her body or the forked feathers were exactly the same.

"I don't......"

She looked longingly at her boyfriend who she loved so much, hoping that he would understand that she could not lie to him about such small things since she could even offer the empire with both hands.

Vulkan didn't say anything else, he just closed his eyes gently and leaned on the throne. When he opened his eyes again, the original two eyeballs had been replaced by flowing golden flames, which were high concentrations of cosmic energy. , also the flames of anger and jealousy.

"Get out of here! You bastard."

He raised his hand and pointed, and a beam of light hit the Death Bird's chest. The light caused her to vomit blood and fly backwards, crashing through the palace door and falling out.

The guards below let out whispers, and the next second, figures flashed across the hall, and their heads were all pulled out at lightning speed.

Raising his cloak, Vulkan dropped the head that was still attached to his spine, and slowly sat back on the throne. Blood was flowing everywhere on the floor below, and its fishy-sweet smell blended into the air. He took a deep breath:

"Brother, you won't tell anyone what happened today, will you?"

"I can't, but there's absolutely no need for you to kill these people." Scott frowned. He had always criticized his brother's behavior. It was so cruel that even Magneto's killing methods couldn't compare. he.

Because Magneto doesn't kill his own people, he even spares hostile mutants.

Vulkan put his hands on the armrests and crossed his legs:

"We are family, brother, and I cannot trust them. The Shi'ar are definitely the most despicable, sinister and ruthless race in the universe. Only a true king like me can overwhelm them, and death is just one of the simple means."

Cyclops let out a long sigh and looked at the hollow figure on the palace gate: "Hey, don't be too angry. Maybe it's just something from her past? She's not green until she's married."

The younger brother on the throne waved his hand, indicating that he didn't want to hear it anymore, and changed the topic:

"Just teach her a lesson. She will come back on her own in a few days... By the way, brother, can you help me go out and call some new people to clean up here? Go and pour me a glass of wine. By the way, I went to tell the kitchen that I want to eat the eggs laid by the beauty of Shia for lunch today, and then you go and help me repair the water pipes in the bathroom of the palace, and then catch some earthworms from the garden, I want to fish in the afternoon."


Scott agreed and left to do what 'family' should do.

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